How long does it take for a white dwarf to go supernova through accretion?

In summary, the conversation discusses the accretion rates and potential for a white dwarf to go supernova. It is estimated that the Chandrasekhar limit could be reached in approximately 3.8 10^7 - 3.8 10^10 years, assuming a white dwarf of 1 solar mass and accretion rates of 10^(-11) - 10^(-8) Msun/yr. The conversation also mentions ongoing research in this area and suggests using the luminosity of the disk and the Eddington limit to estimate the maximum possible accretion rate. The conversation ends with a question about the accretion rate for a neutron star in a binary system.
  • #1

Let's say we have a white dwarf accreting material from a giant partner. How long would it typically take for the white dwarf to go supernova? Is it of the order of a thousand years? A million? Any references would be much appreciated.

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  • #2
Townsley and Bildsten (2003) ( find accretion rates for cataclysmic variables 10^(-11) - 10^(-8) Msun/yr, but I am sure you can find more papers on this (I just did a very short search), and different values depending on the assumptions.

A very rough estimate: the Chandrasekhar limit of 1.38 solar masses could be reached in approximately 3.8 10^7 - 3.8 10^10 years, assuming that you start with a white dwarf of 1 solar mass and accrete at the above rate.

There is a lot of work going on on this subject and the mechanism of type Ia supernovae is still not well understood. I think you would find the existing literature very interesting.
  • #3
Out of general interest, do you have any idea what the accretion rate is for a neutron star in a binary system?
  • #4
I don't have a number to give you on neutron stars, but here is a simple way to calculate an accretion rate:
A rough theoretical estimate for the accretion rate on a disk is given by the luminosity of the disk:

L{disk} = G M M{dot} / 2R

where L{disk} the disk luminosity, M{dot} the mass accretion rate and M and R the mass and radius of the accreting object (you find a derivation in 'An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics' by Carroll and Ostlie).

The maximum luminosity an object can have and still stay in hydrostatic equilibrium is given by the Eddington limit:

L{max} / L_sun = 3.8 10^4 (M/M_sun)

Substituting the Eddington limit in the first equation can give you an estimate of the highest possible accretion rate.

I hope this helped! People more relevant to the field could post answers based on current research.

FAQ: How long does it take for a white dwarf to go supernova through accretion?

What is white dwarf accretion?

White dwarf accretion is a process where a white dwarf star, which is the dense remnant of a low or medium mass star, pulls matter from a companion star onto its surface. This can occur in binary star systems where the white dwarf is in close proximity to a larger, evolving star.

How does white dwarf accretion occur?

White dwarf accretion occurs through the gravitational pull of the white dwarf. As the companion star evolves and expands, its outer layers are pulled towards the white dwarf due to their close proximity. This matter then accumulates on the surface of the white dwarf, increasing its mass and temperature.

What is the impact of white dwarf accretion on the companion star?

The transfer of matter from the companion star to the white dwarf can have a significant impact on the companion star. This can cause the companion star to lose mass, change its orbital period, or even trigger a supernova explosion if the accretion rate is high enough.

What types of objects can be formed through white dwarf accretion?

White dwarf accretion can lead to the formation of different types of objects, depending on the mass of the white dwarf and the rate of accretion. If the white dwarf reaches a certain mass limit, it can trigger a supernova explosion and form a neutron star or black hole. If the accretion rate is lower, it can lead to the formation of a cataclysmic variable star or a planetary nebula.

What is the importance of studying white dwarf accretion?

Studying white dwarf accretion can provide valuable insights into the evolution of binary star systems and the formation of different types of objects in the universe. It can also help us better understand the energy output and chemical composition of these objects, and their impact on the surrounding environment.

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