Share Your Favorite Dishes - Tell Us Now

  • Thread starter timejim
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In summary, Adam likes sushi, chicken fried steak, potato soup, and tacos. His favorite food is raw chicory with pieces of orange and smoothered in a sauce of sour cream with orange lemonade.
  • #1
I have a number of dishes I really like but I think my Moms' homemade chicken and dumplings would be number 1.
What do you like? Please tell us.
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  • #2
That depends on the time of the day. If I'm watching some good show or movie, nothing beats a nice big bowl of thick soup, with an entire loaf of bread to dunk with and a mug of cold chocolate.
  • #3
curry fishballs
various Chinese food
everything that taste good
  • #4
any lebanese food, especially baba ganoush...
  • #5
Baba ganoush... Yum...

I really like the sushi rolls I have been making lately.

But mostly, I think home-made pizza is the best. My pizza includes:
- BBQ sauce.
- hot salami
- shredded ham
- cheese
- mushrooms
- capsicum
- sun-dried tomatoes
- olives
- onion
- pineapple
- anything else I can find that might work.
  • #6
I love food. I love food from every culture; in fact our pinnacle of culinary delights was found not in Paris, but in Amsterdam. Amsterdam is the place to experience the cuisines of the world. I don't know what we ate half the time [Tsunami and I], but most of it was the best thing I ever tasted. Indonesian foods knocked my socks off!

Also, I could eat tacos every day of my life; and did for six months once; much the same for pizza and American Chinese food.

I make a killer Chicken Kiev...when it comes out right.

Its hard to beat a Blank Angus ribeye steak, barbequed over an open flame, fueled with lots of oak wood and charcoal, and with as much heat as possible; heavily smoked and medium rare please. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! This is my only other specialty but it is a real favorite. Tsunami taught me her family's steak barbeque secrets and we have worked to perfect them for 20 years.

PS. it is possible to ignite the paint on a BBQ by using wood instead of, or even with charcoal. This produces flames about 12 feet high and modifies the ambiance significantly.
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  • #7
I make the absolute best potato soup on none, end of discussion.
  • #8
Originally posted by Adam
But mostly, I think home-made pizza is the best. My pizza includes:
- BBQ sauce.
- hot salami
- shredded ham
- cheese
- mushrooms
- capsicum
- sun-dried tomatoes
- olives
- onion
- pineapple
- anything else I can find that might work.

All on the same pizza??
  • #9
This thread is making me hungry
  • #10
Originally posted by Zero
I make the absolute best potato soup on none, end of discussion.

I love potato [potatoe if you're republican ] soup.

Fess up, what's the recipe?

please please please
  • #11
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
I love food. I love food from every culture; in fact our pinnacle of culinary delights was found not in Paris, but in Amsterdam. Amsterdam is the place to experience the cuisines of the world. I don't know what we ate half the time [Tsunami and I], but most of it was the best thing I ever tasted. Indonesian foods knocked my socks off!
Really, if I give you some email addresses, will you tell my friends?

The only place they eat food at are steak houses the worst food ever, you get an ienie tiny little piece of meat, with a salad that fits into an egg shell and french fries without sauce (you have to pay for that separately).

My favorite food is raw chicory with pieces of orange and smoothered in a sauce of sour cream with orange lemonade. Together with that you serve warm french bread and deep fried chicken, which was first dipped into a batter of flour and spices, egg and fine bread crums.. sooo good!
  • #12
Chicken Fried Steak
Mashed Potato(e)s or Plank Fries
Fried Okra
Green Beans
Copious amounts of Cream Gravy with Black Pepper
Grill Toast
Sweet Tea

Lots of Crackers

My body weight in Boiled Shrimp
  • #13
I once made potato cakes, which were heavenly!

Recipe: boil potatoes, mash them with lots of powdered cumin and fresh coriander and some salt. Roll them into flat cakes, bake until golden brown in some vegetable oil.

Together with that I served an Indian chickpea dish with rice on the side, I had guests over and they were floored
  • #14
For the chickpeas:

In some oil fry an onion, 2 tbsp coriander, 2 tbsp cumin, some turmeric, 1/2 tsp salt, 1 tbsp sugar.

Add 3 cups of chickpeas, 2 fresh chopped green chillies, 2in crushed fresh ginger, 2 chopped firm tomatoes (add some extra tomato paste for sauce).

Simmer 5 min, add 3oz chopped fresh coriander.

Taste and add extra spices/sugar to make it perfect and enjoy!
  • #15
so many choices..hmmmm

Babba Ganoush is good- with a nice tabouli. But I prefer just some hoummous and pita bread myself;)- or quefta(sp?) the lamb

salmon sushi with udon noodle soup and some warm saki.

Tapa and shanghai rice or garlic rice -also lumpia

and mom's good ol' taco salad. YUUMMMY
  • #16
Originally posted by Echo 6 Sierra
Chicken Fried Steak
Mashed Potato(e)s or Plank Fries
Fried Okra
Green Beans
Copious amounts of Cream Gravy with Black Pepper
Grill Toast
Sweet Tea

Lots of Crackers

My body weight in Boiled Shrimp

you must be from the good ol' south :)
  • #17
Originally posted by one_raven
All on the same pizza??

Hell yes.
  • #18
Hmm.. I like to make fried rice with onions, bell peppers (red and green) and soy sauce. Yum.

I could eat avocadoes plain as a meal.

Pitas with hummus and a bunch of stirfried vegetables in them.
  • #19
Originally posted by Monique
Really, if I give you some email addresses, will you tell my friends?

Sure. I can't say enough good about Amsterdam; especially the food!

Even wandering around Utrecht was fun...chocolate and danish shops. Mmmmmmmmmmm.

By the way, you Nederlanders should tell us Americans that when we go shopping in Holland, we have to bring our own bags.
  • #20
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
By the way, you Nederlanders should tell us Americans that when we go shopping in Holland, we have to bring our own bags.

LOL! Can you imagine my surprise when all of a sudden a young guy started packing my groceries when I was in the US? I couldn't figure out whether to tip him or what..

and if someone doesn't come to pack your groceries, do you have to stand and wait, or do you have to start packing yourself? And when someone arrives, do you stop packing and let that person take care of it, or should you just pack along? I just found it all very confusing..

Now we are on the subject: don't you find it a terrible waste to double pack every single item in plastic bags?? At least in Holland we stuff as much as we can in our own shopping bags that we bring along
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  • #21
Actually, while in the US I started bringing along my own shopping bags.

Try convincing those Americans to just put the groceries in there, or let me handle it.. nooo, they would pack every item in a plastic bag, after which I would stuff all those plastic bags into my shopping bag, you should've seen their faces

Another thing was that I did my groceries on my bicycle, a thing quite (understatement) uncommon over there :wink:
  • #22
Its hard to beat a Blank Angus ribeye steak, barbequed over an open flame, fueled with lots of oak wood and charcoal, and with as much heat as possible; heavily smoked and medium rare please. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! This is my only other specialty but it is a real favorite. Tsunami taught me her family's steak barbeque secrets and we have worked to perfect them for 20 years.

I like to eat marinated beef raw(of course not when my parents are around). For some reason, raw food has this really unique taste and texture.

FAQ: Share Your Favorite Dishes - Tell Us Now

1. What is the purpose of "Share Your Favorite Dishes - Tell Us Now"?

The purpose of "Share Your Favorite Dishes - Tell Us Now" is to encourage people to share their favorite dishes and recipes with others. This can help to inspire others to try new dishes and create a sense of community through food.

2. How can I participate in "Share Your Favorite Dishes - Tell Us Now"?

To participate in "Share Your Favorite Dishes - Tell Us Now", simply share your favorite dish or recipe in the designated forum or platform. You can also use the hashtag #ShareYourFavoriteDishes on social media to join the conversation and share your dishes with a wider audience.

3. Is there a specific format or guideline for sharing my favorite dish?

There is no specific format or guideline for sharing your favorite dish. You can simply write out the recipe, include a photo, or even make a video of yourself cooking the dish. The important thing is to share what makes the dish special to you and why you love it.

4. Can I share dishes from any cuisine or culture?

Yes, you can share dishes from any cuisine or culture. "Share Your Favorite Dishes - Tell Us Now" is meant to be a diverse and inclusive platform for people to share their favorite dishes, regardless of their origin or background.

5. Will my shared dish be featured on any other platforms or websites?

There is a possibility that your shared dish may be featured on other platforms or websites, especially if you use the hashtag #ShareYourFavoriteDishes. However, this cannot be guaranteed and will depend on the reach and interest of the platform or website in your dish.

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