How can I be a successful TA for the first time?

In summary, the conversation discusses the speaker's upcoming role as a TA for either general chemistry or physical chemistry. They express uncertainty and ask for suggestions on how to engage students and be a successful TA. Other TAs offer tips such as being prepared, encouraging questions and participation, and being approachable and available for students.
  • #1
So this fall I will be TAing for the first time for, most likely, general chemistry but possibly physical chemistry.

Frankly, I don't know what to expect at all.

What does one do when students don't have questions? What does one do if students don't want to participate? If the professor gives me some freedom, should I bring problems, do HW problems or have them bring problems? etc.

Anyone have general suggestions on being a good TA? For whatever reason, it's very important to do a good job TAing so I am willing to spend a good amount of time preparing.

*I looked around and didn't see a thread on this. Sorry if it already exists.
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  • #2
I was a first-time TA for Statics last semester, and that was probably the hardest part of my job: actively engaging students during class. The few tips I can give you are to always answer a question to the best of your ability, or tell the students you need to think about the question more, and then follow up with them somehow. Once my students got to know me a little better I would ask them a question that I knew we had covered earlier in the course (How do you set-up this free-body diagram) and then stare at them awkwardly. Eventually, someone got the picture and the answer was pretty much always correct. This semester I'm going to work on engaging the ones that aren't as confident.
  • #3

As a fellow TA, I completely understand your concerns and feeling unsure about what to expect. My advice would be to first familiarize yourself with the course material and the expectations of the professor. This will give you a good foundation to work from and help you anticipate any potential issues.

In terms of what to do when students don't have questions, it's always a good idea to have some backup material prepared. This could be additional practice problems or even a mini-lesson on a related topic. It's also helpful to encourage students to come to office hours if they have any questions outside of class.

If students don't want to participate, try to engage them by asking open-ended questions or encouraging group work. You could also try incorporating interactive activities or demonstrations into your sessions to keep students engaged.

In terms of bringing problems or having students bring problems, it really depends on the expectations of the professor. I would suggest discussing this with them beforehand to ensure you are both on the same page.

Overall, my biggest suggestion for being a good TA is to be approachable and available for students. They will appreciate your willingness to help and your enthusiasm for the subject. Good luck!

FAQ: How can I be a successful TA for the first time?

What are some tips for a first time TA?

1. Be proactive and communicate with your students. Reach out to them regularly and make yourself approachable for any questions or concerns they may have.

2. Familiarize yourself with the course material and grading criteria before the start of the semester. This will help you better assist students and provide more effective feedback.

3. Create a fair and consistent grading rubric to avoid any confusion or discrepancies among students.

4. Utilize available resources such as TA training sessions or experienced TAs for guidance and support.

5. Be organized and manage your time effectively to balance your responsibilities as a TA with your own coursework and research.

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