Uniform circular motion problems

In summary, the problem involves a pilot of mass 50kg in a vertical dive with an upward acceleration of 8.5g. The magnitude of the force exerted by the airplane seat on the pilot at the bottom of the arc is 4659.75N. The radius of the circular arc can be found by using the formula r = v^2/a, which comes to 110m. The centripetal force is the cause of the centripetal acceleration and is equal to the normal force exerted by gravity. The answer for part a is found by adding the two forces together, and for part b, the radius is found using the given velocity and centripetal acceleration.
  • #1
[SOLVED] Uniform circular motion problems

Homework Statement

A pilot of mass 50kg comes out of a vertical dive in a circular arc such that his upward acceleration is 8.5g

Homework Equations

a) What is the magnitude of the force exerted by the airplane seat on the pilot at the bottom of the arc?
b) If the speed of the plane is 345 km/h, what is the radius of the circular arc?

The Attempt at a Solution

I've done [tex]F = ma[/tex], so 50 x 8.5 = 425, which is massively as the answer is 4659.75N

At the bottom of the ark the upward acceleration is the same as the magnitude of its centripetal acceleration (I think) therefore [tex]r = v^{2} / a[/tex], which comes to 14002.94, which is also massively wrong as the answer provided is 110m

I tried alsorts of other ways too but they never match the answers provided, what am I missing.
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  • #2
You're not too far off

So draw the plane and all the forces acting on the poor pilot(who is pulling nearly 9 Gs and probably about to black out or rip his plane apart)

The centripetal FORCE acting on him is his mass times the centripetal acceleration(which is given in the problem as you correctly saw). What is the CAUSE of the centripetal force? ie what is pushing on him that hard? The seat. So the centripetal force is part of the answer. Is that all?

Also just good 'ol gravity is acting on him, pushing him straight down. That means the seat is exerting an equal normal force

The answer will be Fcent+Fnormal=Fouch
  • #3
Ok so I've now done:
50 x 9.81 x 8.5 = 4169.25
50 x 9.81 = 490.5
4169.25 + 490.5 = 4659.75

but I'm a bit confused as to why I times gravity for when working out Fcent.

I also assumed that the answer to a, would help me with b; but I'm still getting the answer wrong
  • #4
g represents an acceleration, it's in units of acceleration. A plain old unitless number(8.5) times g is also going to be an acceleration

It is customary to say the acceleration in terms of g, they could say "oh it's 83.3 m/s^2" or they could say "oh it's 8.5 times the acceleration caused by gravity" which immediately tells you he's being pushed into his seat with 8.5 times more force than normal, and pilots normally have a good sense of what the human body can stand(even trained fighter pilots don't pull more than 7 or 8 gs for just seconds)and their plane can stand

For b)You found the centripetal acceleration as PART of a(it wasn't the final answer!), and you're given v, and you know r=v^2/a
  • #5
Oh right, the "he's being pushed into his seat 8.5 times more force than normal" got lightbulb above my head appear then thanks.

and for b)
r = 95.83^2 / (9.81 x 8.5)
r = 110.13

correct, thank you

FAQ: Uniform circular motion problems

1. What is uniform circular motion?

Uniform circular motion is a type of motion where an object moves in a circular path at a constant speed. The direction of motion is constantly changing, but the speed remains the same.

2. How do I calculate the velocity of an object in uniform circular motion?

The velocity of an object in uniform circular motion can be calculated using the formula v = 2πr / T, where v is the velocity, r is the radius of the circle, and T is the time taken to complete one full revolution.

3. Can an object in uniform circular motion have a constant speed and changing velocity?

Yes, an object in uniform circular motion can have a constant speed and changing velocity. This is because velocity is a vector quantity that takes into account both speed and direction. In uniform circular motion, the speed remains constant, but the direction of motion is changing, resulting in a changing velocity.

4. What is the centripetal force in uniform circular motion?

The centripetal force is the force that keeps an object moving in a circular path. In uniform circular motion, the centripetal force acts towards the center of the circle and is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by the square of its velocity divided by the radius of the circle.

5. How is uniform circular motion different from non-uniform circular motion?

In uniform circular motion, the velocity remains constant, while in non-uniform circular motion, the velocity changes. This means that in uniform circular motion, the speed and direction of motion are constant, while in non-uniform circular motion, they are not.

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