Sodium Ferrocyanide - 60 year old antique chemset

In summary, the antique chemistry set contains sodium ferrocyanide, which can be decomposed or react with an acid like HCl or H2SO4 to produce hydrogen cyanide. There is a small risk of cracking the chemistry set open without ventilation, but overall it is not particularly dangerous.
  • #1
So, a friend just picked up an antique chemistry set from the 50s, containing all sorts of interesting stuff - among it sodium ferrocyanide. Out of curiosity, can this photodecompose or react with an acid such as HCl or H2SO4 to produce hydrogen cyanide? Any risk of cracking it open without ventilation?
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  • #2
I would not mix it with acid, but other than that it is not especially dangerous, as long as treated seriously.
  • #3
Borek said:
I would not mix it with acid, but other than that it is not especially dangerous, as long as treated seriously.

Thanks. Interestingly, the kit is labeled as containing no toxic or explosive chemicals, yet there's definitely some stuff I wouldn't be handling without gloves and a mask. I find it interesting that it contains sodium bisulfate and sodium ferrocyanide together.
  • #4
This is sad. I mean - while obviously safety standards 60 years ago were much lower, and they resulted in some accidents, they are IMHO too high today, to the absurd level.
  • #5
It's possible to make hydrogen cyanide and take a cautious whiff of it. It's a neat experiment to see if you are genetically able to smell hydrogen cyanide. In fact, I've done just that: I used potassium ferricyanide and concentrated sulfuric acid in a small test tube, then carefully wafted some of the blue fumes. I'm one of the people who can smell it (I was really itching to figure this out). Looking back, though, it was a bit reckless, and I shouldn't have done it alone (a good rule when working with cyanides is to never work alone).

Except for the acid thing, ferricyanides and ferrocyanides are perfectly safe. I wouldn't handle them like a teddy bear though.
  • #6
My favorite

"It is, of course, extremely toxic, but that's the least of the problem. It is hypergolic with every known fuel, and so rapidly hypergolic that no ignition delay has ever been measured. It is also hypergolic with such things as cloth, wood, and test engineers, not to mention asbestos, sand, and water — with which it reacts explosively.

It can be kept in some of the ordinary structural metals because of the formation of a thin film of insoluble metal fluoride which protects the bulk of the metal. If, however, this coat is melted or scrubbed off... the operator is confronted with the problem of coping with a metal-fluorine fire. For dealing with this situation, I have always recommended a good pair of running shoes."

FAQ: Sodium Ferrocyanide - 60 year old antique chemset

1. What is Sodium Ferrocyanide?

Sodium Ferrocyanide, also known as Yellow Prussiate of Soda, is a chemical compound with the formula Na4Fe(CN)6. It is a yellow, water-soluble solid that is commonly used in the production of blue pigments and as an anti-caking agent in table salt.

2. Is Sodium Ferrocyanide safe to handle?

Yes, Sodium Ferrocyanide is generally considered safe to handle as long as proper precautions are taken. It is important to avoid inhaling the dust and to wear protective gloves when handling the substance.

3. How does the age of the chemset affect its properties?

The age of the chemset may affect its properties in terms of purity and stability. Over time, the chemicals in the set may degrade or react with each other, altering their properties. It is important to properly store and handle antique chemsets to ensure their safety and effectiveness.

4. What are the potential uses for Sodium Ferrocyanide?

Sodium Ferrocyanide has a wide range of potential uses, including as a food additive, in the production of dyes and pigments, and as a reagent in chemical reactions. It is also used in the extraction of precious metals and as a source of iron in fertilizers.

5. How is Sodium Ferrocyanide produced?

Sodium Ferrocyanide is typically produced by reacting iron salts with a solution of sodium cyanide. The resulting mixture is then crystallized and the solid product is collected and dried. It can also be produced through the reaction of hydrogen cyanide with iron(II) hydroxide.

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