What is the reliability of this password creation method?

  • Thread starter Gomar
  • Start date
In summary: Ah, well, I think the site does mention (I only glanced at it) that a cracking algorithm would try certain combinations first as being more likely (people have to remember them and many password generating algorithms have a filter that restricts the passwords to "human memorable / speakable" passwords). The time given is that needed to test all the combinations. If the cracking algorithm just rolls its sleeves up, starts at "aaaaa..." and your password happens to be "aaaaa..." then your secret stash of pi porn will become viral in no time (well, at least in the maths community :cool:)
  • #1

enter a random 20 character pw made of only lower case letters.
(However, x100 as I am using 1T not 100T pws/sec; thus:
65.90 thousand centuries x100 = 6590 thousand centuries)

answer: 659,000,000years.

is that correct?
Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Gomar said:

enter a random 20 character pw made of only lower case letters.
(However, x100 as I am using 1T not 100T pws/sec; thus:
65.90 thousand centuries x100 = 6590 thousand centuries)

answer: 659,000,000years.

is that correct?
I guess, if I understand what you're asking. 65,900 X 100 centuries = 6,590,000 centuries = 659,000,000 years

Note: I didn't visit the site you showed, so I don't know what your question has to do with anything.
  • #3
20725274851017785518433805270 looks about right ...

at 1 Tpws/s ... maybe 656,744,329.448937 yrs is a slightly better rough guess?

20725274851017785518433805270 / 1 T / (60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25)
  • #4
NemoReally said:
20725274851017785518433805270 looks about right ...

at 1 Tpws/s ... maybe 656,744,329.448937 yrs is a slightly better rough guess?

20725274851017785518433805270 / 1 T / (60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25)

Thanks for atleast visiting the site prior to posting an answer.
Yes, you are correct. Even using 100T pws/sec (their speed), I could rest assured spooks won't break my encrypted files in atleast 6m years even if using only lower case letters.
  • #5
Gomar said:
Thanks for atleast visiting the site prior to posting an answer.
Yes, you are correct. Even using 100T pws/sec (their speed), I could rest assured spooks won't break my encrypted files in atleast 6m years even if using only lower case letters.

Ah, well, I think the site does mention (I only glanced at it) that a cracking algorithm would try certain combinations first as being more likely (people have to remember them and many password generating algorithms have a filter that restricts the passwords to "human memorable / speakable" passwords). The time given is that needed to test all the combinations. If the cracking algorithm just rolls its sleeves up, starts at "aaaaa..." and your password happens to be "aaaaa..." then your secret stash of pi porn will become viral in no time (well, at least in the maths community :cool:)

FAQ: What is the reliability of this password creation method?

1. What is the haystack?

The haystack is a pile of hay or straw used for animal feed or bedding. It is also used as a metaphor for something that is difficult to find or understand.

2. Why is it being questioned if the haystack is correct?

The phrase "is the haystack correct?" is typically used in a figurative sense to question the accuracy or validity of something. It is often used to express doubts or uncertainty about a particular topic or situation.

3. Who is asking if the haystack is correct?

The question "is the haystack correct?" can be asked by anyone who is curious or skeptical about the information or situation at hand. It is commonly used by individuals trying to understand complex or confusing concepts.

4. What does it mean if the haystack is correct?

If the haystack is deemed "correct," it means that the information or situation being questioned is accurate and valid. It can also imply that the individual has successfully found what they were looking for, as in "finding a needle in a haystack."

5. How can we determine if the haystack is correct?

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