Help with electromagnets wiring method

In summary, a horseshoe electromagnet has a wire joining and leaving the coil arbitrarily, so long as the wire keeps going around the core in consistent direction. The current that adds the most to the magnetic field is the current through each loop in the coil, not the current through the wires that connect the coil to the battery. When you look at a 3 pole magnet for example one in a speaker and there is a south pole in the middle and two north either side when the coil is wrapped around that, they are in opposite direction to each other, in my book it says this is because when current flows in one direction it make one side stronger than the other two.
  • #1
I am curious to know, why on a electromagnet that the wire coming in is on the opposite side to the wire leaving?

Is it due to the way the current comes in and leaves, as in the anticlockwise field in the north so incoming and the outgoing is clockwise south.

When I say a electromagnet I mean a bar and horseshoe.
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  • #2
Where the wire joins and leaves the coil is arbitrary, as long as as you have one continual coil (no cut anywhere breaking the circuit) and each coil loop turns the same way around the core. The current that adds the most to the magnetic field is the current through each loop in the coil, not the current through the wires that connect the coil to the battery.
  • #3
Are you referring to actual wires in the coils of electromagnets, or the lines in pictures of magnets that go from one end and loop to the other? I'm only asking because you said "When I say a electromagnet I mean a bar and horseshoe."
  • #4
Here in attachment is a drawing of a basic horseshoe electromagnet showing a single coil of N turns carrying I amps, and the equation for calculating the magnetic field B Tesla in the air gap.


  • Magnet_air_gap.jpg
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  • #5
Drakkith said:
Are you referring to actual wires in the coils of electromagnets, or the lines in pictures of magnets that go from one end and loop to the other? I'm only asking because you said "When I say a electromagnet I mean a bar and horseshoe."

The actual wires, I know it is a strange question, but I was reading one of my physics books and it pointed out how the wires were wired different on both sides of the magnet; but never gave an explanation as of why. The picture in the book was a horse shoe/ U magnet. The only thing I could see why was that the magnetic field coming in was opposite on either side so making one side north the other south.
  • #6
Doesn't matter. So long as the wire keeps going around the core in consistent direction, be it consistently clockwise or consistently counter-clockwise, where the coil starts and ends doesn't matter. Each loop will have the same contribution regardless of pitch.
  • #7
This is what I've found, without formal education, just tickering around. The direction of the coil wind has no bearing on pole designation. But the direction of current flow does set up opposite poles on either side of the coil. Switching the source current, meaning physicaly switching "+" to "-" and or vise versa, you will then be able to determine pole designation with a permanet magnet and see if the magnet sticks or is repelled away/flipped over. I have used this method many times, with consistant results. You will still need to know which side of your permanet magnet is N and S.
  • #8
This is what I've found, without formal education, just tickering around. The direction of the coil wind has no bearing on pole designation. But the direction of current flow does set up opposite poles on either side of the coil. Switching the source current, meaning physicaly switching "+" to "-" and or vise versa, you will then be able to determine pole designation with a permanet magnet and see if the magnet sticks or is repelled away/flipped over. I have used this method many times, with great sucsess. You will still need to know which side of you permanet magnet is N and S.
  • #9
K^2 said:
Doesn't matter. So long as the wire keeps going around the core in consistent direction, be it consistently clockwise or consistently counter-clockwise, where the coil starts and ends doesn't matter. Each loop will have the same contribution regardless of pitch.

Robin07 said:
This is what I've found, without formal education, just tickering around. The direction of the coil wind has no bearing on pole designation. But the direction of current flow does set up opposite poles on either side of the coil. Switching the source current, meaning physicaly switching "+" to "-" and or vise versa, you will then be able to determine pole designation with a permanet magnet and see if the magnet sticks or is repelled away/flipped over. I have used this method many times, with consistant results. You will still need to know which side of your permanet magnet is N and S.

Thanks for the feed back, well appreciated for clearing that up for me.

Another question on the same topic. When you look at a 3 pole magnet for example one in a speaker and there is a south pole in the middle and two north either side when the coil is wrapped around that, they are in opposite direction to each other, in my book it say: this is because when current flows in one direction it make one side stronger than the other. How dose this work?

Is it the same when you put two conductors together and the current flows the same way in both, the repel each other, well something along them line, just a guess.
  • #10
Oh just to say thanks, to everyone else who came back to me well appreciated.
  • #11
Can you show us the coil configuration that you refer to ? Is it one winding that loops into three, what I call ring coils. much like a figure 8 with another loop attached? Without seeing it it's hard to say. How is it that you determined the pole orientation? And are their permanent magnets being used for the core to each coil?

I would have to disagree with, as you mentioned "this is because when current flows in one direction it make one side stronger than the other." That doesn't sound right to me. Like I mentioned previous I have no formal education in this. I'm just speculating from what I've picked up along the way...

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FAQ: Help with electromagnets wiring method

What is an electromagnet?

An electromagnet is a type of magnet that is created by passing an electric current through a coil of wire. It can be turned on and off by controlling the flow of electricity, and its strength can be adjusted.

What is the purpose of wiring an electromagnet?

The wiring of an electromagnet is essential because it creates a magnetic field when an electric current is passed through it. This magnetic field can be utilized for various purposes, such as lifting heavy objects, generating electricity, and controlling the motion of electric motors.

What are the materials needed to wire an electromagnet?

To wire an electromagnet, you will need a power source, such as a battery or a power supply, a coil of wire, and a magnetic core, such as a soft iron rod. You may also need additional materials such as switches, resistors, and capacitors, depending on your specific wiring method and application.

What is the best wiring method for an electromagnet?

There is no single best wiring method for an electromagnet, as it depends on the specific application and desired strength and control of the magnetic field. Some common wiring methods include using a single wire, multiple wires in parallel or series, or a solenoid. Experimentation and proper calculations are necessary to determine the most suitable wiring method for a particular electromagnet.

Are there any safety precautions to consider when wiring an electromagnet?

Yes, there are some safety precautions to take when handling and wiring an electromagnet. Make sure to use insulated wires and handle the power source carefully to avoid electrical shocks. Additionally, do not apply too much electricity to the coil, as it can overheat and potentially cause a fire. It is always best to consult a professional or do extensive research before attempting to wire an electromagnet.

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