Tightening Connective Tissue to Correct a Pseudo-Ptotic Issue

  • Medical
  • Thread starter herowneulogy
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the issue of butt sagging and how it can be caused by various factors such as trauma to the connective tissue, muscle mass, and fat distribution. The individual is concerned about their own experience with butt sagging after experiencing trauma and is seeking advice on how to correct it. Suggestions for exercise and consulting a doctor are mentioned, but it is also noted that the individual may need reconstructive/cosmetic surgery to correct the issue. The conversation concludes with a reminder to seek professional medical advice for a proper diagnosis.
  • #1
I am curious to know, in terms of biology, how does the butt sag when you are too young to experience this?

Recently, I've experienced trauma to lateral portion of my buttocks causing the fat to confine to the lower region. I am guessing that the trauma to the connective tissue causes it to relax and therefore elongate itself as well as the collagen it secretes. But I could be wrong...

How does one go about correcting a pseudo-ptotic issue look this? In other words, how do you tighten the connective tissue/collagen?
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
You really can't. Connective tissue will repair itself in time, and collagen is only skin deep. Your bottom gets its shape from the muscle mass.
  • #3
Hmmm...the muscle mass part if a bit iffy...i know people that can squat almost 200 lbs and their butts still have no roundness to them, whereas, someone like me, who isn't really all that active, but has good muscle strength/endurance, gains weight mostly in the buttocks region...

The mechanical trauma I'm talking about is the "vibrating" I did to the underside of my butt last may, and so the fat slid down and no amount of dead lifts will lift it up. I am thinking that the only way to correct the connective tissue elongation/butt ptosis is through reconstructive/cosmetic surgery.

I've been waiting for the connective tissue to heal on its own and it is still droopy. It's not so much that the skin is droopy, but that the fibers that hold up the fat are droopy and too stretched out...

I am not sure if this area will experience some sort of tissue necrosis/atrophy in the future especially since I am not gaining any weight in my bottom region like I used to.
  • #4
I'm sure your Doctor can give you some good advice. I can't even fathom what kind of vibrating your referring to. But for fat to drop completely out of place from a injury, that kind of tissue damage, would put you in a hospital pronto!
Keep in mind, sense your not active, your body changes as early as age 16. People who tend to gain and lose weight put a lot of stress on the conjoined fibers that hold fatty tissue between layers of skin. Once these tissues are damaged, pockets of fat can poke through. While it's mostly hereditary{look at your families backsides}, things like good diet and physical exercise still help.
See your doctor, for some straight forward advice.
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  • #5
herowneulogy said:
Hmmm...the muscle mass part if a bit iffy...i know people that can squat almost 200 lbs and their butts still have no roundness to them, whereas, someone like me, who isn't really all that active, but has good muscle strength/endurance, gains weight mostly in the buttocks region...
The shape really is more to do with the underlying muscles, though of course added fat can add to the size of the buttocks.

The mechanical trauma I'm talking about is the "vibrating" I did to the underside of my butt last may, and so the fat slid down and no amount of dead lifts will lift it up. I am thinking that the only way to correct the connective tissue elongation/butt ptosis is through reconstructive/cosmetic surgery.

I've been waiting for the connective tissue to heal on its own and it is still droopy. It's not so much that the skin is droopy, but that the fibers that hold up the fat are droopy and too stretched out...

I really cannot imagine what you're describing here. Have you seen a doctor about this? Excessive vibration can damage nerves, and it's possible that some of nerves innervating the supporting muscles have been damaged. Are there any motions you have difficulty with that you didn't used to? For example, keeping your hips straight while standing on one leg, or rotating your leg (i.e., moving your foot from side to side)? Those sorts of things would indicate it's nerve damage, not something to do with connective tissue.

Regardless, we can't diagnose you online, so you're going to have to ask your own doctor about these things.
  • #6
Moonbear said:
The shape really is more to do with the underlying muscles, though of course added fat can add to the size of the buttocks.

I really cannot imagine what you're describing here. Have you seen a doctor about this? Excessive vibration can damage nerves, and it's possible that some of nerves innervating the supporting muscles have been damaged. Are there any motions you have difficulty with that you didn't used to? For example, keeping your hips straight while standing on one leg, or rotating your leg (i.e., moving your foot from side to side)? Those sorts of things would indicate it's nerve damage, not something to do with connective tissue.

Regardless, we can't diagnose you online, so you're going to have to ask your own doctor about these things.


I do not have difficulty doing any of the exercises you mentioned. I am not sure how to articulate what exactly went on, but I know that the fat concentration in my butt has changed from accumulating on the anterior/upper portion on my butt, to being confined to the posterior portion of the butt, so that now it looks flat and saggy, hence the butt ptosis. I realize that I must talk to my doctor about this, and I have an appointment next week. I am sure she will be just as confused as anyone else I've spoken to about this, though...I really do regret the "vibrating" I did...

FAQ: Tightening Connective Tissue to Correct a Pseudo-Ptotic Issue

What is connective tissue?

Connective tissue is a type of tissue in the body that provides support and structure to other tissues and organs. It is made up of cells and extracellular matrix, which consists of protein fibers and ground substance.

What is a pseudo-ptotic issue?

A pseudo-ptotic issue is a condition where the appearance of sagging or drooping skin is caused by weakened or stretched connective tissue, rather than true ptosis (drooping of the actual soft tissue). This can occur in areas such as the face, neck, or breasts.

How does tightening connective tissue correct a pseudo-ptotic issue?

Tightening connective tissue can help to improve the appearance of a pseudo-ptotic issue by strengthening and supporting the affected area. This can be achieved through various methods such as exercise, massage, or medical procedures like laser therapy or surgery.

What are the potential risks of tightening connective tissue?

As with any medical procedure, there are potential risks involved with tightening connective tissue. These may include infection, scarring, or damage to nearby structures. It is important to discuss these risks with a qualified healthcare professional before undergoing any treatment.

Can tightening connective tissue be permanent?

The results of tightening connective tissue can vary depending on the individual and the specific treatment used. Some methods may provide long-lasting results, but others may require ongoing maintenance to maintain the desired appearance. It is important to discuss expected outcomes and potential treatment options with a healthcare professional.

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