Exploring Quantum Numbers & Wavefunctions in Fermi Gas

In summary, the free electron model has particles in a box, and the state of any particle is described by four quantum numbers, nx, ny, nz, and ms, the spin magnetic quantum number. Furthermore, the wavefunction of a particle is given by:\psi(\mathbf{r}) = e^{i\mathbf{k} \cdot \mathbf{r}} where k is defined as follows:k_x = \frac{2 \pi}{l_x}n_x et cetera.
  • #1
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I have a question about the discussion of the free-electron (Fermi) gas in my solid-state physics notes. In the free electron model, you basically have particles in a box, and the state of any particle is described by four quantum numbers, nx, ny, nz, and ms, the spin magnetic quantum number. Furthermore, the wavefunction of a particle is given by:

[tex] \psi(\mathbf{r}) = e^{i\mathbf{k} \cdot \mathbf{r}} [/tex]

where k is defined as follows:

[tex] k_x = \frac{2 \pi}{l_x}n_x [/tex]

et cetera. I have assume that the box has dimensions

V = lxlylz

Here is the step I am having trouble understanding:

The number of states associated with an element [itex] d^3k = dk_xdk_ydk_z [/itex] in k-space is then given by

[tex] 2dn_xdn_ydn_z = \left(\frac{V}{8 \pi^3} \right) 2dk_xdk_ydk_z [/tex]

Although this follows if you sort of consider each k component as a function of each corresponding n component, it doesn't make a lot of sense


1) [itex] n_x [/itex], [itex] n_y [/itex], and [itex] n_z [/itex] are each [itex] \in \mathbb{Z} [/itex], so why are k and n suddenly being treated as continuous variables?

2) Basically, other treatments I have seen divide k-space into a discrete set of blocks or unit cells, each of which is associated with a point (kx,ky,kz). The number of states in each block is then just...2. So what does the statement in bold (the number of states "associated with an element") even mean?
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  • #2
The important point is that the free electron states approach a continuum. The dimensions of your box are huge compared to atomic spacings, the number of states is huge, the spacing between successive k's is negligible, etc. That's why you can treat the quantities as continuous.

Given that, then dk_x/dx from your equation is
[tex]dk_x = \frac{2 \pi}{l_x}dn_x [/tex]

Multiplying the expressions for x,y and z gives the result quoted.
  • #3
Thanks for your reply. Sure, I inferred that they were making a continuum approximation, and your justification for that *sort of* makes sense (see below why not completely). I even understand the math:

[tex]dn_xdn_ydn_z = \frac{l_xl_yl_z}{(2 \pi)^3} dk_xdk_ydk_z = \frac{V}{8 \pi^3} dk_xdk_ydk_z [/tex]

What I don't understand is why they multiply both sides by 2 and then call this "the number of states associated with a volume element in k-space."

Another related question I have (related because it stems from the same lack of understanding) is as follows. If we assume still that there are two states for every point in the (now continuous) k-space, then suddenly there are an uncountable and infinite number of states in any finite volume! Clearly this is wrong. There are supposed to be a countable and finite number of states in any volume in k-space. They get around this problem by stating (as above) that the number of states at each point is no longer 2...it is infinitesimal. I don't understand the justification for this or what they are doing at all. This doesn't match with the physical picture of what is going on.
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  • #4
2--Spin degeneracy
  • #5
PRB147 said:
2--Spin degeneracy


Yes, I realize that there are two spin states for every energy eigenstate defined by given values of the three principle quantum numbers. I said that numerous times, and I even stated in my OP that the fourth quantum number was [itex] m_s = \pm \frac{1}{2} [/itex]. If this is what you mean by spin degeneracy, then unfortunately, this statement does not actually address what I was asking in question 2 of post #1. Thanks for your response though.

I would really like it if somebody could address the issue I identified in post #3, as that is really the main point of confusion. Thanks.
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  • #6
What PRB said about the factor of 2. As for the rest, the states look enough like a continuum to allow the differentiation operations, but they are still countable, and have a finite density (number per volume of k space).

FAQ: Exploring Quantum Numbers & Wavefunctions in Fermi Gas

1. What is a Fermi gas?

A Fermi gas is a state of matter in which a large number of fermions, such as electrons, protons, or neutrons, are confined in a container at a low temperature and high density. These particles follow the laws of quantum mechanics and are subject to the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that no two fermions can occupy the same quantum state simultaneously.

2. What are quantum numbers?

Quantum numbers are a set of numbers that describe the energy, spin, and spatial distribution of a quantum particle. In the context of a Fermi gas, the quantum numbers refer to the energy levels and states that the fermions can occupy within the gas.

3. How are wavefunctions related to Fermi gases?

Wavefunctions are mathematical functions that describe the probability amplitudes of a quantum particle at different positions in space. In the case of a Fermi gas, the wavefunctions correspond to the energy levels and states of the fermions within the gas, and they can be used to calculate the probability of finding a fermion at a specific energy level or position within the gas.

4. What is the significance of exploring quantum numbers and wavefunctions in Fermi gases?

Studying quantum numbers and wavefunctions in Fermi gases can provide insight into the behavior and properties of fermions at the quantum level. This can help us understand fundamental concepts in quantum mechanics and potentially lead to advancements in fields such as materials science, condensed matter physics, and quantum computing.

5. How do scientists explore quantum numbers and wavefunctions in Fermi gases?

Scientists use various experimental and theoretical methods to study quantum numbers and wavefunctions in Fermi gases. This may include techniques such as spectroscopy, quantum simulations, and mathematical modeling. These methods allow scientists to observe and manipulate the behavior of fermions in a controlled environment, providing valuable information about their quantum states and properties.

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