Can We Create a Neutron Star in an Earth Lab?

In summary: Originally posted by Integral Thank You Sir.What...sort of...stuff...does...neutronium...include? I don't know. I'm sorry.
  • #1
I heard, somewhere, that an thimble full of a neutron star would weigh on Earth many thousands of elephants.
Hmmm... I suppose that this is true.
But I wonder this: With all of our advanced technologies, is it possible to form such high density matter, even a thimble full, in an Earth lab?
Physics news on
  • #2
Could scientists even get remotely close? What is the highest density matter that has ever been formed on Earth?
  • #3
Originally posted by phi1978
Could scientists even get remotely close? What is the highest density matter that has ever been formed on Earth?

No. If we did the weight would be to heavy for us to keep it anywhere. If we were to set it on the ground it would fall and fall straight through the earth. If it hadn't reached escape velocity it would fall back to the Earth make another tunnel straight through the Earth and repeat Steps 1-4 over and over.
  • #4
Look, I don't mean creating an entire neutron star! I thought my question was clear: Is it possible to create a thimble full amount of the material using current or potential technologies.
Or if not, as phi1978 suggests: what is the highest density matter experimentally produced?
  • #5
I thought my answer was clear. NO.

Check your table of materials, what is the densest element. There will be your answer.
  • #6
Originally posted by Integral
Check your table of materials, what is the densest element. There will be your answer.

I don't think this is entirely accurate. Check out this article:

"Highest Density of Matter Created in Experiment, Scientists Say
By Staff
posted: 04:44 pm ET
16 January 2001

Collisions between gold ions in the Brookhaven National Laboratory's newly operational Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) have created the highest density matter ever achieved in a scientific experiment, researchers said Monday.

"The clear observation of so many species of well-known particles, ranging from common to quite rare ones, indicates that the RHIC detectors are working spectacularly and that the real exploration can begin," said William Zajc, scientific spokesperson for RHIC's PHENIX detector, in a prepared statement. Zajc is one of the nearly 1,000 physicists working on RHIC.

Physicists who studied the debris streaming from the collisions concluded that densities more than 20 times higher than those within the nuclei of ordinary matter had been produced. Temperatures in the compressed matter topped 1 trillion degrees. The Brookhaven scientists said measurements at the accelerator, if confirmed, indicate they produced matter with a density approaching two times the record announced last year at the CERN particle physics laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland."
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  • #7
he did say "Thimble full"

So I ruled out results of collider experiments, which yields only a few particles, definately not a "thimble full".

Interesting non the less.
  • #8
Originally posted by pallidin
Look, I don't mean creating an entire neutron star! I thought my question was clear: Is it possible to create a thimble full amount of the material using current or potential technologies.
Or if not, as phi1978 suggests: what is the highest density matter experimentally produced?

It doesn't matter if it is just a thimble full. The density of neutronium is about 1010 kg/c³. That means that one cubic centimeter of it would weigh 1010 kilograms.

A large elephant can be as massive as 5000 kg so it would take take about 20,000,000 elephants to equal the mass of 1 cc of neutronium.

Now imagine the weight of 20,000,000 elephants pressing down on an area of 1 square centimeter. Any material known would support it about as much as water will support a hunk of lead.
  • #9
Originally posted by Integral
he did say "Thimble full"

Good point
  • #10
It doesn't matter if it is just a thimble full. The density of neutronium is about 1010 kg/c³. That means that one cubic centimeter of it would weigh 1010 kilograms.

A large elephant can be as massive as 5000 kg so it would take take about 20,000,000 elephants to equal the mass of 1 cc of neutronium.

Now imagine the weight of 20,000,000 elephants pressing down on an area of 1 square centimeter. Any material known would support it about as much as water will support a hunk of lead.

Thats impressive, i reckons i could hold it.
  • #11
Originally posted by Janus
It doesn't matter if it is just a thimble full. The density of neutronium is about 1010 kg/c³. That means that one cubic centimeter of it would weigh 1010 kilograms.

A large elephant can be as massive as 5000 kg so it would take take about 20,000,000 elephants to equal the mass of 1 cc of neutronium.

Now imagine the weight of 20,000,000 elephants pressing down on an area of 1 square centimeter. Any material known would support it about as much as water will support a hunk of lead.

Thank You Sir.
  • #12
What about a Bose-Einstein condensate? That's at the other extreme of the temperature scale. What kind of densities do these things achieve (or does the smearing out of the atom's positions make density an inappropriate term)?
  • #13
The largest controlled density in laboratory is either from the compression of deuterium in laser fusion, or from a diamond anvil driven by dynamite upon test matter.
  • #14
Originally posted by Loren Booda
The largest controlled density in laboratory is either from the compression of deuterium in laser fusion, or from a diamond anvil driven by dynamite upon test matter.

I love physics! Who but a true mad scientist (and I mean that as a term of honor) would call a fusion explosion "controlled"? Plus, I'd love to see the experimental setup that pushes a diamond anvil cell with TNT. That's got to be a fun job!
  • #15
Great responses from all. I have learned a thing or two. The reason I asked this Q was because of the potential applications utilizing extremely high density matter. For example, energy storage systems utilizing flywheels are outstanding in concept and application. Indeed, many are in use now, from the space program to vehicle propulsion. And, should anything more be said about the enormous potential for it's use in gravity experiments!
Anyway, thanks for all the insight, and I am sure this work will go forward.

FAQ: Can We Create a Neutron Star in an Earth Lab?

1. Can we really create a neutron star in an Earth lab?

Yes, it is possible to create a neutron star in a lab on Earth, although it is a very difficult and complex process that has not yet been achieved.

2. What is a neutron star?

A neutron star is a type of compact star that is incredibly dense, with a mass greater than the sun packed into a sphere the size of a city. It is made up almost entirely of neutrons and is created from the collapse of a massive star during a supernova explosion.

3. How would we create a neutron star in a lab?

To create a neutron star in a lab, scientists would need to find a way to mimic the extreme conditions present during a supernova explosion. This would require incredibly high temperatures and pressures, as well as a way to compress a massive amount of matter into a tiny space.

4. Would creating a neutron star be dangerous for Earth?

No, creating a neutron star in a lab would not pose any danger to Earth. The process would be contained and controlled, and the resulting neutron star would only exist for a brief period of time before decaying.

5. What would be the benefits of creating a neutron star in a lab?

Creating a neutron star in a lab would allow scientists to study and better understand the extreme conditions and physics involved in the formation of these objects. It could also potentially lead to advancements in technology and our understanding of the universe.

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