Magnetic Field Permeability Material: Find Alternative to Faraday Cage

  • Thread starter Pennarin
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In summary, the conversation discusses a material called mu-metal that offers preferential permeability to magnetic fields. It is used as an alternative to a Faraday cage and encloses the protected object in a solid shell, forcing the fields to flow through it rather than piercing it. The material is commonly used in Materials and Chemical Engineering and can be found on Wikipedia.
  • #1
I'm a layman so the following terms are not to be taken to the first degree.

I'm searching for a material that offers preferential permeability to magnetic fields. In the article I read (and subsequently lost) the material is offered as an alternative to a Faraday cage in that it doesn't prevent EM fields from entering the cage and the object it protects, but rather encloses the object in a solid shell that forces the fields to flow through the shell - following it's contours - rather than piercing it, for lack of a better term.

Ring a bell, anyone?
Engineering news on
  • #2
Rechecking...Materials & Chemical Engineering (check).
  • #4
God yes, thank you! With a name like that I understand why I could not find it again with a typical Google search.

FAQ: Magnetic Field Permeability Material: Find Alternative to Faraday Cage

1. What is a Magnetic Field Permeability Material?

A Magnetic Field Permeability Material is a substance that allows magnetic fields to pass through it, while also reducing its strength. This is useful for protecting sensitive electronic devices from electromagnetic interference.

2. Why do we need to find an alternative to Faraday Cage?

Faraday Cages are often expensive and bulky, making them impractical for use in certain situations. Additionally, they may not provide enough protection against certain types of electromagnetic interference.

3. What are some examples of Magnetic Field Permeability Materials?

Some commonly used Magnetic Field Permeability Materials include mu-metal, ferrite, and conductive plastics. These materials have varying levels of effectiveness and are often used in combination with each other.

4. How do Magnetic Field Permeability Materials work?

Magnetic Field Permeability Materials work by redirecting the flow of electromagnetic waves, causing them to pass around the protected area instead of through it. This reduces the strength of the magnetic field and protects sensitive equipment.

5. Are there any potential drawbacks to using Magnetic Field Permeability Materials?

One potential drawback is that Magnetic Field Permeability Materials may not provide 100% protection against all types of electromagnetic interference. Additionally, they may not be effective against extremely strong magnetic fields. It is important to carefully select the appropriate material for the specific application.
