Proof of Convergence: Limit (n!)/(n^n) = 0

In summary, the definition states that the limit of a sequence {an} approaching a is equal to 0 if for any given positive value epsilon, there exists a natural number N such that for all n greater than or equal to N, the absolute value of the difference between an and a is less than epsilon. Using this definition, we can prove that the limit as n approaches infinity of (n!)/(n^n) is equal to 0. This is because n!/nn can be written as a product of n factors, where all but the first term are less than 1. Therefore, for any given epsilon, we can find a suitable N such that the absolute value of 1/n (which is less than 1)
  • #1
How can I use the following definition to prove that the limit as n --> infinity of (n!)/(n^n) is 0 :

the sequence {an}-->a if
For all epsilon>0, there exists an N element of natural nos. such that for all n> or = to N, abs value(an-a)<epsilon
Physics news on
  • #2
That's really the hard way!

Any way, notice that n!= n*(n-1)*(n-2)*...*(3)(2)(1) with n factors while
nn= (n)*(n)*(n)*...*(n)(n)(n) also with n factors. That means that
n!/nn can be written as a product of n factors: (n/n)((n-1)/n)((n-2)/n)...(3/n)(2/n)(1/n). Since the first term is 1 and all others are less than 1,
n!/nn< 1/n. It should be easy to find N such that if n> N, |1/n|< epsilon!
  • #3

To prove that the limit as n --> infinity of (n!)/(n^n) is 0, we can use the definition of convergence of a sequence. According to the definition, a sequence {an} converges to a limit a if for any given small number epsilon, there exists a natural number N such that for all n greater than or equal to N, the absolute value of (an - a) is less than epsilon.

In this case, we want to show that as n approaches infinity, the value of (n!)/(n^n) gets closer and closer to 0. So, let's choose an arbitrary small number epsilon and show that there exists a natural number N such that for all n greater than or equal to N, the absolute value of (n!)/(n^n) is less than epsilon.

First, we can simplify the expression (n!)/(n^n) to (1/n)*(2/n)*...*(n/n). Now, since n is approaching infinity, we know that each term in this product will approach 0. So, for any given epsilon, we can choose N to be a natural number greater than 1/epsilon. This means that for all n greater than or equal to N, each term in the product (1/n)*(2/n)*...*(n/n) will be less than or equal to 1/epsilon. Therefore, the absolute value of (n!)/(n^n) will be less than epsilon, which proves that the limit as n --> infinity of (n!)/(n^n) is 0.

In conclusion, we have shown that for any given small number epsilon, there exists a natural number N such that for all n greater than or equal to N, the absolute value of (n!)/(n^n) is less than epsilon. This satisfies the definition of convergence, thus proving that the limit as n --> infinity of (n!)/(n^n) is 0.

FAQ: Proof of Convergence: Limit (n!)/(n^n) = 0

1. What is the concept of convergence in mathematics?

In mathematics, convergence refers to the tendency of a sequence or series of numbers to approach a certain value or limit as the number of terms increases. It is an important concept in calculus and analysis as it helps us determine the behavior of functions and their values as they approach a certain point or infinity.

2. How is convergence related to the limit of a sequence?

Convergence is closely related to the concept of limit in mathematics. A sequence is said to converge if its terms approach a specific value or limit, and the limit is the value that the terms of the sequence are approaching. In other words, the limit is the end result of the process of convergence.

3. What is the proof of convergence for the sequence (n!)/(n^n) = 0?

The proof of convergence for this sequence involves using the ratio test, which states that if the ratio of successive terms in a sequence approaches a value less than 1, then the sequence converges. In this case, the ratio of (n+1)!/(n+1)^(n+1) to n!/n^n simplifies to (n+1)/n, which approaches 1 as n increases. Therefore, the sequence converges to 0.

4. What are some real-world applications of convergence?

The concept of convergence has many real-world applications, especially in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. For example, in physics, it is used to study the behavior of physical systems and the convergence of measurements. In engineering, it is used to analyze the efficiency and stability of systems. In economics, it is used to study the convergence of economic indicators and the growth of economies.

5. How is the concept of convergence used in calculus?

In calculus, convergence is used to study the behavior of functions and their values as they approach a certain point or infinity. It is essential in determining the continuity and differentiability of functions and in evaluating limits, derivatives, and integrals. The concept of convergence is also fundamental in many calculus theorems, such as the intermediate value theorem and the mean value theorem.
