Is it too ammbitious for four freshmen to do this?

  • Thread starter PHYSICS!!!:-)
  • Start date
In summary, four freshman think it is overambitious for them to design and build a cyclotron- if they don't have an advanced knowledge of physics. They will take half a year to learn the physics behind it, and will need the supervision of experts.
  • #1
Is it overly ambitious for four freshman to design and build a cyclotron, if neither of them have an advanced knowledge of physics? We are all hard workers, and can leanr quickly. We will be taking half a year to learned he physics behind the cyclotron.
Engineering news on
  • #2
Yes it is. There are many safety issues that has to be addressed and it would cost a lot to build something that actually does something more than a crt tube. I think my main issue is it's not "cool" to build this stuff,it's stupid and pointless (my opinion, I'm not calling you those). So don't do it unless you have to. Why don't you build a thermal solar plant or something?
  • #3
PHYSICS!:-) said:
Is it overly ambitious for four freshman to design and build a cyclotron, if neither of them have an advanced knowledge of physics? We are all hard workers, and can leanr quickly. We will be taking half a year to learned he physics behind the cyclotron.
As Emreth indicated, it's not about the challenge or hard work, it's all about safety, with potentially lethal voltages, strong magnetic fields, and radiation if one successfully contructs a working cyclotron.

If inexperienced people (4 freshman) are doing this, then do it under the supervision of experts in an proper environment (university or other reaseach lab).

In my nuclear engineering department, a professor and graduate students built a linear accelerator. There was a lot of overight and review for the faculty, university, and state officials, including the radiation protection staff and officials.
  • #4
I work in radiation safety, and I have to say that this would take a tremendous amount of oversight. I think it is overly ambitious and more dangerous than you'd imagine.
  • #5
I can only add to the tune here...
  • #6
I think you could make a conceptual design (just do the maths and physics and design one on paper) of one and then present it to some experts and find out where your mistakes and possible good ideas lie. This wouldn't cost more than time and it's a good way to learn all about it and perhaps add some new insight into those sorts of projects.
  • #7
CRGreathouse said:
I work in radiation safety, and I have to say that this would take a tremendous amount of oversight. I think it is overly ambitious and more dangerous than you'd imagine.

Oh, I totally agree. My group is only going to actually construct it if we have the supervision of our Local University's Physics Department. If not, no way in hell. So yeah, i totally agree. No way are wwe doing this in my basement or something.

FAQ: Is it too ammbitious for four freshmen to do this?

1. What is the project that the four freshmen are attempting to do?

The project that the four freshmen are attempting to do is not specified, so it is difficult to determine if it is too ambitious for them. However, in general, the level of ambition for a project should be based on the knowledge, skills, and resources of the individuals involved.

2. Is the project too ambitious for four freshmen based on their age or experience?

Age and experience can certainly play a role in the success of a project, but they are not the only determining factors. It is possible for four freshmen to have the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully complete a project that may be considered ambitious for their age.

3. What are some potential challenges that four freshmen may face in completing this project?

Potential challenges for four freshmen could include limited access to resources, lack of experience, and time constraints from academic commitments. It is important for them to carefully assess these challenges and develop a plan to overcome them before starting the project.

4. How can four freshmen determine if a project is too ambitious for them?

Four freshmen can determine if a project is too ambitious for them by evaluating their own knowledge, skills, and resources, as well as the complexity and scope of the project. They can also seek advice from experienced individuals in the field or consult with a mentor for guidance.

5. Are there any tips for four freshmen to successfully complete an ambitious project?

Yes, some tips for four freshmen to successfully complete an ambitious project include setting realistic goals, developing a timeline, delegating tasks, and seeking guidance and support from mentors or experienced individuals. It is also important for them to communicate effectively and work together as a team to overcome any challenges that may arise.
