Shockwave cosmology and white holes

In summary, the Shockwave Cosmology Model proposes that there is a white hole singularity that creates a shockwave effect outside of the expanding universe. This shockwave eventually slows down and the expanding universe will reach it. Inside the shockwave, the universe is being treated like a black hole that is also expanding.
  • #1
Now I’ve been trying to read up on this Shockwave cosmology model and wanted to see if I have the correct view since most of the math is over my head. Now from what I understand in this model is that there is a white hole singularity that explodes and instantly disappears and it produces a shockwave effect that is outside of the expanding universe. Now this shockwave will eventually slow down and the expansion of the universe will eventually reach this point. Also if I understand the universe inside of the shockwave is being treated like a black hole that is expanding. Do I have the correct view on this?

I’ve been using the following link as reference to this model.
Space news on
  • #2
Yes, from what I understand your view on the Shockwave Cosmology Model is correct. It does seem like a complex topic and it can be hard to comprehend all the mathematical equations. I think the reference link you provided is a good starting point to learn more about this model.

FAQ: Shockwave cosmology and white holes

1. What is shockwave cosmology?

Shockwave cosmology is a theoretical framework that proposes a new way of understanding the evolution of the universe. It suggests that the Big Bang was not a single event, but rather a series of explosions caused by the collapse of white holes.

2. What are white holes?

White holes are the theoretical opposite of black holes. They are regions of space-time where matter and energy are constantly being expelled, as opposed to being pulled in like in a black hole. White holes are thought to be connected to black holes through a wormhole, creating a continuous cycle of matter and energy being ejected and absorbed.

3. How does shockwave cosmology differ from the Big Bang theory?

Unlike the Big Bang theory, which proposes a single, initial explosion that created the universe, shockwave cosmology suggests that the universe has undergone a series of explosions caused by the collapse of white holes. It also offers an explanation for the origin of the universe, as opposed to the Big Bang theory which does not address this question.

4. What evidence supports shockwave cosmology?

Currently, there is no direct evidence for shockwave cosmology. However, some observations, such as the cosmic microwave background and the large scale structure of the universe, can be interpreted in a way that is consistent with the theory. Further research and observations are needed to test and validate this theory.

5. How does shockwave cosmology impact our understanding of the universe?

If proven to be true, shockwave cosmology would revolutionize our understanding of the universe and its origins. It would also provide a new perspective on the evolution of the universe and the role of black holes and white holes in shaping its structure. However, more research and evidence are needed before this theory can be accepted as the dominant explanation for the universe.

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