How Does EM Wave Penetrate in an Elevator/Lift?

In summary, the conversation discusses the difference in signal reception between FM radios and cell phones in elevators, with the latter typically having better reception. The main reasons for this difference are the use of digital encoding in cell phones, which allows for error correction, and the fact that they operate on different frequencies. The conversation also mentions the role of a lift's metal structure in creating an electromagnetic shield, but notes that it is not a perfect shield and can still allow for some signal transmission. Overall, it is suggested that the difference in reception is due to a combination of these factors and the power of the emitters.
  • #1
I'm rather new here.
I've got a question that's bothering me, and therefore decided to ask here.

Why is it that in a lift/elevator, radio signal usually gets weakened?
And, as far as i know, FM radio operates on the radio wave band, as well as cell phones. But why is it that mobile phones generally have acceptable reception in lifts/elevator whereas FM radio reception remains poor? Don't they operate at the same wavelength/freq?

Has this something to do with the energy level stated by E=hf, or something?
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  • #2
It has nothing to do with E=hf.
Maybe that the reason why cell phones are more tolerant that FM radio is that in the cell phones the signal is digitally coded. And as you know digital communication works well, even is the signal is degraded, until it is so degraded that it stops working. The situation is the same with others digital communications as digital TV (broadcast). When analog reception is poor digital TV is still excellent. A similar case is with vinyl records and CDs: even new vinyl's where noisy and old CDs are not.
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  • #3
I believe that high frequency EM radiation penetrates much deeper into matter because it is much more energetic (E=hf). Wouldn't that explain why cell phones work better than FM radios? FM radios are operated at ~80-100 Mhz whereas cell phones are operated at ~1800 Mhz.
  • #4
AM Radio waves have longer wavelengths (on the order of meters) than FM Radio wavelengths. This is the reason why when you pass under a bridge while driving and your radio is tuned on the AM dial the signal gets cut off while on the FM dial it doesn't. (AM waves can't penetrate through the bridge).
  • #5
Repetit said:
I believe that high frequency EM radiation penetrates much deeper into matter because it is much more energetic (E=hf). Wouldn't that explain why cell phones work better than FM radios? FM radios are operated at ~80-100 Mhz whereas cell phones are operated at ~1800 Mhz.

Cabins of lifts/elevators are usually metallic.
The penetration in metals is less for higher frequencies than for lower ones. It is called skin effect. See:
  • #6
scarecrow said:
AM Radio waves have longer wavelengths (on the order of meters) than FM Radio wavelengths. This is the reason why when you pass under a bridge while driving and your radio is tuned on the AM dial the signal gets cut off while on the FM dial it doesn't. (AM waves can't penetrate through the bridge).

This is a somewhat different problem. Bridges and tunnels behave as (bad) waveguides. The maximum wavelength that can penetrate a waveguide is twice the width of the waveguide/bridge/tunnel.
  • #7
serverxeon said:
But why is it that mobile phones generally have acceptable reception in lifts/elevator whereas FM radio reception remains poor? Don't they operate at the same wavelength/freq?

Have you considered that the signal from a mobile phone tower may simply be stronger to begin with than an FM broadcasting tower potentially tens of km away? (Also, I don't really agree with you anecdotal evidence, my phone loses signal in lifts with frustrating regularity :rolleyes: ).

  • #8
First of all as Claude Bile has said.

1. Mobile phones use digital encoding. FM radio = analog. Digital encoding allows for signal error checking, error correction, and pretty much "perfect" transmission as long as there is enough bandwidth.

2. No, mobile phones DO NOT operate on the same frequencies as FM or AM radio. FM radio goes from 88MHz to 108 MHz. There are three GSM bands I know of that are in common use: 900MHz, 1800MHz, and 1900MHz. Not close at all.

3. An elevator acts as a Faraday cage, because an elevator is pretty much a cage of metal, which fits the bill for being an electromagnetic shield. If it were a perfect shield, you would get absolutely no signal in the elevator as there is theoretically no electromagnetic field inside.

The last say as to whether a particular frequency band is better than another depends on too many factors: the operating reception range, the presence of materials that absorb certain EM frequencies, the geometry of the landscape, and particularly in digital signals the type of modulation used.

P.S. I usually don't have problems with my phone on the lifts I use ;D
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  • #9
mezarashi said:
3. An elevator acts as a Faraday cage, because an elevator is pretty much a cage of metal, which fits the bill for being an electromagnetic shield. If it were a perfect shield, you would get absolutely no signal in the elevator as there is theoretically no electromagnetic field inside.

An elevator acts as a very poor Faraday cage. It has all that is needed to be a Faraday cage: inside you are surrounded by metal sheets. In a lift, the sheets are not welded together and do not form an equipotential surface. There are isolating "slots" between sheets. Even if in DC or low frequency two neighbor sheets are connected, this is not true in high frequency.

EM field induces differences of potential in the sheets. Even between connected sheets there can be differences of potential if the connection point is at a distance comparable to wavelength.

Two sheets with a difference of potential act as an antenna in the inside of the cabin, and re-emit the signal received on the other side.

As wavelengths used in cellular phones are shorter than those used in FM, the lift cabin behaves as a worse Faraday cage for cellular phones than for FM receivers.

Of course a lot of things depend on the power of the emitters. But you should not forget that the emitter whose power is very limited is that of the cellular phone itself and which must reach the receiver of the cell.
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  • #10
mezarashi said:
P.S. I usually don't have problems with my phone on the lifts I use ;D

Maybe it's time for me to buy a new phone then :wink: .


FAQ: How Does EM Wave Penetrate in an Elevator/Lift?

1. How do electromagnetic waves penetrate through the walls of an elevator/lift?

The walls of an elevator/lift are typically made of metal, which is a good conductor of electricity. As electromagnetic waves are a type of electric and magnetic energy, they can easily penetrate through the walls of the elevator/lift due to the conductive properties of the metal.

2. Is it safe to use electronic devices that emit electromagnetic waves in an elevator/lift?

Yes, it is safe to use electronic devices that emit electromagnetic waves in an elevator/lift. The metal walls of the elevator/lift act as a Faraday cage, which blocks the external electromagnetic waves from entering the elevator/lift and also prevents the waves emitted from the electronic devices from escaping and causing interference with other devices.

3. How do electromagnetic waves affect the operation of an elevator/lift?

Electromagnetic waves do not affect the operation of an elevator/lift. The elevator/lift is designed to withstand and function normally in the presence of electromagnetic waves. However, if there is extensive and continuous exposure to high levels of electromagnetic waves, it may cause interference with the electronic components of the elevator/lift and affect its operation.

4. Can electromagnetic waves pass through an elevator/lift cable?

No, electromagnetic waves cannot pass through an elevator/lift cable. The cable is typically made of non-conductive materials, such as rubber or plastic, which do not allow the waves to pass through. However, if the cable is damaged or has exposed wires, it may act as an antenna and pick up external electromagnetic waves.

5. Are there any safety precautions to consider when using electronic devices in an elevator/lift?

It is recommended to use electronic devices in an elevator/lift responsibly and avoid prolonged exposure to high levels of electromagnetic waves. Additionally, it is important to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for safe use of electronic devices and to ensure that all devices are in good working condition to prevent any potential interference with the operation of the elevator/lift.

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