Making Wood Alcohol/Methyl Alcohol

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of making wood alcohol, also known as methanol or methyl alcohol, and ethyl alcohol, which is commonly used in rubbing alcohol. The experts advise against making these alcohols at home due to safety concerns and potential legal issues. They suggest fermenting various ingredients and distilling the alcohol to produce ethyl alcohol, but caution against the dangers of handling methanol. The conversation also touches on the legality of making alcohol at home and the potential risks of exposure.
  • #1
Something I've been wondering a lot lately is how would you make your own wood alcohol? It seems somewhat simple and I can't find any decent things on google about it. Anyone know how to make? Or have a step by step process on it.

Edit: Actually I think I am looking for ethyl alcohol. But both would be nice to know :p
Ethyl alcohol is what they use in rubbing alcohol, right? I am just wondering if there's a cheap way to manufacture this so I can save a dollar or two
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  • #2
wood alcohol is methanol or methyl alcohol. It was originally made by the destructive distillation of wodd in the absence of oxygen (pyrolysis).

ethanol or ethly alcohol is usually derived by fermenting grain and then distilling out the alcohol. This alcohol is also drinkable as wine, beer, and distilled spirits.

rubbing alcohol is usually iso-propanol.

Making any of these at home is not economical unless you live where there is
a large excise tax on ethanol, like in the US. Google for 'home brewing' or 'wine making' if that is what you're looking for.
  • #3
Well I am not exactly looking for that, I am just wondering if there is any way on making these alcohols at home. I heard you can get some alcohol from boil vegetables or anything like that.. So i was curious to know if there was a cheap way of making useful alcohol at home.
  • #4
You can make Ethyl Alcohol simply by fermenting corn, p otatoes, sugar cane, barley & hopps, grapes, etc and then distilling the alcoho l and purifying it.
  • #5
Fly_High said:
You can make Ethyl Alcohol simply by fermenting corn, p otatoes, sugar cane, barley & hopps, grapes, etc and then distilling the alcohol l and purifying it.

In some areas this is an illegal activity, without appropriate licenses. Check your local laws.
  • #6
Hell, in today’s life everything is starting to get illegal one of these days getting married will be illegal, not to say making your own alcohols for drinking or driving
  • #7
Wood alcohol is pretty bad stuff and could blind you so I try to keep away from that but from what I know you get ethenol the alcohol you can drink from fermentation basically it's just yeast sugar and water. The yeast eats the sugar for energy and let's off a byproduct carbon dioxide and ethenol. Yup that's pretty much the basics
  • #8
Methanol can poison you and must be handled with care. The molecules are small enough to pass through your skin and get into your bloodstream.
  • #9
methanol will not actually cause problems if it gets on the skin unless there is allot of repeated exposure. (I work in emergency services.)
  • #10
Necropost, locked.

FAQ: Making Wood Alcohol/Methyl Alcohol

What is wood alcohol/methyl alcohol?

Wood alcohol, also known as methyl alcohol or methanol, is a colorless and highly flammable liquid that is commonly used as a solvent and fuel source. It is produced through the destructive distillation of wood, hence the name "wood alcohol".

How is wood alcohol/methyl alcohol made?

Wood alcohol is made through the process of destructive distillation, which involves heating wood chips or sawdust in the absence of oxygen. This process breaks down the complex carbohydrates in wood into simpler molecules, including methanol. The methanol vapor is then cooled and condensed into a liquid form.

What are the uses of wood alcohol/methyl alcohol?

Wood alcohol has a variety of industrial and household uses. It is commonly used as a solvent in paint, varnish, and fuel additives. It is also used in the production of formaldehyde, acetic acid, and other chemicals. In households, it can be found in cleaning products and as a fuel for camp stoves and portable heaters.

Is wood alcohol/methyl alcohol safe for consumption?

No, wood alcohol/methyl alcohol should not be consumed as it is highly toxic. Ingesting even small amounts of methanol can cause blindness or death. It is important to only use wood alcohol/methyl alcohol for its intended purposes and to handle it with caution.

What precautions should be taken when handling wood alcohol/methyl alcohol?

Wood alcohol/methyl alcohol is a highly flammable and toxic substance, so it is important to follow safety precautions when handling it. This includes wearing protective gear such as gloves and goggles, working in a well-ventilated area, and keeping it away from sources of ignition. It is also important to properly label and store wood alcohol/methyl alcohol to avoid accidental ingestion.
