Maxwell's electromagnetic wave equation confusion

In summary, the conversation is discussing Maxwell's wave equation and how it relates to the Laplacian of E and the second partial derivative. The main confusion is whether the Laplacian of E can be scaled by a number and still result in the Laplacian of E, and why the equation is written with a second derivative instead of just the Laplacian. It is eventually clarified that the right-hand side of the equation is only with respect to time, not other variables. The conversation ends with a recommendation to consult an electromagnetic theory book for more information.
  • #1
I'm not understanding something here. Maxwell's wave equation is:

Laplacian of E = (1/c^2) * second partial of E
(sorry, I don't know how to write symbols)

But the second partial derivative is the Laplacian. So how can you scale the laplacian of E by a number and get the laplacian of E as a result? Is there some fundamental rule of EM that allows this? What is physically happening? Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
Partial with respect to what variable on the right-hand side?
  • #3
vela said:
Partial with respect to what variable on the right-hand side?


Laplacian of E = (1/c^2)* second partial of E with respect to t.
  • #4
Does that answer your question?
  • #5
No. Should it?
  • #6
Well, perhaps I don't understand your question, but there's no Laplacian on the right-hand side.
  • #7
vela said:
Well, perhaps I don't understand your question, but there's no Laplacian on the right-hand side.

Since the laplacian is the second partial derivative, you can write the expression as:

Laplacian of E = (1/c^2)*Laplacian of E

I don't see how you can multiply by a scalar and still get the Laplacian of E back or why it is written as a second derivative instead of the Laplacian. That is what my question is.
  • #8
Legion81 said:
(sorry, I don't know how to write symbols)

For an introduction,

For your specific equation:

[tex]\nabla^2 \vec E = \frac{1}{c^2} \frac {\partial^2 \vec E}{\partial t^2}[/tex]

Click on the equation and you get a popup window that shows the code.
  • #9
I just realized what my problem was. The RHS is JUST with respect to time, not x or y or anything. That's not the laplacian...

Lets just imagine this thread never happened, haha! Thanks for your help.
  • #10
there is a simble in physics that is due to the special relativity that u can show the second derivative of time combined with the laplacian of x,y and z.

u can find it in the "electromagnetic theory" book that is written by,milford,rits and cristy.(i'm not sure at all,about the spelling of the writers and the name of the book.)
u can search in the last chapters and find it.

FAQ: Maxwell's electromagnetic wave equation confusion

What is Maxwell's electromagnetic wave equation?

Maxwell's electromagnetic wave equation is a set of four partial differential equations that describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields in space and time. These equations were developed by James Clerk Maxwell in the 19th century and are a fundamental part of classical electromagnetism.

What does the equation represent?

The equation represents the relationship between electric and magnetic fields, and how they interact with each other. It also describes how these fields propagate through space as electromagnetic waves.

Why is there confusion surrounding Maxwell's electromagnetic wave equation?

There can be confusion surrounding Maxwell's electromagnetic wave equation because it involves complex mathematical concepts and can be difficult to understand without a strong background in mathematics and physics. Additionally, there have been various interpretations and modifications of the equation over time, leading to some confusion about its true meaning.

What are some real-world applications of this equation?

Maxwell's electromagnetic wave equation has many real-world applications, including the development of technologies such as radio, telecommunication, and radar. It is also used in the study of optics, quantum mechanics, and other branches of physics.

How can one better understand Maxwell's electromagnetic wave equation?

To better understand Maxwell's electromagnetic wave equation, one can study the underlying mathematics and principles of electromagnetism. It can also be helpful to read explanations and examples from reputable sources and consult with experts in the field. Additionally, conducting experiments and simulations can aid in understanding the practical applications of the equation.
