Can Human Clones Reproduce Naturally: Pros, Cons and Legal Implications?

  • Thread starter arabianights
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In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of human cloning and its potential for natural reproduction. It is mentioned that clones of the same individual would have similar issues as siblings reproducing, while clones of different individuals would have the same issues as any other offspring. The process of cloning is briefly explained and it is noted that human cloning is currently illegal in many countries. However, if successfully done, a human clone would be able to reproduce naturally and potentially have healthy offspring.
  • #1
Tom Cruise's Oblivion got me thinking:

can human clone reproduce naturally? what are the pros and cons of clones reproducing themselves?
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  • #2
You mean humans who are both clones of the same individual?
That would be the same as for siblings reproducing - only these are extremely close siblings.

Clones of different humans have about the same issues as for the two originals.
  • #3
To be sure, no one has yet to clone a human being. Obviously, if you have the technology to clone a human, reproduction by the natural method would be, er..., quaint.
  • #4
It may still be fun, as well as quaint.
  • #5
Yes, of course they could. You have to understand what cloning is - it's just another way to make a baby. If I wanted to clone you, for instance, here are the basic steps: 1) I would gather a few cells from you (I only need one good one, and I could theoretically get one without even touching you, for instance by taking it off the rim of a glass or cup you drank out of). 2) I would obtain a human egg cell from a donor. 3) I would remove the egg cell's nucleus and insert the nucleus of your cell in its place. 3) After watching this altered egg cell divide a few times to make sure it is healthy, I would put it into the uterus of a surrogate mother. 4) Nine months later, the surrogate mom would give birth to a baby who is genetically identical to you, this baby is also known as your clone. The clone would be a separate human being, and would be just like any other would just happen to have the same DNA as you do.

Consequently, a human clone could reproduce just like anyone else - UNLESS the person whose DNA the clone received had some genetic condition that rendered them unable to create offspring.
  • #6
Human cloning is illegal but if it were done successfully then the clone would grow up to be sexually mature and mate like anyone else. The first cloned mammal "Dolly the sheep" was able to have multiple offspring that grew up to be perfectly healthy.
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  • #7
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FAQ: Can Human Clones Reproduce Naturally: Pros, Cons and Legal Implications?

1. Can human clones reproduce?

Yes, human clones have the potential to reproduce just like any other human being.

2. Are cloned humans considered to be genetically identical to the original?

Yes, human clones are considered to be genetically identical to the original because they are created using the same DNA.

3. Is it possible for a cloned human to have a different personality or behavior than the original?

Yes, while cloned humans may have the same genetic makeup as the original, their personalities and behaviors can still be influenced by their environment and life experiences.

4. Are there any ethical concerns with human cloning?

Yes, there are many ethical concerns surrounding human cloning, including the potential for exploitation, issues with identity and individuality, and the potential for designer babies.

5. Can human clones have children of their own?

Yes, human clones have the ability to have children through the same reproductive methods as any other human being, such as sexual reproduction or assisted reproductive technologies.
