Can Intersection of Functions Define a New Function?

In summary, given two functions f : A → B and g : C → D, we want to show that their intersection f ∩ g is also a function. To do so, we choose arbitrary elements a ∈ A and c ∈ C, and use the fact that f and g are functions to show that there exist elements b ∈ B and d ∈ D such that (a, b) ∈ f and (c, d) ∈ g. Then, we consider two cases: when a = c and when a ≠ c. In both cases, we show that the intersection f ∩ g is a function from the appropriate sets to the appropriate sets. Therefore, the intersection f ∩ g is a function from A ∩ C
  • #1

Homework Statement

Prove the following:

If [tex] f : A \rightarrow B [/tex] and [tex] g : C \rightarrow D [/tex], then [tex] f \cap g : A \cap C \rightarrow B \cap D[/tex].

The Attempt at a Solution

Here's my thoughts/attempt:

Let A, B, C, and D be sets. Assume [tex] f : A \rightarrow B [/tex] and [tex] g : C \rightarrow D [/tex]. Let [tex] a \in A [/tex]. Since f is a function from A to B, there is some [tex] y \in B [/tex] such that [tex] (a, y) \in f [/tex]. Let [tex] b \in B [/tex] be such an element, that is, let [tex] b \in B [/tex] such that [tex] (a,b) \in f [/tex]. Let [tex] c \in C [/tex]. Since g is a function from C to D, there is some [tex] z \in D [/tex] such that [tex] (c, z) \in g [/tex]. Let [tex] d \in D [/tex] be such an element, that is, let [tex] d \in D [/tex] such that [tex] (c,d) \in g [/tex].

This is all I have so far.

Would I have to break it into cases where [tex] a = c [/tex] and [tex] a \not= c [/tex]? If [tex] a = c [/tex], [tex] A \cap C [/tex] contains an element, but if [tex] a \not= c [/tex], [tex] A \cap C [/tex] is empty since a and c were arbitrary. The same argument holds for [tex] B \cap D [/tex]. So, taking these things into account, [tex] f \cap g [/tex] is either a function from the set containing a to the set containing b, or its a function from the empty set to the empty set.

Does this make any sense, is it necessary, and how should I write it in my proof?

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2

Thank you for your question. Your attempt at a solution is on the right track, but there are a few things that can be clarified and expanded upon. Firstly, when proving a statement like this, it is important to start by stating the given information clearly. In this case, you are given two functions, f and g, and you want to prove that their intersection (f ∩ g) is also a function. So your proof can start with something like: "Given two functions f : A → B and g : C → D, we want to show that their intersection f ∩ g is also a function."

Next, you correctly start by choosing an arbitrary element a ∈ A. However, you can also choose an arbitrary element c ∈ C, since the intersection of two sets A and C will contain both elements a and c. So you can say something like: "Let a ∈ A and c ∈ C be arbitrary elements."

Then, as you have done, you can use the fact that f and g are functions to show that there exist elements b ∈ B and d ∈ D such that (a, b) ∈ f and (c, d) ∈ g. However, you can make this clearer by stating it as: "Since f is a function from A to B, there exists an element b ∈ B such that (a, b) ∈ f. Similarly, since g is a function from C to D, there exists an element d ∈ D such that (c, d) ∈ g."

Next, you correctly note that the intersection of f and g will either be a function from the set containing a to the set containing b, or it will be a function from the empty set to the empty set. However, it would be better to consider both cases separately and show that in each case, the intersection is indeed a function. For example, you could start by considering the case where a = c, and show that in this case, the intersection is a function from {a} to {b}. Then, you could consider the case where a ≠ c, and show that in this case, the intersection is a function from ∅ to ∅.

Finally, you can conclude your proof by summarizing what you have shown. For example, you could say: "Therefore, the intersection f ∩ g is a function from A ∩ C to B ∩ D, as desired."


FAQ: Can Intersection of Functions Define a New Function?

1. What is a function?

A function is a mathematical concept that relates inputs to outputs. It takes an input value and produces a corresponding output value based on a specific rule or relationship.

2. How do you prove a function is onto/surjective?

To prove that a function is onto, you must show that for every element in the range or output of the function, there exists at least one element in the domain or input that maps to it. This can be shown by exhaustively checking each element in the range, or by using a specific method such as the horizontal line test.

3. What is the difference between a one-to-one/injective function and a many-to-one function?

A one-to-one function is a function in which each element in the domain or input has a unique corresponding element in the range or output. This means that no two elements in the domain map to the same element in the range. On the other hand, a many-to-one function is a function in which multiple elements in the domain can map to the same element in the range.

4. How do you prove a function is one-to-one/injective?

To prove that a function is one-to-one, you must show that for every pair of elements in the domain, their corresponding outputs in the range are unique. This can be shown by using algebraic methods such as substitution or by using the horizontal line test.

5. What is the difference between a function and a relation?

A function is a special type of relation in which each element in the domain maps to exactly one element in the range. In other words, for every input there is only one output. A relation, on the other hand, is a set of ordered pairs that relate elements from one set to elements in another set, but does not have the restriction of one-to-one mapping like a function does.

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