Mass of star as function of Luminosity, Temperature and size

In summary, the conversation discusses the mathematical relations for determining the mass of a star based on its luminosity, surface temperature, and radius. The standard Main Sequence Luminosity-Mass relation is mentioned, as well as the need for a stronger relation. The concept of "Main Sequence stars" on a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is also brought up, along with the Luminosity-Temperature function needed to draw the "S" shaped curve on the diagram. It is noted that there are discontinuities in the relationship at certain mass values, and that building a stellar model requires taking into account various factors such as metallicity. Ultimately, it is concluded that there are no simple formulae for determining the mass of a star
  • #1
Hello all,

First, since I'm just a physics teacher, and not an astrophysicist, my questions may sound "obscure" or badly formulated. Especially since I'm not an English native speaker. Sorry about that :shy:

I need a mathematical relation which could give the mass of a "theoretical" star as a function of its Luminosity, surface Temparature and possibly its Radius. I already know the standard Main Sequence Luminosity-Mass relation :

[tex]\frac{L}{L_{Sol}} = (\frac{M}{M_{Sol}})^a[/tex]

where typically [tex]3 < a < 4[/tex], and [tex]a \simeq 3.4[/tex]. This could be inverted to give the Mass as a function of the Luminosity. However, I would like something "stronger", if such a relation exists. So suppose I have access to the star's Luminosity, surface Temperature and Radius, what would be its theoretical Mass ?

M(L, T, R) = ?

I'm not taking any metallicity into account here.

Also, I would like to know a precise formulation of "Main Sequence stars" on a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram : what is the mathematical curve which could define the Main Sequence part of the H-R diagram ? In this case, I would like to know the Luminosity-Temperature function L(T) which could draw the "S" shaped curve on the H-R diagram :

L(T) = ?

and not just the Stefan-Boltzman law given by [tex]L(T) = 4 \pi \sigma R^2 T^4[/tex], since I don't know R as a function of T.

Any suggestion ?
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  • #2
For main sequence stars anyway, the relation has to do with fusion:
The total fuel supply of a star is proportional to its mass. The rate at which a star uses fuel is proportional to its luminosity. What we get (empirically) is something like

[tex] R/R_{sun} = 1.06(M/M_{sun}) ^{0.945}, \ \ M < 1.66M_{sun}, [/tex]
[tex] R/R_{sun} = 1.33(M/M_{sun}) ^{0.555}, \ \ M > 1.66M_{sun}, [/tex]
[tex] L/L_{sun} = 0.35(M/M_{sun}) ^{2.62}, \ \ M < 0.7M_{sun}, [/tex]
[tex] L/L_{sun} = 1.02(M/M_{sun}) ^{3.92}, \ \ M > 0.7M_{sun}. [/tex]

Maybe you have seen the plots of these relationships. Anyway, from this you can also show how the lifetime of a star is also related to its mass. To go any further you have to build a stellar model.
  • #3
blkqi said:
[tex] L / L_{sun} = 0.35(M / M_{sun})^{2.62}, \ \ M < 0.7M_{sun}, [/tex]
[tex] L / L_{sun} = 1.02(M / M_{sun})^{3.92}, \ \ M > 0.7M_{sun}. [/tex]

These relations are discontinuous at [tex]M = 0.7M_{sun}[/tex] !
  • #4
Barnak said:
These relations are discontinuous at [tex]M = 0.7M_{sun}[/tex] !
well they should be equivalent there. so in that case it doesn't matter which equation you use. I simply copied them from a book. Some books won't even show a bend in the relationship, but to be accurate the plot is not linear. These are some of the observations we need to take into account when building a model
  • #5
Barnak said:
These relations are discontinuous at [tex]M = 0.7M_{sun}[/tex] !

Amend < or > to <= or >= accordingly then. Sheesh!
  • #6
Ok, let me restate my question differently, since some variables aren't independant.

Luminosity is related to the Radius and Temperature according to the following formula :

[tex]L(T, R) = 4 \pi \sigma R^2 T^4[/tex].

So, suppose we can measure the Luminosity and the surface Temperature alone (or the Radius and the Tempurature, or the Radius and the Luminosity). Then, can we deduce the Mass, for ANY star ? (not just in the Main Sequence stars. I'm excluding black holes and neutron stars.) If so, what are the formulae ?

I guess the answer is that there are no such formulae, but I simply need a clear confirmation.
  • #7
In principle I think you can do this (and I believe stellar astronomers do) but I don't think there are simple formulae for it. The results come from simulations of stellar physics, so would be more in the form of a look up table that summarises the results of the simulations. Possibly there are relatively simplish formulas that fit the simulations results accurately, but I'm not aware of the details.

Note that there are other factors aside from the Luminosity and temperature, such as the metallicity, that so also need to be taken into account in order to get a good idea of the mass.

I think there are some important cases where orbital periods of binary stars have been mapped out given a gravitaional mass. This gives an empirical way to test the results from simulations.
  • #8
Barnak said:
Ok, let me restate my question differently, since some variables aren't independant.

Luminosity is related to the Radius and Temperature according to the following formula :

[tex]L(T, R) = 4 \pi \sigma R^2 T^4[/tex].

So, suppose we can measure the Luminosity and the surface Temperature alone (or the Radius and the Tempurature, or the Radius and the Luminosity). Then, can we deduce the Mass, for ANY star ? (not just in the Main Sequence stars. I'm excluding black holes and neutron stars.) If so, what are the formulae ?

I guess the answer is that there are no such formulae, but I simply need a clear confirmation.
The theoretical relationship you are looking for does not exist. If it did, we would use it. The best we can do is write out the subroutine and watch the physics play out the entire evolution. If you include dwarfs and giants even the empirical relationships I gave above fail.

As Wallace pointed out, we can approximate masses in multiple star system pretty well from the orbital velocities and period, especially if the system is edge on.
  • #9
There are in fact equations that "build" a star (i.e. give relations of Pressure with Mass with Luminosity with Temperature with Radius), but they happen to be coupled differential equations which is quite difficult to solve, especially if you don't know all the parameters.

These equations are also, at best, approximations which simplify the stellar model a ridiculous amount. The equations assume hydrostatic equilibrium, no convective instabilities, and a myriad of other things. In short they are:

If you don't know what some of the symbols represent, just ask...but there's a lot of symbols so I won't be giving a full legend here.
As you can's pretty complicated already, even with all the assumptions inherent in this model. For a full-fledged stellar model, computer simulation is necessary.

I am not aware of any simple relation such as M(L,T,R)=? I suppose you could just look at a few hundred thousand Main sequence stars, get their M, L, T, and R and get some empirical relations like those in posts above...that's probably the best way to go.
  • #10
Thanks for the explanations. Now it's clear that the relations I was looking for doesn't exist at all. Well, such is life !

FAQ: Mass of star as function of Luminosity, Temperature and size

What is the relationship between the mass of a star and its luminosity?

The mass of a star and its luminosity are directly related. The more massive a star is, the greater its luminosity will be. This is because a larger mass results in a higher rate of fusion reactions in the star's core, producing more energy and therefore a higher luminosity.

How does temperature affect the mass of a star?

The temperature of a star is also directly related to its mass. Higher mass stars have higher core temperatures due to the increased pressure from gravity, leading to more intense fusion reactions and a larger luminosity. In general, the temperature of a star increases as its mass increases.

Is there a relationship between the size of a star and its mass?

Yes, the size of a star and its mass are closely related. The more massive a star is, the larger its size will be. This is because the higher gravity from a larger mass causes the star to compress and become more dense, resulting in a larger physical size.

How do these factors affect a star's lifespan?

The mass, luminosity, temperature, and size of a star all play a role in determining its lifespan. Generally, higher mass stars have shorter lifespans due to their higher rate of fusion reactions and energy consumption. However, other factors such as the star's composition and external influences can also affect its lifespan.

What are some real-life examples of how these factors impact stars?

Some real-life examples of how mass, luminosity, temperature, and size impact stars can be seen in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, which plots these variables for a large number of stars. This diagram shows a clear pattern, with more massive stars being hotter and more luminous, and smaller stars being cooler and less luminous. It also shows that stars with similar masses but different temperatures or sizes will have different luminosities, further demonstrating the interconnectedness of these factors.

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