External clock synchronization and sbsolute motion

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of "external" clock synchronization and its relation to absolute motion. The two time intervals are related by the time dilation formula (dt'=dt/g), allowing the moving observer to determine their speed. However, this method relies on knowledge from the stationary reference frame, leading to different coordinate systems and potentially non-standard laws of physics. Some experts suggest using a system of clocks and rods at rest to create a new coordinate system, but this approach has limitations.
  • #1
"External" clock synchronization and sbsolute motion

The “external” clock synchronization goes as follows: Consider that the clocks C(x) located at the points M(x) of the OX axis of I inertial reference frame read all zero (t=0) as a result of a standard (Einstein) clock synchronization procedure. Let C’ be the wrist watch of an observer R’ who moves with constant speed V in the positive direction of the OX axis. Clock C’ is adjusted to read t’=0 when it passes in front of a clock C(x) reading zero as well. The trip of clock C’ lasts dt’ when measured by R’ being a proper time interval but lasts dt when measured by observers from I being a coordinate time interval. The two time intervals are related by the time dilation formula
dt’=dt/g (1)
g representing the Lorentz factor.
Equation (1) enables R’ to find out his speed knowing dt and dt’.
Knowing that the relativity principle could be stated as:
“All physical laws are the same in any inertial reference frame, no inertial reference frame is privileged i.e. distinguishable from the others by means of “internal” empirical evidences” we could say that (1) is an experiment in which the moving observer R’ is not “confined” in his rest frame and so it is out of the requirements of the relativity principle. The way in which the reference frames are chosen is arbitrary.
Is there some error above?
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  • #2

bernhard.rothenstein said:
Is there some error above?

Yes, the primed observer does not measure the clocks in the unprimed frame to be synchronized.
  • #3

Vanadium 50 said:
Yes, the primed observer does not measure the clocks in the unprimed frame to be synchronized.
Thanks for your answer.
I think that the condition you mention is not a compulsory requirement.
  • #4

The clocks in the two frames have been synchronised in two different ways.

The C clocks are synchronised by an "internal" method (Einstein sync) which can be carried out in a "closed box" without knowledge of any other frames.

The C' clocks have been synchronised by an "external" method which depends on knowledge of the C clocks.

As the two coordinate systems have been set up in different ways, there's no reason why the laws of physics should take the same mathematical form in the two coordinate systems. The principle of relativity has not been broken because the two observers are not using the same method to make their calculations.

And it's not surprising that R' can work out his velocity relative to I because he made use of I to sync his clocks.
  • #5
bernhard.rothenstein said:
The two time intervals are related by the time dilation formula
dt’=dt/g (1)
g representing the Lorentz factor.
Equation (1) enables R’ to find out his speed knowing dt and dt’.

we could say that (1) is an experiment in which the moving observer R’ is not “confined” in his rest frame and so it is out of the requirements of the relativity principle. The way in which the reference frames are chosen is arbitrary.
Is there some error above?

Hi bernhard! :smile:

(1) is correct for the time dilation formula for C´ viewed by C, but you cannot use the same process to get the time dilation formula for C viewed by C´, because, as Vanadium 50 :smile: says …
Vanadium 50 said:
Yes, the primed observer does not measure the clocks in the unprimed frame to be synchronized.
… although the end-points of the path are at the same time for C, they are not for C´.

(and R´ is in his rest frame … I don't understand how you could think he might not be :confused:)
  • #6

However, bernhard is correct. If instead of a single wrist-watch worn by R' we used a system of clocks and rods at rest wrt R', and if those clocks were all synchronized by using the approach bernhard suggests for R', then those rods and clocks would form a new coordinate system I'. In this new coordinate system the formula (1) could indeed be used to calculate coordinate time dilation, however the laws of physics would not take their standard form in this coordinate system as, e.g. the one-way speed of light would be anisotropic.

I don't understand why bernhard would want to construct such a coordinate system, but he could.
  • #7

DrGreg said:
The clocks in the two frames have been synchronised in two different ways.

The C clocks are synchronised by an "internal" method (Einstein sync) which can be carried out in a "closed box" without knowledge of any other frames.

The C' clocks have been synchronised by an "external" method which depends on knowledge of the C clocks.

As the two coordinate systems have been set up in different ways, there's no reason why the laws of physics should take the same mathematical form in the two coordinate systems. The principle of relativity has not been broken because the two observers are not using the same method to make their calculations.

And it's not surprising that R' can work out his velocity relative to I because he made use of I to sync his clocks.
Thanks DrGreg for your help.
  • #8

DaleSpam said:
However, bernhard is correct. If instead of a single wrist-watch worn by R' we used a system of clocks and rods at rest wrt R', and if those clocks were all synchronized by using the approach bernhard suggests for R', then those rods and clocks would form a new coordinate system I'. In this new coordinate system the formula (1) could indeed be used to calculate coordinate time dilation, however the laws of physics would not take their standard form in this coordinate system as, e.g. the one-way speed of light would be anisotropic.

I don't understand why bernhard would want to construct such a coordinate system, but he could.
Thank you for your help. The approach is not my invention. Tangherlini, Selleri, Edwards and probably many others add to

t=t'/g (1)
a consequence of time dilation
the equation
x'=g(x-Vt) (2)
a consequence of length contraction.
For me the approach has a high pedagogical value,illustrating the difference between experiment performed confined in in an inertial reference frame and experiment performed having an outlook to an experiment performed in an other one.
  • #9

bernhard.rothenstein said:
For me the approach has a high pedagogical value,illustrating the difference between experiment performed confined in in an inertial reference frame and experiment performed having an outlook to an experiment performed in an other one.
I think it would just confuse students. A student could not use such a coordinate system to describe any experiment since the laws of physics (in that coordinate system) would be different from what they had learned.
  • #10

DaleSpam said:
I think it would just confuse students. A student could not use such a coordinate system to describe any experiment since the laws of physics (in that coordinate system) would be different from what they had learned.
The experiment which leads to t=t'/g does not involve transformation equations at all. It shows only that it is an experiment with outlook to another reference frame enable the moving observer to measure its own speed.
The transformation equations have a large coverage in the literature of the subject.

FAQ: External clock synchronization and sbsolute motion

1. What is external clock synchronization and how does it work?

External clock synchronization refers to the process of aligning the time information of multiple devices or systems using a common reference clock. This is typically achieved by having one device act as a master clock and sending timing signals to the other devices, ensuring that they are all operating on the same time scale.

2. Why is external clock synchronization important in scientific research?

In scientific research, precise timing is crucial for accurately measuring and recording data. External clock synchronization helps to ensure that all devices and systems involved in the research are operating on the same time scale, reducing the potential for errors and discrepancies in the data.

3. Can external clock synchronization account for absolute motion?

No, external clock synchronization cannot account for absolute motion. It only ensures that all devices are synchronized in time. Absolute motion refers to an object's position or movement in relation to a fixed frame of reference, such as the Earth's surface, and requires additional measurements and calculations to determine.

4. How is external clock synchronization different from internal clock synchronization?

External clock synchronization involves using a common reference clock to align the time information of multiple devices, while internal clock synchronization refers to the process of maintaining the accuracy and stability of a single device's internal clock. External synchronization is necessary when multiple devices need to be coordinated, while internal synchronization is important for maintaining accuracy within a single device.

5. What are some common methods used for external clock synchronization?

Some common methods for external clock synchronization include GPS (Global Positioning System) timing, which uses satellite signals to provide precise time information, and PTP (Precision Time Protocol), which uses network time synchronization to align the clocks of multiple devices. Other methods include IRIG (Inter-Range Instrumentation Group) time codes and NTP (Network Time Protocol).

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