Can you Combinie two transition probability matrices?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of combining two transitional probability matrices into one in order to obtain a more accurate representation of a stochastic process. It is suggested that the resulting matrix can be obtained by taking the scalar average of the two matrices, but it is important to ensure that the resulting matrix still adheres to the Kolmogorov axioms, specifically that each row sums to 1. The conversation also mentions the need for a deeper understanding of the process before attempting to combine the matrices. Additionally, it is recommended to create a conditional probability model based on factors such as the type of car being driven. Finally, the conversation suggests obtaining frequency information for each event and then dividing by the relevant total to calculate empirical probabilities.
  • #1

How would you/or is it possible to combine two transitional probability matrices?

Say for example I have 2 matrices that both measure the probability of moving from one state to another (the states are 1, 2 and 3)

Here is a picture

Can these be combined into one probability matrix? Do you just take the average of each element?

To be more specific

Say for example I record the speed of a car each second on a road. Say I do this twice and get two TPMs with speed as the state. Each TPM has different probabilities.

So I would have two matrices like so

Can you combine them into one and assume that the resulting TPM is the "average" TPM for speed along that stretch of road?

Thank you

Many thanks

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  • #2
Hey bradyj7 and welcome to the forums.

The main characteristics for a markov chain is that you have to following basic probability axioms. Apart from that, there are really no restrictions for your transition matrix (every row has to sum up to 1 and the matrix must be square)

As for things related to the process, as long as the process exhibits the properties of first order conditional independence, then you are set.

Mathematically there is no problem with finding the scalar average of the two matrices: in other words set your "average" transition matrix to 1/2 x (A+B) where A is the first matrix and B is the second. Since this process will create a matrix with that preserves the row property (sum equals 1) as well as the other Kolmogorov axioms, the resulting matrix is a proper transition matrix.

Having said the above though, you need to be very careful about doing something like this because you need a deep understanding of the process to see what kinds of things you can do to get what you call an 'average' transition matrix.

It might be helpful to know a bit more about the process before you do something like this.

Also it would actually be wiser to create a system that is conditional on the car type and then take it from there.

This means that you have to formulate a probability model that is conditional on the car type in which you should get distribution for your new stochastic process based on the above information.

How much background do you with probability/statistics?
  • #3
Hello Chiro,

Thank you for taking the time understand the question and your detailed response.

I'm currently doing a diploma in statistics and have an undergraduate degree in engineering/maths so I would have an understanding of the basic concepts.

Mathematically there is no problem with finding the scalar average of the two matrices: in other words set your "average" transition matrix to 1/2 x (A+B) where A is the first matrix and B is the second. Since this process will create a matrix with that preserves the row property (sum equals 1) as well as the other Kolmogorov axioms, the resulting matrix is a proper transition matrix.

I thought that this would be OK. However, when I did it, the rows in the resulting 'average' matrix do not sum to 1. Take for example, these two matrices

In the second matrix, no speed value for 2 was recorded hence the row (row 2) sums to 0. The reason why is because the speed is recorded every second and for this particular trip the recorded values were 1 and the next one was 3.

So if I take the average of these two matrices, I would get

0.65 0.05 0.3
0.25 0.25 0 ...Row 2 does not sum to 1?
0.1 0.25 0.85

Essentially, what I am doing is driving a car along a street and recording the speed every second. Then creating frequency and transition probability matrices. Then generating a speed profile of a car on the street using a markov chain.

The same car drives the route at the same time each day. Would this cover this requirement?

This means that you have to formulate a probability model that is conditional on the car type in which you should get distribution for your new stochastic process based on the above information.

Thank you

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  • #4
The first matrix with a zero row in 2nd column is not a valid transition matrix.
  • #5

I was thinking that this was the reason.

I have prepared a little spread sheet of my method if you wouldn't mind looking at it?

A sample of recorded values are in Col A and you will see a frequency a matrix and transitional probability matrix.

As you pointed out row 2 is incorrect.

However the next time the car drives the route a value of 2 could be recorded. And in order to get the average of the two matrices then they would need to be the same size, correct?

Could you suggest a solution to this?

Many thanks

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  • #6
Hi Chiro,

Would you have any further thoughts on this?

Kind regards

  • #7
bradyj7 said:
Hi Chiro,

Would you have any further thoughts on this?

Kind regards


Hey bradyj7.

Sorry dude, the timezone here in Australia is different and I forgot you made another reply (didn't come up in my inbox).

Whenever you have the case where you don't have any probability data, basically you stick with the approach of getting frequency information for each 'atomic' event, which in this case corresponds to each 'cell' in your matrix.

Once you get the frequency information you just divide by the relevant total and that is your empirical probability based on data.

If its not based on data, then it will just be probability that obeys the Kolmogorov axioms (i.e. probability between 0 and 1 and all probabilities in each row add up to 1).

After reading your experiment there is something I want to say about it and about the idea of 'averaging' probabilities:

From what you have said, the averaging idea is a good idea but only if there is an equal amount of data in each transition matrix. Let me explain:

Since all of the data is talking about the exact same process, then each matrix represents an 'independent' collection of probability information for the same process.

This means that you can do a special kind of average to combine the two matrices and based on what they represent, this is not only ok but expected.

Lets illustrate the point with a simple stochastic process (not markov but the same principles apply):

Lets have experiment information A = {1,2,3,4,5} A_N = 15 and B = {3,6,11,14,15} A_N = 29. Now they are all 'measurements' from the same experiment but they are partitioned into sets A and B.

Now if we wanted to figure out the probability info taking into account both A and B we would calculate P(x) = [A(x) + B(x)]/(A_N + B_N).

But what if we had P_A(x) that represented a probability for data in A and P_B(x) that represents data in B?

We know P_A(x) = A(x)/A_N and P_B(x) = B(x)/B_N. Now our goal is to find P(x) in terms of P_A(x) and P_B(x) (which in your case is the two transition matrices).

P(x) = [A(x) + B(x)]/(A_N + B_N) = A(x)/[A_N + B_N] + B(x)/[A_N + B_N]

We now use the substitution A(x)/[A_N + B_N] = A(x)/A_N x [1 - B_N/(A_N+B_N)] and B(x)/[A_N+B_N] = B(x)/B_N x [1 - A_N/(A_N+B_N)].

But we have A(x)/A_N as our P_A(x) and B(x)/B_N as our P_B(x) which means that we can calculate P(x) as:

P(x) = P_A(x) x [1 - B_N/(A_N+B_N)] + P_B(x) x [1 - A_N/(A_N+B_N)]

This is what you have to do. Basically your A_N and B_N are the 'total histogram counts' for each row and your P_A(x) and P_B(x) correspond to probability information in each cell of your matrix.

The way this works is that if one matrix has a lot of data compared to the other, it will be weighted more which if you think about it makes sense: imagine if one matrix had 10000 bits of data and your second matrix had 2.

The above is not only the how but the why: because all the data is part of the same process all I am doing is show to go from partitioned data (your two matrices) to unpartitioned data (you're 'averaged' matrix).

If you have any other questions I'll do my best to answer them.
  • #8
Hello Chiro,

Its cool, I'm based in Ireland so we are in opposite time zones

Thank you for replying again and for your detailed explanation.

You said that

From what you have said, the averaging idea is a good idea but only if there is an equal amount of data in each transition matrix.

Do you mean by this that each matrix would need to have the same number transition states i.e 1,2,3,4,5 or that it matrix would need to created from the same number of 'recorded values'?

I think that you refer to this again here

The way this works is that if one matrix has a lot of data compared to the other, it will be weighted more which if you think about it makes sense: imagine if one matrix had 10000 bits of data and your second matrix had 2.

Am I correct?

Which ever the case may be, can I just say that for each experiment there will always be 20 recorded values (if this is what you are referring to). But I cannot say for certain that each experiment will contain at least one occurrance of the states 1,2,3,4,5. These are speed values and are dependent on how fast an individual accelerates. For instance somebody speed value could go from 1 to 2 to 3 but for somebody who accelerates fast it may go from 1 to 3.

Just so I understand what your proposing, I put together another two examples. Both examples have 20 recorded values. Example 1 has at at least one occurance of each state and all probabilities sum to 1. Example 2 has no occurances of state 4.

So that I can be certain that I understand you correctly would you mind posting what you would calculate as being the 'average' of these two matrices based on what you explained in the previous post?

Many thanks

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  • #9
I think I may have babbled on a lot more than usual. I'll say the specifics:

Consider your excel spreadsheets:

Now consider the formula we derived for calculating the final probability transition matrix:

P(x) = P_A(x) x [1 - B_N/(A_N+B_N)] + P_B(x) x [1 - A_N/(A_N+B_N)]

In your particular problem: P(x) represents the probability in your given row that you are working on where x is the cell in that row.

P_A(x) represents the probability value in the same row at cell x for your first matrix.

P_B(x) is the same thing for your second matrix.

A_N is the total number of counts for the same row we are dealing with in matrix A

B_N is the total number of counts for the same row we are dealing with in matrix B

Now as an example of actual values:

Lets look at the first row for both matrices:

A_N = 6, B_N = 2, P_A(1) = 0.17, P_B(1) = 0 P(1) for this row = 0.17 x (1 - 2/(6+2)) + 0 = 0.17 x 3/4 = 0.1275

Because the first matrix has more data it is weighted more.

You just apply the same formula for each cell in the given row. You can use a spreadsheet to do this for and everything will be calculated instantly.

If you study the formula for a little bit you will see that it is basically a 'weighted average' of the two matrices where the one that has the most data is given a bigger weight (closer to 1).

If both matrices have the exact same amount of data the weight will be exactly half since B_N/(A_N+B_N) = A_N/(A_N+B_N) = 1/2 and (1 - 1/2) = 1/2.
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  • #10
Hello Chiro,

Thanks very much for the help, I understand it all now!


  • #11
Hello Chiro,

I have one further question about the formula for calculating the weighted average of the matrices, if you don't mind?

What would the formula be for 3 matrices?

I've attempted it below, but I'm unsure what goes in the place that I've marked with **?**, is it P_A(x) or P_B(x), or does it matter? or is the equation incomplete?P(x) = P_A(x) x [1 - B_N/(A_N+B_N+C_N)] + P_B(x) x [1 - A_N/(A_N+B_N+C_N)] + P_C(x) x [1 - **?**/(A_N+B_N+C_N)]

Thank you

  • #12
bradyj7 said:
Hello Chiro,

I have one further question about the formula for calculating the weighted average of the matrices, if you don't mind?

What would the formula be for 3 matrices?

I've attempted it below, but I'm unsure what goes in the place that I've marked with **?**, is it P_A(x) or P_B(x), or does it matter? or is the equation incomplete?

P(x) = P_A(x) x [1 - B_N/(A_N+B_N+C_N)] + P_B(x) x [1 - A_N/(A_N+B_N+C_N)] + P_C(x) x [1 - **?**/(A_N+B_N+C_N)]

Thank you


Hey John.

Do you want the basic idea for N matrices or just the special case of N = 3?

I'd recommend to discuss the general formula although there will be a few extra symbols here and there.

The idea is exactly the same in that you calculate the 'weights' of the data of each matrix with respect to the total data in 'each' matrix. Because we had two data points we know that w1 + w2 = 1 which is why we have the (1 - blah).

In the general sense we just use a simple formula to calculate weights and then multiply the P_blah(x) terms by the weights.

I'll wait for your answer before I go any further.
  • #13
Hello Chiro,

Yes, it would great if you could describe the basic formula for N matrices. That way I'll be able to apply it to different numbers of matrices and I'll also have a better understanding.

Thank you

  • #14
Well the basic idea is that you weight everything by the number of data points in one row of one matrix relative to the total across all rows.

Lets define a bit of notation.

Let N be the number of matrices you have.

Let N_(i,j) be the number of data points for the ith matrix for the jth row.

Let S_(i,j)(x) be the frequency count for the ith matrix in the jth row for the xth element.

From this we have P(i,j)(x) is the probability for the ith matrix for the jth row at the xth column. We can write this as:

P(i,j)(x) = S_(i,j)(x) / N_(i,j)

Now we have all of this information at hand (exactly like in your spreadsheet).

Let P(r,x) be the 'combined' probability matrix for row r and column x corresponding to our final probability we wish to calculate.

This is given as:

P(r,x) = Sum (i = 1 to N) w_i P(i,r,x)

and our job is to determine w_i.

Note that we do this on a row by row basis and not on a matrix by matrix basis unless each row in each matrix has the exact same amount of data: other-wise its important to make sure you do this on a row by row basis.

Now it turns out calculating w_i is really easy.

All we have to do is consider the weight of the data of one matrix with respect to all the data in all the matrices.

Lets introduce the following variable T where:

T = Sum (i = 1 to N) N_(i,r)

where r is the same row we are dealing with in our calculation.

w_i = N_(i,r) / T.

That is it!

All I have done is figured out the weight of the data of one matrix with respect to everything in total for a particular row and used that to denote the combination of how the matrix contributes to the overall data set.

Now take these formulas apply them across all matrices and all rows and you will get a final matrix that represents all the data you have collected.
  • #15
Hello Chiro,

Thank you for this. I understand the theory behind what you are saying, but I'm struggling to see how you derive a specific formula for N = some number from this.

Would you mind posting the formula for N=3 so I can compare it to N=2?

I really appreciate your help.

  • #16
bradyj7 said:
Hello Chiro,

Thank you for this. I understand the theory behind what you are saying, but I'm struggling to see how you derive a specific formula for N = some number from this.

Would you mind posting the formula for N=3 so I can compare it to N=2?

I really appreciate your help.


Ok let's see how we go.

Lets assume we are using the standard convention that has been used in this thread for N's P(x)'s and so on.

First let's look at the N = 2 case.

If we have N_A, N_B, P_A(x), P_B(x) and let's say that our row is fixed with N = 3 and T = N_A + N_B. Now we have

w_1 = N_A/(N_A+N_B) and w_2 = N_B(N_A+N_B)

But we know that N_A/(N_A+N_B) + N_B(N_A+N_B) = 1 using some simple algebra.

This means that w_1 = 1 - N_B/(N_A+N_B) and w_2 = 1 - N_A/(N_A+N_B) which gives our formula for the N = 2 case. The derivation was a little different and was in a different form, but this is why it was the case.

Now for N = 3.

Lets define N_A, N_B, and N_C in the usual way and P_A(x), P_B(x) and P_C(x) in the usual way and T = N_A + N_B + N_C.

w_1 = N_A/T, w_2 = N_B/T, w_3 = N_C/T

Now if you wanted the same 'form' as the early derivation we do the same thing by writing things in terms of 1 - blah in the same way for N = 2.

So we know N_A/T + N_B/T + N_C/T = 1 which means we can use the following substitutions:

w_1 = 1 - (N_B + N_C)/T, w_2 = 1 - (N_A + N_C)/T, w_3 = 1 - (N_A + N_B)/T and then use those weights like we did in the very first derivation of N = 2 case.

So basically the link is that in the first derivation we looked at things in terms of complementary weights by using the fact that all weights sum up to 1 and in the second case we just use the simple idea of calculating a weight to be the fraction of the data in one matrix for one row relative to the total data for all matrices in that row. By using the algebraic trick of writing weight_blah = 1 - rest of weights we get different expressions that mean mathematically and intuitively the same thing.
  • #17
Hello Chiro,

Thank you for explaining this to me. It took me a few times going through it to understand it, but I get it now and can write the formula for an value of N. Result.

Could I ask you another question, if you don't mind? It is in relation to Markov Chain states.

You have already seen from my earlier posts that I am recording the speed of a car as it travels down a street and I am creating a transition probability matrix of the probability of moving from one speed to another and modelling this with a markov chain. The output is ultimately a speed - Time profile of the car.

I've created a very simple spreadsheet to illustrate the process (These are not real values, I made this up to keep the values small)

I understand all this.

My question is to do with the following:

I've found a paper online where somebody is doing the same process (i.e modelling the speed time profile of a car).

However, they have used speed AND acceleration as the states in the Markov chain.

As far as I know, they compute the acceleration directly from the recorded speed values.

Here are two figures illustrating their process.

So my question is, if they did compute the acceleration directly from the recorded speed values, would that not make one of the states redundant as you calculate one directly from the other? They are recorded at fixed time intervals (i.e 1 sec) and they're both scalar quantities. What benefit, if any, would using acceleration as a state also bring to the model?

I hope that this is enough information for you to understand it. I would be grateful for comments that you could make on this.

Thank you

  • #18
Hey bradyj7.

There really is no difference between your way and their way.

Instead of you having before and after velocities, they have before velocity and after velocity in which the the after velocity is implied through the relationship after velocity = before velocity + delta_acceleration * delta_time.

If the delta_time was known and constant you could convert your matrix to their matrix very easily using a spreadsheet and if you used the same kind of resolution as they did, then it would more or less the same kind of system (the resolution they use is very high since they use a massive matrix).

They are not creating any excess redundancy, but yes in terms of the information given in the transition matrix having two velocities is exactly the same as having a fixed time_delta, one velocity and an acceleration for that time delta.

In terms of benefit, that is a good question.

I can't really answer this to be honest. I don't really know anything about the domain of these kinds of experiments and what people are trying to do.

Since you are doing the experiment, it would help if you think about what these kinds of experiments are trying to achieve.

For example let's say we wanted to do these to get an idea of fuel use in a car. Now fuel might have a direct correlation with acceleration. For example if you accelerate a lot then you tend to use a lot of fuel than if you just coast on a certain velocity. In this case, having things in terms of acceleration might help you build an inferential statement to test.

The above is just a guess and I really don't know anything about cars in any major detail, but I think the statement should give you an idea that could help you come up with your own answer.
  • #19
Hello Chiro,

You helped me out a lot with a probability question a months ago.

I was wondering if I could ask you another question?

I'm trying to work out a conditional probability.

I have hundreds of measurements of two variables (1) Start Time and (2) Journey time.

I've created a frequency table.

The frequency table shows the number of occurrences for each variable pair in my data set. For example there were 5 journeys that started at 8am and lasted 5 minutes.

How would I work out the probable Journey time given a start time?

P(JT | ST) = P(JT n ST)/P(ST)

For example 9am

P(JT | ST) = P(JT n ST)/P(ST)

P( JT | 9am) = ?

Thanks for your help

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  • #20
bradyj7 said:
Hello Chiro,

You helped me out a lot with a probability question a months ago.

I was wondering if I could ask you another question?

I'm trying to work out a conditional probability.

I have hundreds of measurements of two variables (1) Start Time and (2) Journey time.

I've created a frequency table.

The frequency table shows the number of occurrences for each variable pair in my data set. For example there were 5 journeys that started at 8am and lasted 5 minutes.

How would I work out the probable Journey time given a start time?

P(JT | ST) = P(JT n ST)/P(ST)

For example 9am

P(JT | ST) = P(JT n ST)/P(ST)

P( JT | 9am) = ?

Thanks for your help


Hey bradyj7.

In terms of the P(JT and ST) you simply divide the appropriate cell by the total cell count (which in this case given the data is 1528 and the bottom right hand corner).

To calculate P(ST) you look at the sum on the right hand side and divide it by the total cell count (again for this example, it is 1528).

To generate the actual distribution, you do this for all cells of JT and ST. You don't have to use individual cells: you can group cells together. If you wish to do this then you need to make sure you include all the information, and that you don't do 'over-lapping' cells. If you do over-lapping cells then your probabilities will not be independent and it will screw up your distribution (and you could possibly get a non-valid probability).

So once you have picked your divisions for JT and ST, calculate P(JT=y|ST=x) = P(JT=y,ST=x)/P(ST=x) and then store this result somewhere.

For your example, the y value can be any JT value, but in reality we want JT to be more constrained. If you don't constrain JT=y for some specific y, you'll get a probability of 1 and the reason is that if you allow all possible events of JT then you are going to calculate P(JT|ST=x) = P(JT,ST=x)/P(ST=x) = P(U,ST=x)/P(ST=x) = P(ST=x)/P(ST=x) = 1.

For now let's assume y correponds to < 4 for JT. We calculate this as:

P(JT<4|ST=9am) = P(JT<4,ST=9am)/P(ST=9am). Now P(JT<4, ST=9am) = (5+18)/1528. and P(ST=9am) = 121/1528. This implies P(JT<4|ST=9am) =23/121.

In terms of the P(X,Y) part (i.e. P(X AND Y)), you simply add up all the corresponding frequency cells for these events and divide by the total. The reason is that X AND Y corresponds both X and Y being satisfied. In Terms of P(X=x), you look at the appropriate final frequency count with respect to the total frequency count.
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  • #21
Hello Chiro,

Thank you for your reply and for taking the time to explain this to me.

I'm just trying to understand the theory.

Is this type of problem a conditional expectation problem? as described here

Can I expand the problem a little.

Say I wanted to calculate the expected journey time given Journey Start Time and Distance travelled.

P(JT | ST, D)

I've expanded the frequency table with actual measurements.

For example,there were 25 journeys that started at 8am, were 3 miles long with a journey time of 5 minutes. The journey times are rounded to the nearest 5 minutes.

To calculate the expected journey time given that the start time is 8am and the distance is 3 miles would the calculation be (taking the middle point in each gap to minimize the error)?

(5/2*3 + (5 + 5/2)*25 + (10+5/2)*33 + (15+5/2)*7 + (20+5/2)*2 ) / ( 3 + 25 + 33 + 7 + 2)

This appears to give a reasonable answer but I'm not sure if it is correct.

I understand most of your explanation below, but would you mind doing a sample calculation using the method that you have described?

The total number of observations is 17,711.

Thanks very much

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  • #22
bradyj7 said:
Hello Chiro,

Thank you for your reply and for taking the time to explain this to me.

I'm just trying to understand the theory.

Is this type of problem a conditional expectation problem? as described here

Can I expand the problem a little.

Say I wanted to calculate the expected journey time given Journey Start Time and Distance travelled.

P(JT | ST, D)

I've expanded the frequency table with actual measurements.

For example,there were 25 journeys that started at 8am, were 3 miles long with a journey time of 5 minutes. The journey times are rounded to the nearest 5 minutes.

To calculate the expected journey time given that the start time is 8am and the distance is 3 miles would the calculation be (taking the middle point in each gap to minimize the error)?

(5/2*3 + (5 + 5/2)*25 + (10+5/2)*33 + (15+5/2)*7 + (20+5/2)*2 ) / ( 3 + 25 + 33 + 7 + 2)

This appears to give a reasonable answer but I'm not sure if it is correct.

I understand most of your explanation below, but would you mind doing a sample calculation using the method that you have described?

The total number of observations is 17,711.

Thanks very much


The problem you posed in your response before the one quoted above is simply a calculation of conditional probability. In other words to figure out say P(A) we use #TimesAHappens/#TotalNumberofTimesAllUp.

Conditional expectation has the same interpretation and definition as normal expectation except that you are dealing with a conditional probability distribution as opposed to a non-conditional one. It's still a normal distribution though, but what conditioning does is it limits the probability to a subset of the whole probability space and not the whole probability space.

To understand things consider P(A|U) = P(A and U)/P(U) = P(A)/1 = P(A). If instead of U we used some small subset, we would be considering A with respect to a small subset B instead of U. In other words, we are considering an event with respect to an existing subset and you can draw Venn diagrams to appreciate this in more detail.

In terms of the conditional expectation, you will have to Set ST and D to some specific values. They can be multiple values of ST and D (example ST < 4) but they have to be specific.

You use the above method in my last response to calculate the distribution.

Once you have this distribution, use normal expectation methods. In other words you will have a probability distribution for every value of JT and then just like normal expectation, you calculate Sigma j(t)p(t) where j(t) corresponds to the JT value at t and p(t) is the probability for that value of jt which is calculated above.

Think of it in terms that you have P(JT = x| ST,D) and then you are adding P(JT=1|ST,D)*1 + P(JT=2|ST,D)*2 + ... + and so on. This will give you a conditional expectation for JT given the ST and D restrictions.
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  • #23
Hi Chiro,

You have helped me a lot with with a few previous questions on probability. Thanks for that. Would you have time to look at another question that I have? I've been trying to figure it out myself but have not had much luck.



Hi there,

I have a question about probability, conditional expectations, copula functions and their use in a Monte carlo simulation. I'd appreciate any help or comments that you can offer.

I'll describe briefly what I am trying to simulate and I'll ask the specific question at the end.

I am trying to create a Monte Carlo simulation of the travel patterns of electric vehicles for a electricity grid impact analysis.

I have recorded the following variables for a fleet of cars over 6 months.

1. Journey Start Time
2. Journey End time
3. Journey Time
4. Journey Distance
5. The parking time between journeys

From the data above, I have extracted the following variables.

1. Departure time from Home (the first journey of the day)
2. Arrival Time Home (the last journey of the day)
3. The number of journeys made during the day (sum of the journeys)
4. The total distance traveled (sum of the individual journeys)

I found that these variables were correlated. I modeled the distributions of the variables and the dependence structure between them using a normal copula function.

So the simulation begins by generating the 4 random variables above.

I also want to simulate the journeys during the day (this simulation above only generates the first and last journey time).

So in order to do this, I created two tables using all the data in the database as follows:

1. The Expected journey time given journey start time and journey distance. E(Journey Time | Start Time, Distance)

2. The Expected Parking time given journey stop time and the time already already parked during the day. E(Parking Time | Stop Time, Time already parked during the day)

The reason why I am using the "time already parked during the day" is because this prevents the parking time going over 24 hours.

This is a lot to take in, so I have made picture illustrating an example of the entire process.

I've put my question in the green box. The question is theoretically speaking should the simulated arrival time home equal the arrival time home that is got by summing the expected journey times and parking time throughout the day with the simulated departure time in the morning?

I am finding that they are not equalling - I don't know if they should? My initial thoughts are that they probably won't because of the expected journey time and parking time tables.

I hope that I have explained this well enough.

I'd appreciate any help and comments.


  • #24
Hey bradyj7.

I'm just wondering if you could write down your question in mathematical form. It seems like you want to find some kind of expectation or sums of expectations.

Also you might want to look at this result:

I got to take off now, but I'll take a closer look later and wait for your response.
  • #25
Hi Chiro,

Thank you for taking the time to look at the problem.

I'm not sure exactly how to express the question in mathematical form, but you are right in saying that it is a sum of expectations problem.

Can I just say, if you need me to provide more detail on any part of the simulation, I can, I just didn't want to clog up the thread with unnecessary information.

As I described, the simulation begins by generating the 4 random variables (modelled with the copula function) as demonstrated in part 1 of the example

The key thing is that this part generates the "Departure time from Home in the morning" and the "Arrival Time Home in the evening". It also generates the number of journeys during the day and the total distance traveled during the day.

In part 2, the distances of the individual journeys are generated from distributions. I believe the method is called "Stick breaking Construction" in probability theory.

Now the hard part. The simulation constructs the starting time and end time of the journeys during the day. It does this using the initial simulated "departure time from home" value and two expectation tables that I have created using the collected data.

1. The expected journey time given journey start time and distance E(JT | ST, D)
2. The expected parking given journey end time and the time already parked during the day E(PT, Stop Time, Time already parked during the day)

So taking the example that I prepared, I presume the formula looks like this:

Given 8am departure time, 3 journey distances (12, 10, 18 miles).


8am + E(JT, 8am, 12 miles) + E(PT, 8.30am, 0) + E(JT, 11am, 10 miles) + E(PT, 11.30am, 2.5 hours) + E(JT, 6pm, 18 miles) = ?

So to recap, my question is, theoretically should the sum of the expectations above and the "Departure time in the morning" equal the generated "Arrival time home in the evening" (i.e. 7pm).

The problem that I am having is that they do not equal - but I'm not sure if they should?

I appreciate your advice.


  • #26
It might be helpful if you can tell me the criteria that you ultimately want to find.

I'm assuming it has to do with the parking time since you want it to be less than 24 hours, but maybe you could just outline the criteria for parking (between certain hours, constraints on a parking "session", etc).

Typically if you have a specific distribution (even it's a complicated multi-variable joint distribution) and you want to say calculate a probability or expectation under the constraint, the first thing is to outline what the constraint is in the simplest terms and then work towards the definition rather than the reverse.

So I recommend you just outline what your end goal for your current problem so we can work backwards from there to the mathematical constraints.
  • #27
This sounds like a good idea.

Basically my end goal is to develop a Monte Carlo simulation approach for modelling the power demands of electric cars. Obviously the times during the day in which the cars will be plugged in is when they are parked. The whole purpose of the simulation is to be able to simulate the travel patterns of cars in order to determine when they are parked and likely to charge.

The reason why it is a Monte Carlo simulation is because vehicle travel behaviour is stochastic in nature and I wanted a tool to be able to generate stochastic travel patterns, so the realistic demands on the grid can be determined The reason why I used the copula function is because the 4 variables "Departure time from home", "Arrival Time home", the number of journeys and the total distance traveled during the day are correlated.

Here is the correlation matrix:

Departure time and arrival time refer to the departure time and arrival time from the home. As an example , Depart time on day 1 is negatively correlated with Distance Day 1 (-0.38), this implies that later a person leaves home the shorter the distance travelled.

I am happy with the theory up to this point.

Basically now I'm trying to work out a way in which to determine the start times and end time of journeys during the day and the parking times between the journeys.

So at this point I have the following:
1. The start time of the first journey
2. The number of journeys
3. The total distance travelled

So next it simulates journey distances as described in the previous post.

I thought that creating expectation tables for journey times and parking times, using the large number of actual observations in the dataset would be a logical approach to "piecing together" the movements during the day.

The expected journey times are reasonable given the journey start time and distance to travel.

It is difficult to determine the factors that influence the parking time of a car. So I thought the end time of a journey and the time already parked during the day were reasonable. For example if the journey end time is at night then one would assume that parking time will be long. The reason why I am using the "time already parked during the day" is because this prevents the parking time going over 24 hours. The expected parking times become very large (>24 hours) if you do not use this constraint.

So that is it. I'm open to any changes in the structure that you could suggest.

One option that I was thing of was at the beginning of the simulation, not generating an "Arrival time home". Instead take the arrival time home as being the sum of the expected journey times and parking times during the day. Can you do this?

Another option would be to scrap the expected parking time table and just generate random parking times depending on certain inputs?

I have a very large database of travel patterns so have the capability of generating all sorts of distributions or expectations etc.

Thanks for your time

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  • #28
I will have a closer look later on, but one thing you definitely want to think about is whether journey times affect subsequent parking times and whether parking times affect subsequent journey times.

We assume that time of day affects parking times and journey times (and you have data for it), but if the actual journey times can be considered independent from the parking times, then basically what you can do is add up independent variables corresponding to different parking and journey times and then look at the properties that total random variable (where you can look at expectation).

However if they are not independent, then it means that you will need a complex markovian style model where the next random variable (so if you were travelling, you now park and if were parked, your now travelling) will depend on the state of the previous one and this can be done with the right markov model in which you can look at a distribution for not only so many parking and journey events, but also for a restricted period of time (so basically at some point you have some event where the parking or journey or both times are 0).

The independent case for expectations would mean that for finding expectations, you sum them but if they have strong dependencies, then this will not work.
  • #29
Hi Chiro,

Thank you for your advice, I had not thought of the problem like that. I'm honestly don't know whether or not they should be treated as independent or dependent events? One would assume that they are dependent. What is your opinion?

So are you saying that if we assume that they are independent events then the current sum of of expectations method is okay provided that they are not strongly correlated? and the arrival time home calculated using the sum of expectations method does not theoretically have to equal the arrival time home that was generated using the copula function?

This might sound like a stupid question but to investigate if they are correlated, would I just calculate the persons correlation between the journey times and subsequent parking times?

I don't quite follow this bit
then basically what you can do is add up independent variables corresponding to different parking and journey times and then look at the properties that total random variable (where you can look at expectation).

Have I not done this by creating the expected journey time and parking time expectation tables?

With regards to the second option, I believe that they are actually dependent events and would be extremely interested in learning more about this method, if you would care to explain it in more detail. Personally I think that this is a better option. I would like it to be as realistic as possible.

I only know the basics of markov chains, but I sure I could follow a complex model.

Just in relation to the expected journey times and parking time tables, I think that the expected journey times are quite reasonable given the journey start time and distance (obviously journey time is related to distance). The expected parking time are not very reasonable.

I have the start times, end times, dates, distances, parking times of many many journey so I can create pretty much generate any distribution.

Look forward to hearing your suggestion.

Thanks for your time

  • #30
Basically you want to think about a continuous time chain to model probabilities involving from switching between two main states: parking to journey and journey to parking (parking to parking and journey to journey are just zero probabilities).

But the other is that you will need to look at how to factor in the other parameters like the time of day you start an event and its duration.

From your data and your knowledge on the subject, do you have any kind of rules of thumb for assumptions on how some of the basic conditional distributions should look like?

Are you aware of the setup of continuous-time markov chains?
  • #31
Hi Chiro,

Thanks for the advice.

Yes, I do know the basics of continuous Markov Chains. I find this free excel addin very good for simulating Markov chains, mind you I have only used it for discrete problems.

In terms of the transitions, would they not be 1 because parking has to follow a journey and vice versa?

How would you suggest factoring in a starting time of an event and its duration? I don't really know how would do this with a markov chain?

Apologies, when you say "basic conditional distributions", I'm not sure what you mean. I could investigative certain conditional distributions? I know the conditional expected journey times and parking times.

So just to recap, the 4 variables generated from the copula function are okay, then the distances are of the journeys are worked out, then the markov chain would work out the start times and durations of journeys and parking times?

Thank you

  • #32
Hello Chiro,

I have been thinking further about this problem and I'm going to investigate further the relationship between journey times and parking times. I am also going to look at the relationship between successive journey times (the 2nd journey could be a return journey).

To be honest what I am struggling with at this point is what is relationship to look at? Would you look at a conditional expected values or conditional probability distributions?

Would you look at conditional probability distributions? For example given journey time = x and journey end time = y , the distribution of parking times? and then generate a random number from the distribution for the parking time?

Would this mean that I would have "a lot" of conditional distributions for every possible x any y value above?

You can't look at conditional expected values if they are dependent right?

Apologies if these are basic questions.


  • #33
Basically what you would have to do is break it up into a small number of intervals (which you have done) and then consider all the branches to get a complete set of conditional distributions.

So instead of making your conditional distribution based on a continuous variable, you make it based on a discrete one.

So in other words you restrict your parking and journey times to fit into "bins" and then you look at each conditional distribution for each of the branches.

For example if you allow the smallest time interval to be ten minutes: then you consider conditional distributions for total times in terms of lumps of these intervals.

So if you have n of these intervals, you will get 2^n branches. Some branches may have zero probabilities, but in general you will have 2^n individual branches corresponding to all the possibilities that you can take.

So an example might be P(Total Journey Time = 30 minutes| First 10 = Travel, Second 10 = Travel, Last Ten = Park) and any other attributes you need.

To count up total journeys, you basically sum up all the positive branches (i.e. when all the times you have a journey) and for parking you do the same for those.

Basically what this will look like is a dependent binomial variable, and what you do is estimate these probabilities from your sample. From this you will have a distribution for n intervals given a history of what you did and by considering whatever subset of these probabilities you wish, you can find things like the expectation.
  • #34
Thanks for the advice,

In relation to your previous post could you elaborate on your suggestion of using a continuous time markov chain? What would you suggest using this for?

  • #35
It's basically the same as a markov chain for discrete time except that the transition probabilities are based on continuous time.

So if you had say three events in continuous time, a continuous time markov model would be a 3x3 matrix (in terms of its transition matrix) but each entry would be a function of some continuous variable instead of a constant.

In terms of what its used for, it's basically used for continuous time parameters instead of discrete time: that's the major difference and if you had phenomena that were based on continuous time and you could solve for the right transition matrix (where it's form is not too complicated), then it would a lot better to use that.

But your model is not markovian which means that you can't really use this framework, and one reason why I suggest not to go down the continuous path is because a non-markovian continuous time model will be really really complicated: so the suggestion was made to use a discrete branch binary tree where the number intervals are low enough to make it simple, but high enough to make the model useful as an analytic tool.