Synthesis and toxicity of hydrazine

In summary: I have a few questions about the synthesis and toxicity of hydrazine (N2H4). First of all, is it possible to synthesize hydrazine under a fume hood by mixing concentrated ammonia, sodium hypochlorite (bleach), and a gellatinous material (gelatin?)? I have read that high temperatures and high pressures could be necessary, but are those criteria only for high yield syntheses? Also, will the gelatin in any way counteract the acrid fumes of NH2Cl and other chloroamines, and ultimately hydrazine? and will the product be safe to put into a rocket as fuel? Any cautions on the toxicity of hydrazine will also be taken into consideration. Thanks
  • #1
I have a few questions about the synthesis and toxicity of hydrazine (N2H4). First of all, is it possible to synthesize hydrazine under a fume hood by mixing concentrated ammonia, sodium hypochlorite (bleach), and a gellatinous material (gelatin?)? I have read that high temperatures and high pressures could be necessary, but are those criteria only for high yield syntheses? Also, will the gelatin in any way counteract the acrid fumes of NH2Cl and other chloroamines, and ultimately hydrazine? and will the product be safe to put into a rocket as fuel? Any cautions on the toxicity of hydrazine will also be taken into consideration. Thanks
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  • #2
Gelatin would react quite quickly with chloramines. Is this a published method?
  • #3
Just buy it :smile:. Seriously though, why go through all of the trouble of making it if aldrich will send you a bottle of the stuff in 1 day? Hydrazine is pretty toxic and is an explosive hazard.
  • #4
Chestosterone said:
I have a few questions about the synthesis and toxicity of hydrazine (N2H4). First of all, is it possible to synthesize hydrazine under a fume hood by mixing concentrated ammonia, sodium hypochlorite (bleach), and a gellatinous material (gelatin?)? I have read that high temperatures and high pressures could be necessary, but are those criteria only for high yield syntheses? Also, will the gelatin in any way counteract the acrid fumes of NH2Cl and other chloroamines, and ultimately hydrazine? and will the product be safe to put into a rocket as fuel? Any cautions on the toxicity of hydrazine will also be taken into consideration. Thanks

Just a quick note to remind you that the synthesis of rocket fuel can be considered a dangerous activity, and we will not permit detailed synthesis instructions to be posted here on the PF. Please see the stickie post at the top of this Chemistry forum, addressing Dangerous Activities:

I'll leave this thread open for now, but if it starts to go into too much detail, I'll consider a lock.
  • #5
For what it's worth, I think this thread has already stepped beyond the bounds of our Guidelines, but I'll defer to C-tree's judgement on this.
  • #6
The one thing I'd like to add here, and I can say with complete assurance; hydrazine is exquisitely dangerous stuff. That may be somewhat obvious from its use as rocket fuel, but what you may not know is that it is one half of a family of binary explosives... and those explosives are noted for their remarkable degree of persistency for a liquid explosive compound. Due to its low volatility, it can be dispersed in an area, be absorbed by the soil, and still retain its full explosive characteristics for a period of approximately 4 days.

Also, the reason given that these compounds are rarely used is that they have "mostly been superseded by cheaper and safer compounds, largely due to the expense and exceptionally poisonous nature of the hydrazine component." (emphasis added)

It's also worth noting that, in the USA, mere possesion of such a chemical could run afoul of the law quite easily, regardless of the intended use.

FAQ: Synthesis and toxicity of hydrazine

What is hydrazine and how is it synthesized?

Hydrazine is a colorless, flammable liquid compound composed of nitrogen and hydrogen atoms. It is commonly synthesized through the Raschig process, which involves reacting sodium hypochlorite with ammonia in the presence of sulfuric acid.

What are the potential uses of hydrazine?

Hydrazine has various industrial applications, such as in rocket propellants, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides. It is also used as a reducing agent in chemical reactions and as a corrosion inhibitor in boilers.

What are the potential health hazards associated with hydrazine exposure?

Hydrazine is highly toxic and exposure can cause irritation to the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. It is also a known mutagen and carcinogen, with long-term exposure linked to an increased risk of certain types of cancer.

How is hydrazine toxicity measured and monitored?

The most common method of measuring hydrazine toxicity is through its concentration in the air, as it is primarily absorbed through inhalation. Regular monitoring of air levels in occupational settings and proper use of personal protective equipment can help reduce exposure and potential health risks.

Are there any regulations in place for the use of hydrazine?

Yes, there are strict regulations and guidelines for the use, handling, and disposal of hydrazine. These include the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations for the safe management of hazardous waste.
