Distributed computing, do you support?

In summary, the conversation is about distributed computing and what projects the participants support. One person mentions running SETI@home, Climateprediction.net, and LHC@home, while another is interested in setting up a cheap server farm for parallel computing. They also discuss a virus/bot that runs on millions of computers, effectively creating a super computer. One person shares their friend's experience with running distributed computing on a laptop and the potential risks of overheating.
  • #1
Just curious to know if you guys here support Distributed computing?

like boinc. do you?

and what particular project do you support.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I used to run SETI alot. What I eventually want to set up is some kind of a cheap server farm that will do parallel computing on that.
  • #3
Cool, now i know you are also helpful human being here.

how about the other members here do they know about it?

or are you the one support SETI?
  • #4
I've forgotten the name, but does anyone here no of the virus/bot thing that is running on like over a few million computers world wide, effectively a super computer. Don't quote me on that number of comps though.
  • #5
I run SETI@home, Climateprediction.net and LCH@home.

I've had my power computer down for a while now, so I haven't been running it much lately. One friend of mine wanted to get involved and made the mistake of running it on his laptop with and AMD processor. After about one month CPU completely died due to overheating (at least that's what I assume happened). We popped a new one in got it working.

FAQ: Distributed computing, do you support?

1. What is distributed computing?

Distributed computing is a method of computing that involves processing and storing data across multiple computers that are connected through a network. This allows for tasks to be divided and distributed among the computers, making it possible to handle large and complex calculations or processes more efficiently.

2. What are the benefits of using distributed computing?

There are several benefits to using distributed computing. It allows for faster processing of tasks, as they can be divided among multiple computers. It also increases reliability, as there is no single point of failure, and if one computer goes down, the others can continue the task. Additionally, it allows for more cost-effective use of resources, as it utilizes existing hardware instead of requiring expensive specialized machines.

3. Can you provide an example of a real-world application of distributed computing?

One example of a real-world application of distributed computing is cloud computing. Companies like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft use distributed computing to provide services such as storage, processing power, and applications to users over the internet. This allows for scalability and cost efficiency, as the resources are shared among multiple users.

4. What are the challenges of distributed computing?

One of the main challenges of distributed computing is managing the communication and coordination between the different computers and ensuring that data is consistent across all nodes. This can be complex and requires careful design and implementation. Additionally, security can be a concern, as data is transmitted over a network and can be vulnerable to attacks.

5. How do you ensure data privacy and security in distributed computing?

To ensure data privacy and security in distributed computing, various measures can be implemented, such as encryption, access control, and authentication. Data can also be dispersed across multiple nodes, making it more difficult for unauthorized access. Regular security checks and updates are also crucial to maintaining a secure distributed computing system.
