Gamma Ray Bursters: Electrons, Anti-Electrons & Mass Exploding

In summary: Gamma ray bursts are a product of two particles coming together and releasing gamma rays. It is thought that at least twice the mass of our sun is required for a gamma ray burst to form. The gamma rays can't escape and stay in the supermassive black hole, so they are released into space. There is a tremendous amount of information available on gamma ray bursts, so google is a good starting point.
  • #1
When an electron and anti-electron come together a gamma ray is produced.
So are gamma ray bursts just the product of lots of electrons and anti-electrons coming together? I gather that at least twice the mass of our Sun is required for a gamma ray burster to form,so if we have two masses and one mass is all electrons and the other is all antielectrons and these merge - what an explosion they would produce.Also,if several large charged masses were orbiting each other and gradually coming together we could get a longer duration of gamma ray bursting.And maybe supermassive black holes are just huge numbers of charged gamma ray burster masses exploding, but because of their really high gravitational pull,the gamma rays can't escape and stay in the supermassive hole.Surely nature is this simple?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Try Google for gamma ray bursts - there is a tremendous amount of information available.
  • #3
verdigris said:
When an electron and anti-electron come together a gamma ray is produced.
So are gamma ray bursts just the product of lots of electrons and anti-electrons coming together? I gather that at least twice the mass of our Sun is required for a gamma ray burster to form,so if we have two masses and one mass is all electrons and the other is all antielectrons and these merge - what an explosion they would produce.Also,if several large charged masses were orbiting each other and gradually coming together we could get a longer duration of gamma ray bursting.And maybe supermassive black holes are just huge numbers of charged gamma ray burster masses exploding, but because of their really high gravitational pull,the gamma rays can't escape and stay in the supermassive hole.Surely nature is this simple?
When a positron (anti-electron) and electron combine in mutual annihilation, two gamma rays are produced, each roughly of 0.511 MeV, the rest mass of the positron and electron.

In the gamma-ray bursts of stars, the source is nuclear fusion reaction on a collosal scale. Looking at this spectrum -
- one can see energies in the MeV and GeV range, which indicates nuclear and possibly particle interactions beyond electrons.

FAQ: Gamma Ray Bursters: Electrons, Anti-Electrons & Mass Exploding

1. What are gamma ray bursters?

Gamma ray bursters are powerful bursts of gamma rays that originate from distant galaxies. They are the most energetic events in the universe and can release as much energy in a few seconds as the sun does in its entire lifetime.

2. How are electrons and anti-electrons related to gamma ray bursters?

Electrons and anti-electrons, or positrons, are particles that are involved in the creation of gamma ray bursters. When a massive star dies, it collapses and forms a black hole, releasing a burst of energy. This energy creates a beam of electrons and positrons that travels at nearly the speed of light.

3. Can gamma ray bursters be harmful to Earth?

Gamma ray bursters pose no threat to Earth. They occur in distant galaxies and their beams are highly directional, so they are unlikely to ever reach our planet. In fact, gamma ray bursters may have played a role in the formation of life on Earth, as they can trigger the formation of new stars and planets.

4. What is the mass that explodes in a gamma ray burster?

The mass that explodes in a gamma ray burster is the core of a massive star. When the core collapses, it releases a burst of energy that creates the gamma ray burst. This can be as much as several times the mass of our sun.

5. How are scientists able to study gamma ray bursters if they occur in distant galaxies?

Scientists study gamma ray bursters using specialized telescopes that can detect gamma rays. These telescopes are able to pinpoint the location of the burst and provide valuable information about its energy, duration, and distance from Earth. Additionally, scientists use computer simulations to better understand the processes involved in creating gamma ray bursters.
