Bacterial Growth: Finding the Initial Size and Doubling Period

In summary, the initial population of a bacteria culture was 900 after 15 minutes and 1400 after 30 minutes. The growth rate was 0.0295 and the doubling time was minutes.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The count in a bacteria culture was 900 after 15 minutes and 1400 after 30 minutes.
What was the initial size of the culture? What is the doubling period? What is the size after 70 minutes? When will the population reach 11000?

Homework Equations

P0= 900/e15k=1400/e30k

The Attempt at a Solution

First, I solved for P0, and I got 578 as my answer. I know this is correct, because WebWork, in its infinite wisdom, stated it to be.

In solving for the initial population, I found my growth rate to be 0.0295
k=ln(1400/900)/15 = .0295.

Yet WebWork insists this is not the growth rate.
To find the doubling period, you merely take the natural log of 2 and divide by the growth rate.
2=ekt -> ln(2)/k = t, if k =.0295, t= ln(2)/.0295 However, I am told by webwork that this answer is wrong. I am baffled as to how this is possible. If I had the wrong growth rate, I would never have been able to find the initial population value. Furthermore, I have checked P=578e.0295t with the values for t=15 and t=30, and got both answers right. What am I doing wrong here? Or, per the usual, is WebWork wrong?
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  • #2
i've quickly checked you work and agree with your results. Also your doubling rate is consistent with the problem.

the only thing i could guess is maybe the growth rate/time is given in different units (eg. per hour) or maybe greater accuracy, though the way the problem ios written i doubt those?
  • #3
Yes, this is yet another example of what I hate about computer-based education. Your growth constant has units of min-1 , so your doubling time will have units of minutes. Is that the unit that is asked for in WebWork's question? (One of the many little things students can trip over in these systems...)

It is also possible that the answer the computer calculates is wrong (caused by the code using a formula with an error in it) or that the instructor forgot to set a tolerance for acceptable answers. (We had a problem with such a system some years back, where the default on precision was 0% and the instructor forgot to set it to 2% for that problem. Since the computer calculated all the answers to 16 digits of precision, the odds that a student would match the computer's result were extremely low...)

If you are using the units the computer wants, and other students encounter the same difficulty, alert your instructor. We run into situations like this where I am at least once per course per semester...

FAQ: Bacterial Growth: Finding the Initial Size and Doubling Period

1. What is the equation for bacterial growth?

The equation for bacterial growth is known as the logistic growth model, which is written as dN/dt = rN(1-N/K), where dN/dt represents the change in bacterial population over time, r is the growth rate, N is the current population, and K is the carrying capacity of the environment.

2. How do bacteria reproduce?

Bacteria reproduce through a process called binary fission, where one bacterium splits into two identical daughter cells. This process can occur quickly and continuously, leading to exponential growth of bacterial populations.

3. How do environmental factors affect bacterial growth?

Environmental factors such as temperature, pH, and nutrient availability can greatly impact bacterial growth. Bacteria have specific optimal conditions for growth, and changes in these conditions can either promote or inhibit their growth.

4. What is the difference between exponential and logistic growth?

Exponential growth occurs when a population increases at a constant rate without any limiting factors. In contrast, logistic growth takes into account limiting factors, such as resources or space, and predicts a more realistic growth curve that eventually levels off at the carrying capacity of the environment.

5. Can bacterial growth be controlled or regulated?

Yes, bacterial growth can be controlled or regulated through various methods such as using antibiotics, adjusting environmental conditions, or implementing sanitation practices. Additionally, understanding the factors that affect bacterial growth can help prevent outbreaks and promote healthy bacterial populations.

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