What Does X-vt Mean? Exploring the Formula

  • Thread starter goodabouthood
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In summary: It says that x' = gamma (x-vt)Now what exactly does that formula mean?The formula says that x' is equal to gamma times the difference between x and vt. In other words, x' is the result of transforming x coordinate by gamma and then applying the velocity vt to it.
  • #1
It says that x' = gamma (x-vt)

Now what exactly does that formula mean?

I take it that x is a point in my coordinate system, let's say 2 meters.

I take it that v is the speed of the other reference frame or am I not correct in saying that? What exactly does that V refer to?

I take it that the t = time in my coordinate system.

So would this make sense? In my coordinate system an event happens at distance of 2 meters and at 2 seconds. The following train is moving at .5c relative to me.

Is this following equation right?

2-.5(2) x gamma = the distance in the other coordinate system.

It appears according to the Interactive Minkowski Diagram when the t and d are the same number in my coordinate system, they will be different but equal numbers in the other coordinate system.
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  • #2
Looks right to me.

A couple of points:

1) x and x' are not just any coordinate systems, but special types of coordinate systems called Lorentz inertial frames

2) v is the velocity of the other frame relative to the first frame

3) When you call x the distance, it is the distance from the origin. The origin is an event that is labelled (t=0,x=0) in one frame and (t'=0, x'=0) in the other.
  • #3
goodabouthood said:
It says that x' = gamma (x-vt)

Now what exactly does that formula mean?
That formula is one half of the Lorentz Transform. The purpose of the LT is to convert coordinates of an event in one Frame of Reference to the coordinates of the same event in another Frame of Reference moving at speed v with respect to the first one.
goodabouthood said:
I take it that x is a point in my coordinate system, let's say 2 meters.
You should use the term "event" rather than point because "point" implies just the location part of the event which includes three components of location (x, y & z) and one component of time (t). You must always include the time components although in many cases we leave y and z out of the nomenclature when they are always equal to zero but it is always understood that they are really still there.
goodabouthood said:
I take it that v is the speed of the other reference frame or am I not correct in saying that? What exactly does that V refer to?
You are correct, v is the speed along the x-axis that the second reference frame is traveling with respect to the first frame.
goodabouthood said:
I take it that the t = time in my coordinate system.
Yes, it is the time of an event, the fourth coordinate.
goodabouthood said:
So would this make sense? In my coordinate system an event happens at distance of 2 meters and at 2 seconds.
Yes, if you mean, the event happened 2 meters from the origin along the x-axis at 2 seconds after the origin. It's important to understand that the two frames share a common origin where all four coordinates equal zero; that is, all the location components equal zero and the time component equals zero.
goodabouthood said:
The following train is moving at .5c relative to me.

Is this following equation right?

2-.5(2) x gamma = the distance in the other coordinate system.
It depends on what you really meant, but let me make some comments.

First off, events are relative to the origin of the frame, not to you, even if you were located at the origin of the frame at the beginning of the scenario because one second later, you are no longer located at the origin because the event describing you now has a time value of 1 second.

Secondly, you have to use consistent units. If your unit for distance is meters and your unit for time is seconds, then you cannot use .5 for the speed if you meant .5c which is a whole lot faster, so I'm going to assume that the train is traveling at .5c.

Thirdly, things can move in a frame and you describe their motion by a series of events, all within the one frame. So if the train were at the origin at the start of your scenario, its coordinates would be t=0 and x=0 (considering just the front of the train). Two seconds later, it will have moved one half the speed of light along the x-axis. So if we use the unit for time of seconds and the unit for distance of light-seconds, then the coordinates would be t=2 and x = 1. (But remember, I have changed the distance unit from meters to light-seconds.) If you leave the two numbers the same and you're talking about something that moved from the origin to that event, then you are talking about light because it is the only thing that can maintain both the x and t coordinates equal to each other.
goodabouthood said:
It appears according to the Interactive Minkowski Diagram when the t and d are the same number in my coordinate system, they will be different but equal numbers in the other coordinate system.
That's true. Let's work it out. First we have to calculate gamma. I'm assuming you know how to do this and you will get a value of 1.1547. Now we can continue calculating for light with both coordinates equal to 2. You will note that I am now using β instead of v because I am using compatible units and I want to make things easier when I do the calculation for t'. But first x':

x' = gamma (x-βt)
x' = 1.1547 (2-.5(2))
x' = 1.1547 (2-1)
x' = 1.1547 (1)
x' = 1.1547

Now we have to calculate t':

t' = gamma (t-βx)
t' = 1.1547 (2-.5(2))
t' = 1.1547 (2-1)
t' = 1.1547 (1)
t' = 1.1547

So it's true and obvious if you look at the calculation that when t and x are the same in one frame, they will be the same in any other frame. But this is just demonstrating that the speed of light is the same in all frames.

Now I think it is much more interesting to do the calculation for the event of an object (a train) moving at .5c. Remember, at t=2, x=1. Now we have:

x' = gamma (x-βt)
x' = 1.1547 (1-.5(2))
x' = 1.1547 (1-1)
x' = 1.1547 (0)
x' = 0

Now we have to calculate t':

t' = gamma (t-βx)
t' = 1.1547 (2-.5(1))
t' = 1.1547 (2-.5)
t' = 1.1547 (1.5)
t' = 1.732

Now what is this telling us? First off, whenever you calculate the events for a moving object that starts out at the origin and you transform them to a frame that is moving at the same speed as the object, you find that the x' coordinates of the event go to zero. This shows us that the object is at rest in this comoving frame.

Secondly, we see the time has gone from 2 seconds to 1.732 seconds which is the time divided by gamma. Does this sound familiar? It's showing time dilation.
  • #4
goodabouthood said:
It says that x' = gamma (x-vt)

Now what exactly does that formula mean?

2-.5(2) x gamma = the distance in the other coordinate system.

It appears according to the Interactive Minkowski Diagram when the t and d are the same number in my coordinate system, they will be different but equal numbers in the other coordinate system.

If you get the answer tell me, because I am confused too. It is NOT a distance as measured by an observer in the other coordinate system. What is it's physical significance then?

I looked through about a dozen references and finally resorted to Einstein's original paper. The Lorentz transform is the unique transform under which the laws of physics are invariant. In other words, transforming an equation that represents a law of physics will give you a true expression. He transforms t^2c^2 = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 and gets a valid equality. You can transform Maxwell's equations and get something that works as well, which is the main thrust of the paper. So the input to the transform has to be a true equation that relates x,y,z,and t, as far as I can tell. I hope to stand corrected.
  • #5
goodabouthood said:
It says that x' = gamma (x-vt)

Now what exactly does that formula mean?

I take it that x is a point in my coordinate system [..]

It's better to start with classical ("Gallilean" or Newtonian") mechanics, and do some exercises with that, as a warm-up.
Classical mechanics says that x' = (x-vt) and the meaning of the symbols is the same (it's a transformation equation of the relationship between two coordinate systems that are in relative motion).

- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galilean_transformation
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorentz_transformation
  • #6
goodabouthood said:
It appears according to the Interactive Minkowski Diagram when the t and d are the same number in my coordinate system, they will be different but equal numbers in the other coordinate system.

What is the URL of this "Interactive Minkowski Diagram"?
  • #7
PatrickPowers said:
If you get the answer tell me, because I am confused too. It is NOT a distance as measured by an observer in the other coordinate system. What is it's physical significance then?
Whether or not an observer in the other coordinate system measures the distance, it's still a distance from the location of the origin. But you also need to include the time coordinate or none of this makes any sense.
PatrickPowers said:
I looked through about a dozen references and finally resorted to Einstein's original paper. The Lorentz transform is the unique transform under which the laws of physics are invariant. In other words, transforming an equation that represents a law of physics will give you a true expression. He transforms t^2c^2 = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 and gets a valid equality. You can transform Maxwell's equations and get something that works as well, which is the main thrust of the paper. So the input to the transform has to be a true equation that relates x,y,z,and t, as far as I can tell. I hope to stand corrected.
You can use the Lorentz Transform to transform various laws of physics. After transformation, they must remain identical to what they were before transformation. But that is a complicated process to do. It is more common to use the Lorentz Transform on events as I did earlier.
  • #9
I see that your reference also used compatible units for t, v and x (or d) but they used v instead of the less confusing β.

FAQ: What Does X-vt Mean? Exploring the Formula

What is the formula for X-vt?

The formula for X-vt is X = X0 + vt, where X is the position at time t, X0 is the initial position, v is the velocity, and t is the time elapsed.

How is X-vt used in science?

X-vt is used in science to describe an object's position at a specific time when it is moving at a constant velocity. It is commonly used in physics and engineering to calculate the displacement of an object.

What does the variable X represent in the X-vt formula?

In the X-vt formula, X represents the position of the object at a specific time t. This can be measured in any unit of length, such as meters or feet.

What does the variable v represent in the X-vt formula?

The variable v in the X-vt formula represents the velocity of the object. This is the rate at which the object is moving and is typically measured in units of distance per time, such as meters per second or miles per hour.

How does X-vt differ from other motion equations?

X-vt differs from other motion equations, such as X = X0 + 1/2at2, in that it is specifically used when an object is moving at a constant velocity. Other motion equations take into account acceleration and can be used to calculate an object's position at any given time, while X-vt only applies to situations where velocity remains constant.
