Bloody Stool: Causes, Treatment, and When to Seek Medical Help

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  • Thread starter bioquest
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In summary, the individual has a history of anxiety and past abuse that may be affecting their perception of normal bodily functions. They have been experiencing blood during their period, which they initially thought was normal but now realize may not be. They have also mentioned experiencing blood when farting or during bowel movements, and suspect they may have internal hemorrhoids. They plan to consult with a doctor about these symptoms.
  • #36
Moonbear said:
(smacking my forehead for not thinking to suggest it sooner

Save a smack for me; I didn't think of that either. (That's pretty damned embarrassing in retrospect. )
Biology news on
  • #37
I thought about it, but thought they would realize the difference. Never assume anything.
  • #38
I think when the dark blood was on the pad that was blood I farted (it was definately blood) (Although having the dark blood was awhile ago)
I mean I'm definately farting blood during my periods, I can tell from my pads and when I'm in the bath etc
Anyways I think I'll just go when I get my next period
  • #39
Time to find a new doctor.
  • #40
well I think if I went somewhere at the beginning of my period pissed blood and said "here's a urine sample" that would get her/somebody's attention
  • #41
bioquest said:
well I think if I went somewhere at the beginning of my period pissed blood and said "here's a urine sample" that would get her/somebody's attention

I agree, and think that's the best approach to getting a proper diagnosis.
  • #42
I am a newby to this forum and hope that I am not out of line responding to your post. I definitely agree that you should seek the help of a qualified medical professional. Find someone you are comfortable with. Evo mentioned Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease. These conditions can cause a problem where material can pass from Colon to Urinary track and possibly vice versa. Crohn's Disease is becoming more and more common in people your age. Do you get stomach cramps after eating fatty or greasy foods? Do you experience excessive itching? Do you change your diet during your periods. Do you now or have you in the past used Acetaminophen(Tylenol)regularly or in large quantities. Crohn's is believed to be an auto-immune problem. It is believed that the body's immune system attacks the lining of the intestine. This attack causes some bleeding. This blood can sometimes be found in your stool. Most often this is dark colored(like a scab). For most Crohn's suffers the symptoms come and go. Stress does seem to be one of the things that seem to trigger a flare up in many suffers. My mother is suffering from this condition as well as many people that I know. Spinach is really good for all of us. Apples are also very good. Fresh fruits and vegetables appear to help a lot. Reduce your intake of salt. There is salt in everything. Lots of it! And we all eat too much salt. Please check out this website at the National Institute of Health.
If you think that you are experiencing the symptoms they describe mention that to your Doctor. This problem is OFTEN not properly diagnosed until it has already done serious damage. However with a good diet and exercise it is manageable. Knowledge is power. Please check the site and Find a Doctor that you are comfortable with and can trust. I respect you for having the courage to talk about this. Now just screw up your courage and go find a good Doctor! I know this may sound weird but we should all be looking at our stools/urine after using the restroom. By doing this you know what it should look like and can notice any difference quickly. Be mindful that what you eat will affect your stool. Don't freak after eating a bunch of oreo's! Good Luck and Eat Healthy!
  • #43
Crohn's also does often take a while to get properly diagnosed, but that's because there are a number of other conditions that can produce similar symptoms, so it takes time to rule out those other conditions before a definitive diagnosis can be made. Ulcerative colitis is frequently confused with Crohn's, and unfortunately, the differential diagnosis for Crohn's pretty much is that the patient doesn't respond to treatment for ulcerative colitis.
  • #44
I'm just going to use a tampon next time I have my period and see where the blood is coming from I've never used them before so I might get a friend to talk to me about them/show me how to use them beforehand
  • #45
bioquest said:
I'm just going to use a tampon next time I have my period and see where the blood is coming from I've never used them before so I might get a friend to talk to me about them/show me how to use them beforehand
I mean I think a large amount of blood is coming from my ass, but it's not in the stool, so

Um I don't know why it didn't just edit the first post

Would hemmorhoids/internal stuff like that show up on an exray?
  • #46
bioquest said:
Would hemmorhoids/internal stuff like that show up on an exray?
I doubt it.

Hemmorhoids can bleed a LOT. But I don't see the relationship to menstrual cycles.
  • #47
If a hemorrhoid is already ... umm.. 'ruptured?', then it the surface of it is weakened by a great deal. Passing gas forcefully (not that much force required) or egestion can cause the hemorrhoid to rupture, so it seems like you are 'farting' blood or you have blood on stools.

I think it might just be hemorrhoids, and it CAN be visible in some cases. Remember, a hemorrhoids are varicosities and inflammation of veins in the anal area. So as said by Evo, it CAN bleed quite a substantial amount (although it wouldn't be enough to cause shock or something, hehe).
  • #48
Why would it only show up during my period though?

And would the hemmorhoids show up on an exray or anything?
  • #49
I think Moonbear has mentioned Endometriosis. From what you describe (e.g. heavy periods and vomiting during period pains) that seems to fit except normally the extra tissue is not excreted through the anus and its normally something that occurs in older women. But it would tie in with the menstrual cycle.

Like others I hope you will go to a different GP again until you get this sorted.
  • #50
bioquest said:
Why would it only show up during my period though?

And would the hemmorhoids show up on an exray or anything?

Some of the items we have mentioned might show up during period because of stress and such during these times
  • #51
I mean would anything like a tumor or anything like that show up on an xray?

What is vomiting + ****ting blood symptoms of normally? (Period aside. Even though it only happens during my period)

I'm going to go see my doctor when it starts again
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  • #52
bioquest said:
I mean would anything like a tumor or anything like that show up on an xray?

What is vomiting + ****ting blood symptoms of normally? (Period aside. Even though it only happens during my period)

I'm going to go see my doctor when it starts again

I think you should find another doctor, and I think you should find one before your next period, to give them time to assess you.
  • #53
bioquest said:
I mean would anything like a tumor or anything like that show up on an xray?

What is vomiting + ****ting blood symptoms of normally? (Period aside. Even though it only happens during my period)

I'm going to go see my doctor when it starts again

As said, endometriosis is also a possibility, or it can even be a combination of several conditions, if you are unlucky enough.

How long till your next one?
  • #54
Kurdt said:
I think Moonbear has mentioned Endometriosis. From what you describe (e.g. heavy periods and vomiting during period pains) that seems to fit except normally the extra tissue is not excreted through the anus and its normally something that occurs in older women. But it would tie in with the menstrual cycle.
Actually, endometriosis can begin in younger women as well. Usually, endometriosis is limited to endometrial tissue growing on the wrong side of the uterus, and is associated with very painful periods. However, it seems that tissue can migrate elsewhere in the abdominal cavity as well, and given a chance, can infiltrate the gut and bladder/urethra. Given a history of pelvic infections due to stress at a fairly young age, it makes even more sense that this tissue could have infiltrated via damage the infection caused.

bioquest said:
I mean would anything like a tumor or anything like that show up on an xray?
A large tumor would, but small ones might not on a regular x-ray. They'd probably want to scope you with your symptoms, to see what it is that's bleeding and biopsy it (even with endometriosis, they'd want to do that to confirm the diagnosis).

What is vomiting + ****ting blood symptoms of normally? (Period aside. Even though it only happens during my period)
It can be a LOT of things. Several have already been mentioned: bleeding ulcers, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, tumors. A parasitic infestation could do it too. If it was just those two symptoms and not recurring every time you have your period, it could include other things like a bacterial infection that has severely irritated your gut lining (i.e., E. coli), or an internal injury.

I'm going to go see my doctor when it starts again
I think that's the best plan of action.
  • #55
its the beginning of my period and only blood is coming out when I pee so I saved a sample
So you're saying that's not normal?
because last time I went at the end of my period and they said there was no blood in my urine, and it's not coming out of my ass, but there is a lot of blood
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  • #56
Take the sample with you to the emergency room. GO NOW! Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200. Leave immediately. NOW! GO!
  • #57
bioquest said:
its the beginning of my period and only blood is coming out when I pee so I saved a sample
So you're saying that's not normal?
because last time I went at the end of my period and they said there was no blood in my urine, and it's not coming out of my ass, but there is a lot of blood

Did you have a tampon in when you urinated? If not, try again with a tampon in and see if you get the same results.
  • #58
well I mean I could see myself peeing blood and it going in the container I don't use tampons but I was able to check that the blood wasn't coming out of my ass (Which is what I originally though)
I took the sample in but she said it wasn't airtight, I'd have to use one of their sample containers (by the time I went in it was like mid-day the next day and that was the night before) Basically I'm only peeing blood at the beginning of my period/having heavier/more blood at the beginning of my period so. by the time I went there I was urinating normal pee (although i did not get it "checked" to see if blood was in it). I guess if I'm really concerned about it I'll just go to the doctor's the first day I start my period and pee in one of their containers. She said that pee and blood often get mixed in together. I got checked at the end of my period before to see if there was blood in my urine and there wasn't. She suggested getting checked mid cycle to see if there was blood in my urine. I am not so concerned about the amount of blood, just whether or not I'm peeing blood during my periods, and how frequently. I mean obviously some periods are going to be heavier than others. I hate period pain because I vomit and feel physical pain when I have it (Maybe I'm just more sensitive to period pain) but if I take painkillers beforehand I'm fine but apparently that stuff can be normal with periods. It's probably just making me more likely to think something's wrong

also I idiotically put two urine samples in the same container, the first was blood the 2nd was pee, so the blood made all of the urine look bloody

and can I even pee with a tampon in? I would rather just avoid using tampons even if they are more hygenic. I mean there is that toxic shock syndrome too people can get from tampons
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  • #59
bioquest said:
and can I even pee with a tampon in? I would rather just avoid using tampons even if they are more hygenic.
Yes, the urethra(the hole you pee from) is a completely different hole from the vagina(the hole you menstruate from.) Having a tampon in the vagina does not block the urethra.

You don't have to leave the tampon in for any longer than it takes for you to clean yourself up and urinate again. Then you can take the tampon out. This short amount of time won't be long enough to develop toxic shock. Don't use a super tampon just a regular one.
  • #60
Bioquest, a tampon is inserted into your vagina, which is were the menstrual bood will come from. Your urethra is near the vagina, so when you urinate, the menstrual blood will mix with the urine and appear to have blood in it.

Correct insertion of a tampon into the vagina will not interrupt urination.

Are you close to your mother or other female relative or teacher that you can talk to about menstruation?

Here is a link that will show you the female anatomy. You can see how close the urethra (for urine) and the vagina are.

If you don't have anyone close to you that you feel comfortable discussing such things with. Tell your doctor that you need basic information on your urinary tract and menstruation.

Let me find a less graphic example.


  • Female_anatomy.png
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  • #61
Bioquest, I don't think I have heard of anything quite like this, again as people have said over the internet diagnoses is vitually impossible. You need to get yourself to a doctor and say exactly what you have said in this thread.
  • #62
Evo said:
Bioquest, a tampon is inserted into your vagina, which is were the menstrual bood will come from. Your urethra is near the vagina, so when you urinate, the menstrual blood will mix with the urine and appear to have blood in it.

Correct insertion of a tampon into the vagina will not interrupt urination.

Are you close to your mother or other female relative or teacher that you can talk to about menstruation?

Here is a link that will show you the female anatomy. You can see how close the urethra (for urine) and the vagina are.

If you don't have anyone close to you that you feel comfortable discussing such things with. Tell your doctor that you need basic information on your urinary tract and menstruation.

Let me find a less graphic example.

Even the illustration Evo provided makes it look like the openings are much further apart than they are in reality. Imagine a coffee stirrer taped inside the top of a garden hose...the coffee stirrer would be the urethra and the garden hose the vagina and the tape the amount of tissue separating to the two "tubes."

Menstrual bleeding will end up in a urine sample if you do not have a tampon inserted, just because the urine will "wash" blood off the exterior of your vaginal opening. If a woman has her period and it is important to check for blood in urine (i.e., if she is in the ER after a serious accident), the sample is usually collected using a catheter to avoid this problem. From home, the easiest way to do it is use of a tampon.

If you've never used tampons before, you can put some vaseline or similar product on the applicator if you have trouble inserting it. Insert it upward and slightly angled toward your back (it can help to stand with one foot on the toilet or edge of a bathtub), hold the wider part of the applicator, and push in the narrow part to insert it deep into the vagina. Remove the applicator, wash yourself up, and take your urine sample. If you do not want to continue using tampons, you can remove it then. Perhaps you have a female relative or girlfriend who uses tampons who can give you one so you don't need to buy a whole box. For a first-time user, I'd even recommend getting the slender or light ones, just so it's easy to insert, especially if you don't plan to keep it in long or continue using them.

Edit: Keep in mind, my suggestion here is ONLY to help you convince your doctor there is a real problem. If your doctor is still dismissing you, and you are still experiencing symptoms, stop messing around with making appointments at the wrong time of the month to be useful to convince them, and take yourself to the ER on the very first day of your period when your symptoms are the worst so they CANNOT ignore the problem. As we've repeatedly told you, there is nothing normal about what you are describing, and you MUST get medical attention.
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  • #63
OK, look. I've been an xray tech for 34 years and a cat scan tech for 28 years. I could probably scare the living daylights out of you with some of the stuff I've seen and dealt with, but I won't. I'm just going to say that, with your history of abuse and chronic infections, you could be dealing with something quite unusual. Possibly a fistula of some sort between your vagina and/or your rectum and/or your bladder. GO SEE A DOCTOR! Print out these pages and take them with you. There is a lot of info here that your Dr. will need. GO! Quit pooping around (excuse the pun) and get yourself to a doctor! There is nothing more that can be done for you on this thread and you are just wasting time, now. GO to another Dr. if you aren't getting any answers from the one you've been seeing. Remember - the guy/gal who graduates LAST in their class is still called - 'Doctor'. Find one that will listen to you.

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