Is it possible to have infinite amount of dimension?

In summary, the conversation discusses the idea of gravity spreading outside of spacetime and leaking into extra dimensions, which could explain why gravity is weaker than the other forces. However, this theory is not fully convincing as it raises questions about the nature of gravity and its relationship with other particles and dimensions.
  • #1
"Because gravity also spreads outside spacetime, only a fraction of its strength is available inside spacetime, and this is given as the explanation of why gravitation is so much weaker than the other forces."

If this statement is true, is it still possible that there are infinite amount of dimension? If there are infinity of dimension, then the gravity force will certainly be zero, as gravity must spreads into every dimension.
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  • #2
scilover89 said:
"Because gravity also spreads outside spacetime, only a fraction of its strength is available inside spacetime, and this is given as the explanation of why gravitation is so much weaker than the other forces."

I don't think the quote is correct. The idea behind that statement is that our visible universe is constrained on a brane, but spacetime itself is higher dimensional. This allows gravity to live on the brane in our visible universe and, also leak into the extra dimensions.

It could just be symantics, but I consider spacetime to consist of everything. Therefore, there is no such thing as being outside spacetime.

scilover89 said:
If this statement is true, is it still possible that there are infinite amount of dimension? If there are infinity of dimension, then the gravity force will certainly be zero, as gravity must spreads into every dimension.

You are correct that gravity will get weaker, but it falls off outside the brane as 1/r^{d-3} (that could be off).

In theories of Quantum gravity like string theory, the number of dimensions is constrained. If these constraints aren't met, things fall apart.

If you want to just talk about gravity, you may be able to create a theory with an infinite number of dimensions, but I can't think of how, nor do I think I would want to. Seems pretty mesy to me.
  • #3
In string theory, critical dimensions are based on field theory anomolies cancelling. If you want to live in any other dimension, you break a crucial symmetry of the theory.
  • #4
So, if gravity in our spacetime is leaking into other dimensions, why isn't gravity leaking from other dimensions into our spacetime? Does this just happen to be the only spacetime that contains matter? If so, just exactly what does gravity think it is accomplishing by wandering into other dimensions where it has nothing to act upon? Should we be looking for gravitational monopoles? I can't say I'm sold on the leaky universe idea.
  • #5
What I am saying is that in one theory gravity can propogate in all the dimensions where as all other particles (us) live on a brane. This is one way to explain why gravity is weaker than the other forces.

As to whether you are sold on the idea or not, what's the point?
  • #6
jujio77 said:
What I am saying is that in one theory gravity can propogate in all the dimensions where as all other particles (us) live on a brane. This is one way to explain why gravity is weaker than the other forces.

As to whether you are sold on the idea or not, what's the point?
My point is it makes no sense. I see it as a backdoor way of suggesting 3+1 dimensional spacetime is somehow a preferred reference frame. Why would gravity, unlike any other force, have special priveleges in extra dimensions? Why would any natural force 'leak' into extra dimensions where there is nothing for it to act upon? And if there are no observable consequences in this universe, how is it relevant? Does that suggest a causality violation? It does to me.

FAQ: Is it possible to have infinite amount of dimension?

1. Can there really be an infinite amount of dimensions?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it is still a topic of debate among scientists. Some theories suggest that there could be an infinite number of dimensions, while others propose a finite number.

2. How would an infinite number of dimensions affect our understanding of the universe?

If there were an infinite number of dimensions, it would challenge our current understanding of the laws of physics. It could also potentially open up new possibilities and explanations for phenomena that we currently cannot explain.

3. Is there any evidence to support the idea of infinite dimensions?

At this point, there is no concrete evidence to support the existence of infinite dimensions. However, some theories, such as string theory, propose the existence of extra dimensions beyond the three dimensions we experience in our everyday lives.

4. How would we even begin to comprehend an infinite number of dimensions?

It is difficult for us to imagine an infinite number of dimensions as our brains are limited to perceiving and understanding three dimensions. However, scientists use mathematical models and theories to try to understand the concept of higher dimensions.

5. Could we ever prove or disprove the existence of infinite dimensions?

As of now, it is impossible to prove or disprove the existence of infinite dimensions. However, with advancements in technology and further research, we may one day be able to gather evidence or make observations that support or refute this idea.

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