Elephant toothpaste chemistry project

In summary, the individual is making elephant toothpaste for a chemistry project and is using activated yeast, water, soap, and hydrogen peroxide. However, the reaction is slow and they are unsure of the problem. After research, they found that using 12% of hydrogen peroxide from the total volume of the solution may help. They also suggest using potassium iodide instead of yeast as a catalyst and avoiding mixing yeast with soap beforehand. They also mention that adding too much water can decrease the concentration of hydrogen peroxide and suggest checking the concentration on the bottle.
  • #1
I'm making elephant toothpaste for my chemistry project, where I'm using activated yeast+73 ml of water and soap+10 ml of hydrogen peroxide.But the reaction is very slow.What maybe the problem or if there any catalyst please help.
NOTE:after my search on internet I found that I should use 12% of hydrogen peroxide from the total volume of the solution(83ml).
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
Potassium iodide can be used instead of the yeast. I don't know any recipes off hand though.

You can try not mixing yeast with soap before hand. I'm not too sure but you might be screwing up the little buggers letting them sit in a surfactant solution. Also you can just use more yeast. Higher catalyst concentrations increase the rate of reaction. This can be the basis for a good science fair project if you can think of a way to measure how fast the reaction proceeds.

You should google this thoroughly, there will be plenty of recipes and procedures that you can try.
  • #3
You are adding way too much water. You should really not put in any water at all (edit: except for the small amount required to keep the yeast happy).

Hydrogen peroxide is normally sold in low concentrations. Check your bottle; it is probably somewhere between 3% and 30%. If you have the strongest hydrogen peroxide that is normally available (30%), then adding over 7 times the volume of water is reducing the concentration to just 4%. In all likelihood you started with a much lower concentration of peroxide and ended up reducing the concentration to 1% or less.

This should fix the problem, but just in case it still doesn't work, try potassium iodide as a catalyst instead. It is a lot less finicky than yeast.

FAQ: Elephant toothpaste chemistry project

1. How does elephant toothpaste work?

Elephant toothpaste is a popular chemistry experiment that involves the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas, which creates a large volume of foam. The foam is created due to the rapid release of oxygen gas, which gets trapped in the soap bubbles, causing them to expand and create the toothpaste-like foam.

2. What ingredients are needed for the elephant toothpaste experiment?

The ingredients needed for this experiment are hydrogen peroxide, liquid dish soap, food coloring, warm water, and a catalyst such as potassium iodide or yeast. The dish soap helps to trap the oxygen gas and create the foam, while the food coloring adds a fun, colorful element to the experiment.

3. What is the role of the catalyst in the elephant toothpaste experiment?

The catalyst, such as potassium iodide or yeast, helps to speed up the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas. This reaction produces a large amount of oxygen gas, which gets trapped in the soap bubbles, creating the foam. Without a catalyst, the reaction would occur at a slower rate and the foam would not be as large.

4. Is the elephant toothpaste experiment safe to do at home?

The elephant toothpaste experiment can be safely done at home as long as proper precautions are taken. It is important to wear safety goggles and gloves, as hydrogen peroxide can be irritating to the skin and eyes. It is also recommended to do the experiment outside or in a well-ventilated area, as the large volume of foam can create a mess.

5. Are there any real-life applications of the elephant toothpaste experiment?

The elephant toothpaste experiment is a great demonstration of a decomposition reaction and can be used to teach about chemical reactions and catalysts. It also has practical applications in industries such as manufacturing and waste management, where hydrogen peroxide is used for cleaning and disinfecting. The foam created in the experiment can also be used for soil remediation and fire extinguishing.

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