What changes have been made to the Mind and Brain forum?

  • Medical
  • Thread starter Moonbear
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    Forum Scope
In summary, this forum has been renamed to Medical Sciences, and it has changed the scope to focus on basic science questions about human health and disease. Questions pertaining to clinical and human health subjects are appropriate here. Original research publications are now freely available to the public when the research has been publicly funded in the US.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
As people will undoubtedly notice, we've changed this forum from Mind and Brain to Medical Sciences.

At the time I am posting this, the threads posted under the subject of Mind and Brain have not been moved, but will be migrated, as appropriate, to more suitable forums here. If your thread moves and you miss the redirect, it may be in Social Sciences (for pure psychology questions), Philosophy, or Biology (many of the more "basic" neuroscience questions will wind up there).

This change in name also changes the scope of this forum, and eliminates some of the more ambiguous redundancies with other forums here. Now, all basic science type questions should be placed in the appropriate subject-specific forum. For example, topics about action potentials, how to measure their propagation, or how these apply to neural function would be best placed in Biology. Topics about purely psychological studies without obvious clinical relevance should be posted in Social Sciences. Discussions of such topics as mind-brain dualism should be placed within Philosophy.

Questions pertaining to clinical and human health subjects are appropriate here. This site is still science-based, therefore, pseudoscientific claims such as homeopathic medicine will not be permitted unless you'd like to discuss the science behind the placebo effect. Some topics, such as naturopathic medicines/herbal remedies will be given some leeway (at the mentors' discretion) as long as they focus on understanding the active ingredients and are not based on claims with no scientific evidence. (Links to sites selling these products are still prohibited by our rules against spam/advertising.)

Topics that are especially welcome include those that seek understanding of the science behind human health and disease. We hope this will be a place where the general public, professional scientists, clinicians, and students of the sciences can come together and assist each other in learning how and why specific symptoms are manifest in the disease state, pharmaceuticals treat these symptoms, and what the status of current research is on these subjects.

As a further example, original research publications are now available freely to the general public when the research has been publicly funded in the U.S. at PubMed Central. However, as these are publications written by scientists for scientists, it can be very difficult for members of the general public to understand the content and relevance to human health and medicine. This is a place where scientists can help the general public understand those publications through discussion where questions and confusion can be expressed and clarifications made. (Please remember our forum guidelines regarding copyright regulations - post a link to the original article, and do not copy entire articles to this site.)
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2

Thanks Moonbear,

The change in scope to Medical Sciences also attract the doctors from various fields, this could really become one of the most required forum for everyone who cares or relates to health.


  • #3

I believe that these changes to the Mind and Brain forum are positive and beneficial. By expanding the scope to include medical sciences, we are able to cover a wider range of topics and provide a platform for discussions on the latest research and advancements in the field. This also allows for a more organized and efficient categorization of topics, making it easier for members to find and participate in discussions that interest them. Additionally, by limiting the inclusion of pseudoscientific claims, we are able to maintain a high level of scientific integrity and promote evidence-based discussions. I am excited to see how this new forum will bring together a diverse group of individuals to exchange knowledge and insights on the fascinating world of medical sciences.

FAQ: What changes have been made to the Mind and Brain forum?

What is the purpose of this forum?

The purpose of this forum is to provide a platform for scientists and researchers to discuss and share information related to a specific topic or field of study.

Who can participate in this forum?

This forum is open to all individuals who have a background in science or research and are interested in the topic being discussed.

What topics are allowed to be discussed in this forum?

This forum is dedicated to discussing topics related to a specific scientific field or subject. Any topics that fall within the scope of this field are allowed to be discussed.

Are there any rules or guidelines for participating in this forum?

Yes, there are rules and guidelines that all users must follow in order to maintain a respectful and productive discussion. These rules may include avoiding personal attacks, using appropriate language, and citing sources when sharing information.

How can I contribute to this forum?

If you have knowledge or expertise in the topic being discussed, you can contribute by sharing your insights and participating in discussions. You can also ask questions and engage with other participants to further the conversation.

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