What Is the Absolute Magnitude of a 60W Lightbulb?

In summary: I think it was very important to make sure everyone is on the same page.In summary, the absolute magnitude of the Sun is +4.75; the bulb has an absolute magnitude of +0.5.
  • #1

Homework Statement

By comparing with the luminosity of the Sun, calculate the absolute magnitude of a 60W lightbulb. [THe absolute magnitude of the Sun is +4.75; you may ignore colour differences]

Homework Equations

[tex] f = \frac{L}{4\pi d^{2}}[/tex]
m1 - m2 = -2.5long(f1 / f2)

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm not really sure where to start. I know the luminsoty of the Sun to be 3.8x1026W but I'm not sure how it helps.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
If d = 10 pc for both objects, what does the second equation become?
  • #3
I'm not sure what you mean? Surely, it just has 10pc put into it.
  • #4
What is the definition of absolute magnitude? What are the quantities on the right side of the second equation when d = 10 pc?
  • #5
George Jones said:
What is the definition of absolute magnitude? What are the quantities on the right side of the second equation when d = 10 pc?

Oops, I meant "on the left side of the second equation'".
  • #6
First, The Greek Astronomer Hiparchos divided the stars we see on the sky in 6 magnitudes.The brightest were of first magnitude ,the next fainter stars were second and the stars just visible with naked eye were 6th magnitude.
British astronomer Pogson(1854) ,taking into account the law of Weber and Fechner ,according to which the intesnity of feelings is proportional to the logarithm of the stimulus
stated the relationship: lm/ln=c(exp)(n-m) (1)
Where lm and ln are the brightnesses and m ,n are the corresponding magnitudes.Here the subjective feeling is the apparent magnitude of the star and the stimulus is the brightness.
Since the first magnitude star is 100 times brighter than a 6th magnitude star from (1) we have:

l1/l6=100=c (exp)(6-1) therefore c=2.512 ,that is the ratio of two successive magnitudes is 2.512 ,
Setting the value of c into the pogson equation we get : lm/ln=2.512(exp)(n-m) ,from which if you log both sides you get the third relevant equation ,you show us.

Now: According to the principle of physics that brightnesses are inversly proportional to the squares of the distances we have:

l/L=(10pc)^2/r^2 , where L is the abolute brightness at distance of 10 parcecs and l is the brighness at distnce r

NOW IT MUST BE CLEAR THAT f1=lm and f2=ln , i.e BRIGHTNESS (l) =FLUX (f)


M-m= 2.5log(l/L)=2.5log(100/r^2) ,{warning :NOTE THE - SIGHN AND THE ORDER OF FLUXES !}

Solving the last equation whith respect to M( abolute magnitude)
we get M=m+ 5-5 logr

Which is absolutely equivalent to your first relevant equation.

now use LaTeX Code: f = \\frac{L}{4\\pi d^{2}} you want to find the absolute brightness/flux (f) therefore you put in this equation d=100 (YOU DONT NEED TO CONVERT PARSECS INTO METERS BECAUSE YOU WILL DIVIDE THE FLUXES) and put L= 3(10)^23

This is the ABSOLUTE luminosity of the sun.

Divide the ABSOLUTE luminosity of the sun with the ABSOLUTE luminosity of the bulb.


Finally when you have the ratio of the fluxes put it in your third relevant equation and put m1=Msun=4.75 ,
The only uknown is the absolute magnitude of the bulb Mbulb.
Now its easy to do the calculations to find the answer.


FAQ: What Is the Absolute Magnitude of a 60W Lightbulb?

1. What is the absolute magnitude of a lightbulb?

The absolute magnitude of a lightbulb refers to the intrinsic brightness of the light source, regardless of its distance from the observer. It is a measure of the actual amount of light emitted by the bulb.

2. How is the absolute magnitude of a lightbulb different from its apparent magnitude?

The apparent magnitude of a lightbulb is a measure of its brightness as seen from a specific distance, while the absolute magnitude is a measure of its actual brightness. Apparent magnitude can vary based on the distance between the observer and the light source.

3. What factors affect the absolute magnitude of a lightbulb?

The absolute magnitude of a lightbulb can be affected by the type of bulb, its wattage, and its color temperature. The design and condition of the bulb, as well as its surroundings, can also play a role.

4. How is the absolute magnitude of a lightbulb measured?

The absolute magnitude of a lightbulb is typically measured in lumens, which is a unit of measurement for the total amount of visible light emitted by the bulb in all directions. It can also be measured in terms of energy output, such as watts or joules.

5. Can the absolute magnitude of a lightbulb change?

The absolute magnitude of a lightbulb can change over time as the bulb ages and its components deteriorate. It can also be affected by external factors, such as dust or debris buildup, which can block or reflect light and decrease the bulb's absolute magnitude. Regular maintenance and cleaning can help maintain the bulb's absolute magnitude.

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