We always see the same side of the moon

  • Thread starter Gonzolo
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In summary, the phenomenon of the moon always showing the same side to Earth is known as tidal locking and is caused by the tidal forces generated by Earth's gravity. This effect is also causing the Earth's rotation to slow. Tidal locking is a common occurrence in the solar system and is influenced by factors such as distance and shape. The process of tidal locking is driven by the conversion of rotational angular momentum into orbital angular momentum, resulting in a lower overall energy state. Tidal locking occurs faster for closer moons and slower for distant ones.
  • #1

We always see the same side of the moon. I believe this is due to an equilibrium state that happens after a long term for a dumbell-shaped or ellipsoid object. Can someone confirm this?

What about other planetry systems? Do other moons constantly look at their respective planets with the same face? What are the precise conditions for this to happen (I assume distance, shape, initial rotation etc.)?
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  • #2
The condition that causes the moon's rotation and revolution periods to match, so that it always shows us the same side, is called "tidal locking." The tidal forces due to the Earth's gravity on a body like the Moon generate bulges which always lag a bit behind the line connecting the Earth and moon. Naturally, the bulges are acted upon by the Earth's gravity also, and the result is a torque which acts to slow the Moon's rotation.

The same effect is also causing the Earth's rotation to slow. The tides, which are visible mostly in water but indeed affect the ground too, are slowly sapping rotational inertia from the Earth, slowing its rotation and making the day longer.

There are many examples of tidal locking throughout the solar system; almost all the Moons in the solar system are tidally locked to their parent planets. There are also some resonances you may wish to study, like the 3:2 resonance of Mercury in its orbit around the Sun.

- Warren
  • #3
Gonzolo said:

We always see the same side of the moon. I believe this is due to an equilibrium state that happens after a long term for a dumbell-shaped or ellipsoid object. Can someone confirm this?

What about other planetry systems? Do other moons constantly look at their respective planets with the same face? What are the precise conditions for this to happen (I assume distance, shape, initial rotation etc.)?

Tidal locking happens naturally between any moon and the planet it circles. Sometimes it happens with planets close to a sun as well. (Mercury almost qualifies, but not quite, it's in a 3:2 resonance as was mentioned earlier.)

The simplest approach to examing tidal locking is to use the conservation of energy. Tidal forces go as the inverse cube of distance. Tidal energy storage goes as the square of the height of the tide. This leads to a tidal energy storage that varies as the sixth power of the distance between the moon and the object it orbits.

Some fraction of the stored tidal energy is dissipated every cycle when the moon rotates. In a complete rotation the moon is alternately stretched, compressed, stretched, compressed, stretched back to it's original shape. Because the moon is not perfectly elastic, this process dissipates energy.

By considering the fact that energy is being dissipated, and that angular momentum is conserved, one finds that rotational angular momentum of the moon is converted into orbital angular momentum, and the system moves into a lower overall energy state.

Because tidal energy is proportional to the sixth power of the radius, tidal locking occurs fast for close moons, slowly for distant ones. Tides as we have them on earth, with liquid oceans, are a bit unusual.
  • #4
Thanks. I remember a colleague making a model with an orbiting dumbell. I was just not around when he finished the project.

FAQ: We always see the same side of the moon

1. Why do we always see the same side of the moon?

We always see the same side of the moon because of synchronous rotation. This means that the moon's rotation and orbit around the Earth are synchronized, causing the same side of the moon to always face Earth.

2. Is there a dark side of the moon?

No, there is no "dark side" of the moon. The moon experiences day and night just like Earth, but because of synchronous rotation, the same side of the moon is always facing away from Earth.

3. Can we ever see the far side of the moon?

Yes, we are able to see the far side of the moon through spacecraft missions and satellite imagery. However, from Earth, we are only able to see the near side due to synchronous rotation.

4. Does the moon rotate?

Yes, the moon does rotate on its axis, but it rotates at the same rate that it orbits Earth, causing the same side to always face Earth.

5. How long does it take for the moon to rotate?

The moon takes approximately 27.3 days to rotate on its axis, which is the same amount of time it takes to orbit Earth. This is why we always see the same side of the moon.

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