Similar matrix and characteristic polynomial

In summary, two matrices with the same characteristic polynomial do not necessarily have to be similar. This can be proven by finding two matrices with the same characteristic polynomial but different eigenvectors, such as a 2x2 Jordan block and a 2x2 identity matrix. In contrast, if two matrices are similar, they will have the same characteristic polynomial and eigenvalues. This can be shown by using change of basis and taking the determinant of both matrices.
  • #1
Eric Nelson
A true statement: Two similar matrices have the same characteristic polynomial.

The converse however is not true in general: two matrices with the same characteristic polynomial need not be similar.

HOw can I prove this?

Any help appreciated.
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  • #2
it's enough to find two matrices which are not similar yet have the same char poly
  • #3
Note: Pick an easy charisteristic polynomial to aim for.
  • #4
can you suggest an easy characteristic polynomial, I'm stumped on this concept. thank you
  • #5
You can try a difference of squares. For instance, x^2-1 Also, you can think of what you can do to a matrix that wouldn't change the characteristic polynomial.
  • #6
If two matrices have the same characteristice polynomial, the obviously they have the same eigenvalues. What you want is that they have different eigenvectors. You can do that is one is diagonalizable but the other isn't. To give an example in 2 by 2 matrices, they must have only a single eigenvalue. On matrix would then have 2 \independent eigenvectors, the other only 1 eigenvalue.
  • #7
to prove the part that is true, use change of basis. matrices A and B are similar if there exists an invertible Q such that B=Q^-1*A*Q. But all you're really doing is putting your linear transformation into another basis, so they'll have the same characteristic polynomial. You can check this by showing the change of basis, then taking the determinant of A and B.
  • #8
Take a 2x2 jordan block and also a 2x2 identity matrix, and...

FAQ: Similar matrix and characteristic polynomial

1. What is a similar matrix?

A similar matrix is a matrix that can be transformed into another matrix through a combination of elementary row and column operations. Two matrices are said to be similar if they have the same eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

2. How do you determine if two matrices are similar?

Two matrices A and B are similar if and only if there exists an invertible matrix P such that P-1AP = B. This is also known as the similarity transformation.

3. What is the characteristic polynomial of a matrix?

The characteristic polynomial of a matrix is a polynomial equation whose roots are the eigenvalues of that matrix. It is used to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix.

4. How do you calculate the characteristic polynomial of a matrix?

The characteristic polynomial of a matrix A can be calculated by taking the determinant of the matrix (A-λI), where λ is the variable and I is the identity matrix of the same size as A. The resulting polynomial will be of degree n, where n is the size of the matrix.

5. What are the applications of similar matrices and characteristic polynomials?

Similar matrices and characteristic polynomials have various applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. They are used to solve systems of linear equations, find eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and perform transformations in computer graphics and image processing. They are also used in studying dynamical systems, quantum mechanics, and linear algebra.

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