WTC Policy: Physics Forums Global Guidelines

  • Thread starter jostpuur
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the issue of crackpottery in Physics Forums Global Guidelines and how it relates to conspiracy theories. The moderators have tried to maintain a scientific quality in discussions, but discussions about the WTC conspiracy often attract unreasonable individuals. It is mentioned that the idea of explosives being used in the WTC contradicts laws of physics and the scientific method, making it a form of scientific crackpottery. The conversation concludes with the decision to lock the thread to avoid further disruption.
  • #1
The comments about crackpottery in Physics Forums Global Guidelines seem to deal mostly with the personal physical theories, and not conspiracy theories. But this thread seems to indicate, that you do have some kind of policy conserning this.

The WTC conspiracy isn't really scientific crackpottery, but political instead. By this I mean, that even though some specific claims made by the conspiracy theorists are not very convincing, the big idea that explosives were used to bring buildings down, does not contradict laws of physics, it contradicts certain political atmoshpere.

Since the purpose of moderation is primarily to maintain certain scientifical quality in discussions (and to have some control over behaviour of the PF members), it is not obvious that conspiracy theories should be banned. In any case, if you have a well defined policy conserning WTC conspiracy, it could be mentioned in the global guidelines as well for clarity. It is easier to find it there than from years old threads.
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  • #2
We have tried time and again to moderate such discussions, but the fact is that WTC conspiracy theories are not only lacking good evidence, they also attract every crackpot on the net. Frankly, it was impossible to allow any discussion because many of those who promote the idea are unreasonable, and apparently incapable of having civil discussions [forgive the pun].

In fact it is so bad that I am closing this thread to avoid chumming the water. This discussion is all it would take for the thread to spiral out of control.
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  • #3
jostpuur said:
The WTC conspiracy isn't really scientific crackpottery, but political instead. By this I mean, that even though some specific claims made by the conspiracy theorists are not very convincing, the big idea that explosives were used to bring buildings down, does not contradict laws of physics, it contradicts certain political atmoshpere.
Ivan already locked this, but just to put a finer point on it, the use of explosives at the WTC does contradict the laws of physics and the scientific method in general, as the evidence available does not support/directly contradicts the assertions. It is scientific crackpottery.

FAQ: WTC Policy: Physics Forums Global Guidelines

1. What is the purpose of the WTC Policy on Physics Forums Global Guidelines?

The WTC Policy on Physics Forums Global Guidelines is designed to maintain a respectful and productive community for discussions and sharing of knowledge related to physics. It outlines the rules and expectations for all users to follow in order to promote healthy and informative discussions.

2. Who is responsible for enforcing the WTC Policy on Physics Forums Global Guidelines?

The WTC Policy is enforced by the moderators and administrators of Physics Forums. They have the authority to warn and take action against any user who violates the guidelines, in order to maintain a positive and respectful community.

3. Can users suggest changes to the WTC Policy on Physics Forums Global Guidelines?

Yes, users can suggest changes to the WTC Policy by contacting the moderators or administrators through the designated channels. Suggestions will be reviewed and considered for future updates to the guidelines.

4. Are there any consequences for not following the WTC Policy on Physics Forums Global Guidelines?

Yes, there are consequences for not following the guidelines. Depending on the severity of the violation, users may receive a warning, temporary ban, or permanent ban from the forum. Repeat offenses may result in more severe consequences.

5. How can I report a violation of the WTC Policy on Physics Forums Global Guidelines?

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