Radius of Curvature in a simply supported beam

In summary, the radius of curvature of a simply supported beam is simply the Youngs modulus of the beam divided by the length of the beam.
  • #1
Hey, hopefully this is a suitable forum to put this in! I've been having a bit of trouble trying to find an example to learn from about finding the raidus of curvature in a simply supported beam.

I've got a point loads and a UDL to take into account and seem to find it near impossible to find any examples where the two are combined.

If it helps the question is as follows:

1. A simply supported beam of length 6m supports a vertical point load of 45kN a distance of 4m from one end. If the maximum allowable bending stress is 120MPa:

*7 previous questions were asked*

If the beam has a young's modulus of 200GPa calculate the radius of curvature.

Any information you might need just ask!


Edit: Read a sticky and you want my own attempt?

Well I would show you what I've done but I am that stuck that i don't have anything!
I'm just trying to get hold of some useful info to get started!
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  • #2
What class is this from? What text do you use?
Have you Googled this? With what results?
  • #3
thanks for the quick reply

This from an Mechanical Engineering HNC course, in the engineering science unit on Static engineering systems assignment.

The textbooks i have are Higher Engineering science by W. Bolton and also Higher Engineering Maths by J. Bird + various handouts which i can't seem to find the information needed.
I've also had a look through the general Higher engineering book by M Tooley i think?

I've googled it but it just comes up with results about calculating laser curvature radius and when i go more specific in my query it doesn't bring back hardly any results.
  • #4
spggodd said:
thanks for the quick reply

This from an Mechanical Engineering HNC course, in the engineering science unit on Static engineering systems assignment.

The textbooks i have are Higher Engineering science by W. Bolton and also Higher Engineering Maths by J. Bird + various handouts which i can't seem to find the information needed.
I've also had a look through the general Higher engineering book by M Tooley i think?

I've googled it but it just comes up with results about calculating laser curvature radius and when i go more specific in my query it doesn't bring back hardly any results.
I don't often see problems asking for curvature raddii based on the deflected the shape of the beam under load, , but in any case, it can't be calculated without knowing the moment of inertia of the beam's cross section...is it given?
  • #5
i have a sheet tha tcame with my assiugnment based on BS 5950-1:2000 which guives me some universal beams, dimensions and properties but i catn see the moment of inertia on it?

But.. seein as the beam is supported at both ends i wouldn't have thought it would be spinning therefore not having a angular momentum? (moment of inertia)
  • #6
I have just read about about moments of interia and they say that sometimes its called the 2nd moment of area.. which i DO have!

in the X-X axis it is 10087cm^4 and in the Y-Y axis it is 357cm^4
  • #7
spggodd said:
I have just read about about moments of interia and they say that sometimes its called the 2nd moment of area.. which i DO have!

in the X-X axis it is 10087cm^4 and in the Y-Y axis it is 357cm^4
Well fine, then the radius of curvature is simply EI/M , where E is Youngs modulus and the value you use for I depends upon whether the beam is bending about the strong axis (X-X) or weak axis (Y-Y). Now you just need to calculate M as a function of x, the length along the beam. The radius varies along the deflected shape of the beam. Can you calculate the bending moment M?
  • #8
It appears I am stuck on the same kind of question, yet a little harder.
I googled for an answer and I got linked to this site.. which was a question of mine almost 3 years ago haha!

I was looking for the Engineering Bending Equation to calculate the Raidus of curvature, but the above post has already helped.

Shows how far I've come over the past few years...!

FAQ: Radius of Curvature in a simply supported beam

What is the radius of curvature in a simply supported beam?

The radius of curvature in a simply supported beam refers to the distance from the center of the beam to the point where it starts to curve.

How is the radius of curvature calculated in a simply supported beam?

The radius of curvature can be calculated by dividing the length of the beam by twice the sine of the angle of deflection.

What factors affect the radius of curvature in a simply supported beam?

The main factors that affect the radius of curvature in a simply supported beam include the length of the beam, the material it is made of, and the load or weight applied to the beam.

How does the radius of curvature affect the strength of a simply supported beam?

The radius of curvature is directly proportional to the strength of a simply supported beam. A larger radius of curvature means that the beam is less likely to fail or break under pressure.

What is the significance of the radius of curvature in a simply supported beam?

The radius of curvature is an important factor to consider in the design and analysis of simply supported beams. It helps determine the overall stability and strength of the beam, and can also affect its deflection and bending moment.
