Chemistry in the Real World - Super Quick Question on chemistry/pools

In summary, an industry uses chemical reactions to produce products that are used in various ways. There are environmental concerns that arise as a result of these processes, but various solutions and precautions are in place to prevent accidents.
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I have to write a little report on an industry that uses a chemical reaction(s) and basically answer these questions (skip down to the bottom if you just want to see my quick question):~~~~~~~~~~

1. Identify chemical reactions upon which the industry relies.

2.Write the chemical equation (balanced) for each reaction and translate the equation into words. The ChemExper Chemicals Directory website can be used to identify compounds with which students are unfamiliar.

3.If possible, identify the class of reaction into which each process would be categorized.

4.Obtain images of molecular models for reactant and product species, if available. *Contact your instructor for help with this part if you need it. *

5.Determine the role that each reaction plays in the industry.

6.How are the products of the reaction used by the industry?

7.What benefits does the process bring to the industry or to the larger society?

8.Obtain industry statistics regarding the annual consumption or production of the reaction species.

9.Has the industry made any recent advances that have chemical foundations?

10.Are there environmental concerns that arise as a result of the chemical processes?

11. Detail the nature of any environmental problems associated with the chemical processes.

12. What solutions and precautions are in place to prevent environmental accidents?


So I was thinking I would do it on pool chemicals. I know a "poolman" who could help me out with some of the questions that relate to the benefits and all that, but he hasn't been able to help me out with the actual reaction product. So my question is, is there a chemical reaction that produces a chemical/product that is used in swimming pools? I found Chlorine dioxide (ClO2), but that is used to purify drinking water, so I can't use that.

Any help would be greatly appreciated and any tips for the questions (if you read them), I would so appreciate too. I really need to finish this by the weekend (or else ) so I'm trying to work on a little bit each night, but if I don't figure out the chemical/product I want to use then I can't even get started.

OR - If you have a better industry/chemical reaction to suggest, please mention that too. Chemistry is not my thing so I really just want to get this done in the quickest way possible so I can move on to my advanced biology classes next year. Thank you so much!

Sorry, I guess I'm long winded. :blushing:
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Physics news on
  • #2
You may want to brainstorm this with AngelShare. She is working on the same type of assignment.. AngelShare's post
  • #3

Hello there,

It's great that you have chosen to research the use of chemical reactions in the pool industry for your report. There are actually quite a few chemical reactions that take place in the maintenance and treatment of swimming pools. Some of the main reactions are:

1. Chlorine and water reacting to form hypochlorous acid and hydrochloric acid:
Cl2 + H2O → HOCl + HCl
This reaction is important because hypochlorous acid is a powerful disinfectant that helps keep the pool water clean and free of harmful bacteria and microorganisms.

2. Bicarbonate and acid reacting to form carbon dioxide and water:
HCO3- + H+ → CO2 + H2O
This reaction is important because it helps to maintain the pH balance of the pool water. Bicarbonate acts as a buffer, preventing drastic changes in pH levels.

3. Calcium carbonate and acid reacting to form calcium ions and carbon dioxide:
CaCO3 + 2H+ → Ca2+ + CO2 + H2O
This reaction is important because it helps prevent the buildup of calcium deposits on pool surfaces, which can cause damage and make the pool water cloudy.

4. Sodium hypochlorite and water reacting to form hypochlorous acid and sodium hydroxide:
NaOCl + H2O → HOCl + NaOH
This reaction is important because it is the main chemical reaction that takes place when using liquid chlorine to disinfect pool water.

These are just a few examples of the chemical reactions that take place in the pool industry. As for the benefits of these reactions, they help to keep the pool water clean, safe, and balanced for swimmers to enjoy. They also prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and algae, which can be a health hazard.

In terms of environmental concerns, the main issue is the potential for these chemicals to be released into the environment, either through improper disposal or accidental spills. To prevent this, pool owners and professionals must follow proper storage and disposal protocols, and use the chemicals in a responsible manner.

I hope this helps you with your report. If you need any additional information or clarification, please don't hesitate to ask. Best of luck with your project!

FAQ: Chemistry in the Real World - Super Quick Question on chemistry/pools

1. How does the chemistry of a pool affect the water's cleanliness?

The chemistry of a pool is crucial to maintaining its cleanliness. The levels of chemicals such as chlorine, pH, and alkalinity must be properly balanced to kill bacteria and algae, prevent scaling and corrosion, and keep the water clear.

2. What are the most important chemicals used in pool maintenance?

The most important chemicals used in pool maintenance are chlorine, pH increaser or decreaser, and alkalinity increaser or decreaser. These chemicals are essential for sanitizing the water and keeping it in a balanced state.

3. How often should a pool's chemistry be tested?

Pool chemistry should be tested at least once a week. However, it is recommended to test the water two to three times a week, especially during hot summer months when the pool is used more frequently.

4. What are the consequences of imbalanced pool chemistry?

Imbalanced pool chemistry can lead to a variety of problems. Low chlorine levels can result in algae growth and bacteria buildup, while high chlorine levels can cause skin and eye irritation. Imbalanced pH and alkalinity can also damage pool equipment and surfaces.

5. How can I maintain proper pool chemistry without using harsh chemicals?

There are alternative methods for maintaining pool chemistry without relying on harsh chemicals. These include using natural products such as baking soda and vinegar, as well as using a mineral-based pool system. Regular cleaning and maintenance of the pool and its filter can also help reduce the need for chemical treatments.
