Weight of air-filled balloon vs empty balloon

In summary, the question is asking which balloon is heavier when both are of equal mass, one filled with air and the other left empty. The balloon with air will appear lighter if the experiment is conducted in air, and vice versa if in a vacuum. However, the weight difference between the two balloons will be very small, as the weight of the air inside the balloon is slightly more than the weight of the air displaced by the balloon. This is due to the higher air pressure inside the balloon compared to atmospheric pressure.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Take 2 rubber balloons A and B of equal mass. Balloon A is filled with air and balloon B is left empty and the two are weighed in a pan balance. What will you observe and why?

2. The attempt at a solution

The balloon with air will appear lighter if experiment is conducted in air and vice versa if in vacuum. Am I right?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The question is asking which balloon is heavier its has nothing to do with the conditions of the experiment.
  • #3
Kurdt said:
The question is asking which balloon is heavier its has nothing to do with the conditions of the experiment.

Then I think the one with air is heavier. What do you think? This was a 10 marks question. They won't take just a one line answer. What would you say?
  • #4
ritwik06 said:

Homework Statement

Take 2 rubber balloons A and B of equal mass. Balloon A is filled with air and balloon B is left empty and the two are weighed in a pan balance. What will you observe and why?

2. The attempt at a solution

The balloon with air will appear lighter if experiment is conducted in air and vice versa if in vacuum. Am I right?
You are right about the second situation, but not about the first. What is the net force on each balloon?
  • #5
Gokul43201 said:
You are right about the second situation, but not about the first. What is the net force on each balloon?

In the first case, that is in air, the baloon with air has less density, thus, an upthrust will act on the balloon due to air present. While in the second case, there will be no upthrust on the balloon filled with air.
  • #6
ritwik06 said:
In the first case, that is in air, the baloon with air has less density, thus, an upthrust will act on the balloon due to air present.
How big is the upthrust? What about the weight? Isn't the weight also greater, due to the air in it? Does one of these two dominate? If yes, which one; if no, why not?

What does Archimedes say?
  • #7
Gokul43201 said:
How big is the upthrust? What about the weight? Isn't the weight also greater, due to the air in it? Does one of these two dominate? If yes, which one; if no, why not?

What does Archimedes say?

I think the upthrust will be slight greater. Accordind to archimedes. Wt. of fluid displaced= upthrust.
  • #8
ritwik06 said:
I think the upthrust will be slight greater. Accordind to archimedes. Wt. of fluid displaced= upthrust.
And why do you say the weight of the air displaced by the balloon is greater than the weight of the air in the balloon?
  • #9
Gokul43201 said:
And why do you say the weight of the air displaced by the balloon is greater than the weight of the air in the balloon?

Oh! I am sorry they will be equal !:biggrin:
  • #10
Yes, to a resonable approximation, they will be equal.

But if you look at it carefully, the air inside the balloon actually weighs a tiny bit more than the air displaced by the balloon, because the air pressure inside the balloon is a little bit higher than atmospheric pressure.
  • #11
Thanks a lot :D

FAQ: Weight of air-filled balloon vs empty balloon

1. How does the weight of an air-filled balloon compare to that of an empty balloon?

The weight of an air-filled balloon is greater than that of an empty balloon. This is because the air inside the balloon adds mass to the overall weight of the balloon.

2. Why does an air-filled balloon weigh more than an empty balloon?

The weight of an object is determined by its mass. When air is blown into a balloon, it increases the mass of the balloon, thus increasing its weight.

3. Does the type of gas used to fill a balloon affect its weight?

Yes, the type of gas used to fill a balloon can affect its weight. For example, helium is lighter than air, so a helium-filled balloon will weigh less than an air-filled balloon of the same size.

4. Is there a difference in weight between a fully inflated balloon and a partially inflated one?

Yes, there is a difference in weight between a fully inflated balloon and a partially inflated one. The more air or gas that is added to a balloon, the greater its weight will be.

5. Why do balloons float if they have weight?

Balloons float because they are filled with a gas that is less dense than the surrounding air. This causes the balloon to be buoyant and float upwards. However, the weight of the balloon still exists, it is just offset by the upward force of the gas inside.
