Can Activation Energy Ever Be Zero?

In summary: This means that the activation energy is really just a parameter that you need to specify in order to calculate the rate at which a reaction will proceed.In summary, according to my teacher, the activation energy is the difference between the maximum energy an intermediate state can have and the starting energy for a reaction. This energy is needed in order to initiate the reaction, and often does not exist in practice. However, the Wikipedia article says that it is the energy present in the system that needs to be overcome. So, in theory, activation energy could theoretically be zero.
  • #1
I've been trying to find a definitive answer to this question since long, and I still haven't found one!

My teacher at school says that it can't be zero, according to the Arrhenius equation. She says if the activation energy were to be zero, every collision would result in a reaction, which does not take place, and hence activation energy is not zero.

But doesn't a reaction take place when there is an effective collision, ie, with sufficient energy(>Ea) and with proper orientation (according to the collision theory)? Or is there something I have misunderstood about activation energy all along?

It'd also be great if someone could tell me what the meaning of activation energy actually is. I've searched online, and I've come up with various answers, and now I'm confused.
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  • #2
Hi mjassim, welcome to PF.

Between the beginning and the end of a process (e.g., a reaction), sometimes there is an intermediate state with a higher energy than either of the other two states. For the process to proceed, the system must reach this energy, even if only instantaneously. The activation energy is the difference between the maximum intermediate energy and the starting energy.

Not every process has an activation energy. For a ball at the top of a hill, for example, there's no barrier to overcome before rolling initiates. There's not even a requirement that a chemical reaction has to have an activation energy, but I believe it would imply that both the starting and ending species are barely chemically bound. This state could be difficult to enforce experimentally.
  • #3
There is a nice simulation" that might help you understand reversible reactions better (you set the energy of the products and reactants, as well as temperature, etc.). You'll need to have Java installed on your computer.
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  • #4

"The activation energy is the difference between the maximum intermediate energy and the starting energy."

So that basically means if I were to measure (somehow) the energy of a reaction system at, say, 293K, and the energy at this temperature is that "maximum intermediate energy", then the activation energy is zero?

Or is it that, activation energy is defined for a reaction at a certain temperature and with certain conditions (such as STP) and all?

@physics girl phd:

Thanks for the link! I've tried it out, and it seems to hold well with what I think. But I'm not sure if considering a reversible reaction would apply to irreversible reactions too. In any case, I'll show this to my teacher, and see what she has to say.

Thanks a lot, both of you!
  • #5
I think your teacher has this one right! Think about it this way... the activation energy prevents every single molecule from undergoing the reaction in the same instant (and there is a word for reactions like that). Kind of like the drain of a tub filled with water restricts the flow of the water from the tub. To complete the analogy, the same water in the tub would have zero restriction... if there were no tub in the first place! A tub-shaped mass of water would have no restriction to flow but is difficult to achieve in the laboratory.
  • #6
Hmm... okay, I understand that part well. So does that mean that activation energy can theoretically be zero, but not in practice?

I've checked the Wikipedia page for activation energy and it says that it is "the energy that must be overcome in order for a chemical reaction to occur." In the same paragraph, it states it "may otherwise be denoted as the minimum energy necessary for a specific chemical reaction to occur."

Now, I'm confused as to whether activation energy is the excess energy supplied to the initial energy of the reactants, or it is the energy already present in the system. Can you please clarify?

Thanks a lot for helping out!
  • #7
Typically the necessary energy is already in the system. In a collection of molecules at a given temperature, there will be a distribution of energies. Some molecules will have enough energy to get over the "hump," some won't (but may later). The higher the temperature, the sooner a given molecule will randomly attain enough energy for the reaction to proceed. The reaction rate for the entire system is usually modeled as being exponentially dependent on temperature, [itex]r\propto \exp(-E/kT)[/itex] (this is the Arrhenius model).

FAQ: Can Activation Energy Ever Be Zero?

1. What is activation energy?

Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required for a chemical reaction to occur. It is the energy needed to break the bonds between reactant molecules so that new bonds can form to create products.

2. Can activation energy be zero for a reaction to take place?

No, activation energy cannot be zero for a reaction to occur. All chemical reactions require some amount of energy to break and form bonds. Without activation energy, the reaction would not be able to overcome the energy barrier and proceed to the products.

3. Are there any exceptions where activation energy can be zero?

While activation energy cannot be completely zero, there are some cases where it can be significantly reduced. This can happen through the use of a catalyst, which lowers the activation energy by providing an alternative pathway for the reaction to occur. However, there will always be some activation energy present.

4. How does temperature affect activation energy?

As temperature increases, so does the average kinetic energy of molecules. This means that more molecules will have enough energy to overcome the activation energy barrier and participate in the reaction. Therefore, higher temperatures can lower the activation energy needed for a reaction to occur.

5. Can activation energy be negative?

No, activation energy cannot be negative. Activation energy is always a positive value as it represents the energy required for a reaction to occur. A negative activation energy would mean that the reaction releases energy instead of requiring it, which goes against the fundamental principles of chemistry.

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