Damping term in Euler Bernoulli equation

In summary, in order to compare your FEM simulation results with those of the paper, you will need to fit the damping matrix C to an equivalent linear damping model and use this to determine the value of the damping coefficient c for the Euler-Bernoulli equation.
  • #1
I have made an FEM simulation of a cantilever beam in Matlab. I have included the damping using damping matrix C= alpha x M + beta x K. Problem is that I want to compare my result with this paper

http://flyingv.ucsd.edu/rvazquez/Journal/nano.pdf (See eq.1)

where the author has put the damping in the Euler Bernoulli equation directly as follows,

EIzxxxx(x,t) + czdot(x,t) + mzddot(x,t) = -u(t)

Question is how do I convert alpha and beta to c which is used for damping in the Euler Bernoulli eq?

Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Unfortunately, there is no straightforward answer to this question. As you have probably noticed, the damping coefficient c in the Euler-Bernoulli equation is different from the damping matrix C in FEM simulations. The damping coefficient c represents a linear model of structural damping, while the damping matrix C incorporates nonlinear effects. Therefore, it is not possible to directly convert one into the other. In order to compare your results with those of the paper you referenced, you will need to use an equivalent linear damping model in both cases. This can be done by fitting the damping matrix C to a linear damping model, such as Rayleigh damping or an equivalent viscous damping model. Once you have obtained an equivalent linear damping model, you can then use this to determine the value of the damping coefficient c for the Euler-Bernoulli equation.

FAQ: Damping term in Euler Bernoulli equation

1. What is the damping term in the Euler Bernoulli equation?

The damping term in the Euler Bernoulli equation is a term that accounts for the energy dissipation or loss in a vibrating system. It is represented by the symbol "c" and is multiplied by the velocity term in the equation.

2. How does the damping term affect the behavior of a vibrating system?

The damping term determines the rate at which the vibrations in a system decay over time. A higher damping coefficient leads to faster decay and less oscillation, while a lower damping coefficient results in slower decay and more sustained oscillations.

3. What is the relationship between the damping term and the natural frequency of a system?

The damping term and the natural frequency of a system are inversely related. A higher damping coefficient leads to a lower natural frequency, meaning the system will vibrate at a slower rate. Conversely, a lower damping coefficient results in a higher natural frequency and faster vibrations.

4. How is the damping term calculated in the Euler Bernoulli equation?

The damping term is typically calculated by measuring the damping coefficient of a system, which is a measure of the amount of energy dissipated per unit of time. This coefficient can be determined experimentally or by using mathematical models.

5. What are some real-world applications of the Euler Bernoulli equation and its damping term?

The Euler Bernoulli equation and its damping term are commonly used in engineering and physics to analyze and design structures and systems that experience vibrations, such as bridges, buildings, and mechanical components. It is also used in fields such as acoustics and seismology to study the behavior of sound and earthquakes, respectively.
