A New Generation of Atomic Clocks

In summary, a new generation of atomic clocks has been developed with accuracy and stability at the 10-18 level. This is achieved through many-atom systems, paving the way for future advancements in quantum metrology. The next step in clock technology is predicted to be nuclear clocks, which offer even better accuracy and environmental isolation. However, challenges like time transfer still need to be addressed for these clocks to be utilized effectively.
  • #1
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This was just posted today, and looks interesting
A New Generation of Atomic Clocks: Accuracy and Stability at the 10-18 Level
B. J. Bloom et al
The exquisite control exhibited over quantum states of individual particles has revolutionized the field of precision measurement, as exemplified by the most accurate atomic clock realized in single trapped ions. Whereas many-atom lattice clocks have shown advantages in measurement precision over trapped-ion clocks, their accuracy has remained 20 times worse. Here we demonstrate, for the first time, that a many-atom system achieves accuracy (6x10-18) better than a single ion-based clock, with vastly reduced averaging times (3000 s). This is the first time a single clock has achieved the best performance in all three key ingredients necessary for consideration as a primary standard - stability, reproducibility, and accuracy. This work paves the way for future experiments to integrate many-body quantum state engineering into the frontiers of quantum metrology, creating exciting opportunities to advance precision beyond the standard quantum limit. Improved frequency standards will have impact to a wide range of fields from the realization of the SI units, the development of quantum sensors, to precision tests of the fundamental laws of nature.
--- National Institute of Standards and Technology and University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
As you can see, we're starting to come up against the wall with atomic clocks. The next step will be nuclear clocks, built around the Th-229m isomer. This is predicted to have a Q-value about a thousand times better than the best atomic clocks, and much better environmental isolation since its a nuclear (not atomic) transition. The "gamma" from this transition is very, very soft - it's actually in the ultraviolet.
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
The "gamma" from this transition is very, very soft - it's actually in the ultraviolet.

Well that's nice!
  • #4
Vanadium 50 said:
As you can see, we're starting to come up against the wall with atomic clocks. The next step will be nuclear clocks, built around the Th-229m isomer. This is predicted to have a Q-value about a thousand times better than the best atomic clocks, and much better environmental isolation since its a nuclear (not atomic) transition. The "gamma" from this transition is very, very soft - it's actually in the ultraviolet.

One problem that also needs to be solved is time transfer. There are now several experiments that have demonstrated clocks with accuracies in the 5e-18 range. However, the clocks are not very useful unless you can transfer the time; current satellite based systems are nowhere near good enough and even using dedicated fibre you would struggle to maintain this accuracy; especially if you want to replace the Cs fountains used for the UTC.

FAQ: A New Generation of Atomic Clocks

1. What are atomic clocks and how do they work?

Atomic clocks are incredibly accurate timekeeping devices that use the oscillation of atoms as a reference for measuring time. They work by using the natural vibrations of atoms, typically cesium-133, to keep time. This oscillation is measured and used to maintain a constant and precise time measurement.

2. What makes the "new generation" of atomic clocks different from previous versions?

The new generation of atomic clocks, also known as optical clocks, use atoms that oscillate at much higher frequencies than traditional atomic clocks. This allows for even greater accuracy and stability, with potential improvements of up to 1000 times more precise than the current standard atomic clocks.

3. How are these atomic clocks beneficial to science and technology?

Atomic clocks have a wide range of applications in science and technology, from keeping precise time for GPS systems to aiding in research for fundamental physics. The increased accuracy of the new generation of atomic clocks will allow for even more precise measurements and advancements in various fields.

4. Are there any challenges in developing and implementing these new atomic clocks?

Yes, there are several challenges in developing and implementing these new atomic clocks. One of the main challenges is finding ways to measure and control the high-frequency oscillations of atoms in optical clocks. Additionally, there are challenges in making these clocks more compact and affordable for widespread use.

5. Will the new generation of atomic clocks replace traditional atomic clocks?

While the new generation of atomic clocks has the potential to become the new standard for timekeeping, it is unlikely that they will completely replace traditional atomic clocks. Traditional atomic clocks are still incredibly accurate and useful for many applications, and the cost and complexity of implementing the new clocks may hinder their widespread use.

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