Why Does Term Not Appear in Classical Lagrangian for Spin 1/2 Electrodynamics?

  • Thread starter dextercioby
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In summary, the question being asked is why the term \frac{e}{2} \bar{\Psi} (x) \Sigma^{\mu\nu} F_{\mu\nu}(x) \Psi (x) does not appear in the classical lagrangian for spin 1/2 parity invariant electrodynamics. There are a few reasons for this, one being that it makes the theory non-renormalizable. Additionally, this term is allowed in the dynamics of charged hadrons like protons, but only in the context of a usual, non-secondary quantized Dirac equation. The presence of the derivative in the electromagnetic field tensor is what leads to the non-renormalizability of the theory. This argument
  • #1
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There's been quite a while since reading some serious physics, so i forgot some key points. The question I'm about to ask may seem trivial for a knowledgeable person, but I can't find the answer and I thought it is easier to get a right answer here, than wondering through a dozen of QFT books.

So here goes:

Why does the term

[tex] \frac{e}{2} \bar{\Psi} (x) \Sigma^{\mu\nu} F_{\mu\nu}(x) \Psi (x)[/tex]

NOT appear in the classical lagrangian for the spin 1/2 parity invariant electrodynamics ?

p.s. I hope the notation is obvous, Sigma is the spin matrix = <i/2> times the commutator of the gamma matrices, the F is the e-m field tensor and the big Psi-s are the Dirac spinors.
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  • #2
There is a couple of reasons; one of them - the theory is non-renormalizable with this term.

If you consider a usual, non secondary quantized Dirac equation, this term is allowed in dynamics of charged hadrons (protons) with an anomalous magnetic moment.
  • #3
I don't know why they got you banned, but can you sustain your <non-renormalizability> reasoning with some article published in a peer-reviewed journal or a book on QFT/QED ?

Thank you.

P.S. This question is, of course, again open to other people as well, since this is (up to moderation) a free forum.

LATE EDIT: Okay, I've seen the argumentation in the first volume of Weinberg's book on QFT. It's due to <power counting> and the nonrenormalizability is induced by the presence of the derivative in the e-m tensor.
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FAQ: Why Does Term Not Appear in Classical Lagrangian for Spin 1/2 Electrodynamics?

1. Why is the term for spin 1/2 not included in the classical Lagrangian for electrodynamics?

The classical Lagrangian for electrodynamics was developed before the concept of spin was fully understood. Therefore, it does not include the term for spin 1/2, which is a quantum mechanical concept.

2. Can the classical Lagrangian for electrodynamics be modified to include the spin 1/2 term?

Yes, the classical Lagrangian can be modified to include the spin 1/2 term, but it would then become a quantum mechanical Lagrangian and would no longer be applicable in classical mechanics.

3. What is the significance of the spin 1/2 term in electrodynamics?

The spin 1/2 term in electrodynamics is significant because it helps to explain the intrinsic angular momentum of particles, such as electrons, which cannot be explained by classical mechanics alone.

4. Are there any other terms that are missing from the classical Lagrangian for electrodynamics?

Yes, there are other terms that are missing from the classical Lagrangian, such as those related to quantum effects and higher order interactions. These terms are only included in the quantum mechanical Lagrangian.

5. What theories or principles are used to derive the classical Lagrangian for electrodynamics?

The classical Lagrangian for electrodynamics is derived using the principles of classical mechanics, specifically the principle of least action. It also incorporates Maxwell's equations, which describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields.

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