Energy transfer during photon interaction

In summary, the Mach-Zehnder apparatus is a setup that involves a photon encountering a half-silvered mirror and potentially being reflected off a full silvered mirror. The energy loss for the photon in this setup is negligible and is referred to as inelastic scattering, Raman scattering, or a non-linear process. When one of the paths in the apparatus is blocked, there is no change in the energy or wavelength of the photon. The concept of quanta, the smallest unit of physical entity, is not well-defined for a single photon. However, momentum can be transferred when a photon reflects off a surface and this is used in techniques like doppler radar. In the infinite well system, the difference in energy of photons from the EM/v
  • #1
San K
Let's consider a mach-zehnder apparatus

The picture is below:

1. When the photon encounters (and emerges from) a half-silvered mirror does it loose any energy? The photon does change phase when it moves through a half silvered mirror, however does it loose energy?

2. Does a photon loose energy when its reflected of a full silvered mirror?

3. Does the photon loose any energy if one of the paths is blocked? (and its still detected at detector 1 or 2)
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  • #2
A photon off a silver mirror energy reduction is negligible in this setup. Energy loss results in longer wavelength light. Such processes are referred to as inelastic scattering, Raman scattering, or the overused term "non-linear process".

The effect of the mirror partial reflection and transmission.
  • #3
Iforgot said:
A photon off a silver mirror energy reduction is negligible in this setup. Energy loss results in longer wavelength light. Such processes are referred to as inelastic scattering, Raman scattering, or the overused term "non-linear process".

The effect of the mirror partial reflection and transmission.

Thanks Iforgot.

now to the last question, i.e.:

if one of the arms/paths of the mach-zehnder is blocked and the photon happens to NOT take that path...

is there any change in the energy/wave-length of the photon?
  • #4
  • #5
Be careful when you talk about the "phase of a photon" - if you mean the phase of the electrical field, this is not well-defined (the expectation value of the electrical field of a single photon is always zero). If you want a well-defined phase, you need a coherent mixture of states with different photon numbers (see Haroche's Nobel prize).
  • #6
Iforgot said:
A photon off a silver mirror energy reduction is negligible in this setup. Energy loss results in longer wavelength light. Such processes are referred to as inelastic scattering, Raman scattering, or the overused term "non-linear process".

The effect of the mirror partial reflection and transmission.

is the energy reduction/loss less than a quanta?

i don't fully understand the concept of quanta.

Is it that:

Quanta is the smallest unit of physical entity, however can increments less than a quanta be added?
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  • #7
(Take my comments with a grain of salt, as I tend to focus primarily on experiments. )

The conventional understanding is that the energy reduction or addition cannot be in increments less than a quanta.

I find it convenient to delude myself by just accepting the wave interpretation, but allowing for discrete wave amplitudes.
  • #8
Iforgot said:
A photon off a silver mirror energy reduction is negligible in this setup. Energy loss results in longer wavelength light.

is the energy loss (thought to be) in multiples of "the quanta"?
  • #9
San K said:
is the energy loss (thought to be) in multiples of "the quanta"?

You keep asking that, and you keep being told there is no energy loss.
  • #10
San K. I think I see what your problem is. You know momentum is being transferred when a photon reflects off a surface, e.g. 'a sail'. From the imparted 'momentum' to the "sail", one can calculate the 'energy' transferred from the photon to the "sail ". Resulting in lower photon energy. You're asking if there is a limit to how small this energy reduction can be?

I want to say, 'no', but I'm not sure.

However, this phenomena is exploited for a pretty clever technique called "doppler radar".
  • #11
Iforgot said:
San K. I think I see what your problem is. You know momentum is being transferred when a photon reflects off a surface, e.g. 'a sail'. From the imparted 'momentum' to the "sail", one can calculate the 'energy' transferred from the photon to the "sail ". Resulting in lower photon energy. You're asking if there is a limit to how small this energy reduction can be?

I want to say, 'no', but I'm not sure.

However, this phenomena is exploited for a pretty clever technique called "doppler radar".

you are correct Iforgot. Thanks my friend.

I think QM would say that the energy reduction cannot be smaller than a quantum (whatever a quantum means in this context/system)

on a separate, but similar, note - for example would the (difference in energy of) photons from the say EM/vibgyor spectrum then be in multiples of quanta?
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  • #12
EM/vibgyor spectrum: If your system was in an infinite well, yes, they would be quantized. As the size of the well increases, the difference between energy levels would get smaller and smaller.

The word quantized is a word we (including me) are guilty of throwing around too casually. Unfortunately, the real answer to your questions lies in tediously slogging through the Dirac-Schrodinger equation and other QED equations I have no clue about.

How quantization arises from these equations eventually becomes evident. In the process of solving these equations, one gets a feel for when concepts of quantization come into play.

FAQ: Energy transfer during photon interaction

1. What is energy transfer during photon interaction?

Energy transfer during photon interaction refers to the process by which a photon, which is a discrete bundle of electromagnetic energy, interacts with a material or particle and transfers some or all of its energy to it.

2. How does energy transfer occur during photon interaction?

Energy transfer during photon interaction occurs through several mechanisms, including absorption, scattering, and emission. In absorption, the photon is completely absorbed by the material, transferring all of its energy. In scattering, the photon is deflected in a different direction, transferring some of its energy to the material. In emission, the material releases a photon with the same energy as the original photon, transferring its energy to the new photon.

3. What factors affect energy transfer during photon interaction?

The amount of energy transferred during photon interaction depends on several factors, including the energy of the photon, the type of material or particle it interacts with, and the angle at which it interacts. The energy of the photon and the type of material determine the likelihood of absorption, scattering, or emission, while the angle of interaction affects the direction and amount of energy transferred.

4. How is energy transfer during photon interaction relevant in everyday life?

Energy transfer during photon interaction is relevant in many everyday applications, such as solar panels, cameras, and medical imaging. In solar panels, photons from the sun are absorbed and converted into electrical energy. In cameras, photons are used to capture images by interacting with light-sensitive materials. In medical imaging, photons are used to create images of the body by interacting with different tissues and materials in the body.

5. Are there any potential risks associated with energy transfer during photon interaction?

While energy transfer during photon interaction is essential for many technological and medical applications, it can also pose potential risks. For example, high-energy photons, such as X-rays, can cause damage to living cells by transferring too much energy to them. This is why protective measures, such as lead shielding, are used in medical imaging to limit the amount of exposure to high-energy photons.

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