Moving charges and magnetic field

In summary: The following seven equations hold in F':\vec{E}=\vec{B}+\mu_v\vec{x},\vec{x}=\vec{y}\vec{t},\vec{y}=\vec{x}\vec{t},\vec{z}=\vec{w}\vec{t},\vec{w}=\vec{x}\vec{t},\vec{x}=\vec{y}\vec{t}The first four are the Lorentz transformations of the electric and magnetic fields. The last three are the Galilean transformations of the velocities of the electric and magnetic fields.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Why does a moving charge act as a source of magnetic field?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I have to idea as to how I should proceed!
Physics news on
  • #2
There is no simple explanation. You will have to look into quantum electrodynamics.
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  • #3
Would the answer be "because there is a changing electric field"?
  • #4
An explanation can be found in classical EM theory just as well. It has to do with how the EM field transforms from one inertial reference frame to another. The derivation is carried out quite beautifully in the Berkley Physics Course book on EM.
I suggest you see if your library has it, or if you can access it through a friend or some other means.

McGraw-Hill Book Company - Berkley Physics Course - Volume 2 - Electricity and Magnetism
by Edward M. Purcell
ISBN - 07-004859-2 (For my edition)
  • #5
graphene said:
There is no simple explanation. You will have to look into quantum electrodynamics.

Why is that so?
And what is the explanation anyway?
  • #6
PiTHON said:
Would the answer be "because there is a changing electric field"?

  • #7
It is experimental fact that magnetic field can be observed around current carrying wires by a simple compass. Electric current is flow of charged particles. Flow is some arranged motion of those particles.

  • #8
hasan_researc said:

As ehild said, people did/do experiments with moving charges and they can detect a magnetic field, once the charges stop moving the magnetic field disappears (in their frame). These same people can create formulas that explain the experiments nicely, but they probably can't tell you "why" it happens. My book used the Biot-Savart law–Savart_law when they introduced the concept.

A more thorough "why" other than quoting experiments is probably what QED is trying to (or already has) accomplished. If you're in a lower level physics course that asked the question then they are probably just looking for the answer of "because there is a changing electric field". This is more accurate than saying the "because a charge is moving (changing)", because you'll learn later that an electromagnetic field can exist independent of charges; a changing electric field induces a magnetic field which in turn induces an electric field, all without a charge present.

"Why does a moving charge act as a source of magnetic field?" Think of it like this, a moving charge isn't the source of the magnetic field. A charge is the source of an electric field, moving this charge causes this electric field to move, or "change", and it is this changing electric field alone that induces a magnetic field.
  • #9
You don't need "quantum electrodynamics", just "Maxwell's equations" or, even more specifically, the "Ampere's circuit law" equation ( with no current), one of the four "Maxwell's equations" that govern the relationship between electric and magnetic fields (being, together, the "electro-magnetic field"):

[tex]\nabla\times \vec{B}= \mu_0\nu_0\frac{\partial \vec{E}}{\partial t}[/tex]
Where [itex]\vec{B}[/itex] is the magnetic vector field, [itex]\vec{E}[/itex] is the electric vector field, [itex]\mu_0[/itex] is the "permeability of free space", and [itex]\nu_0[/itex] is the "permittivity of free space", both universal constants.

When a charge is static, it has a constant electric field and so its time derivative is 0- 0 magnetic field. When a charge is moving, its electric field moves with it so it has a changing electric field. The derivative is non-zero so the magnetic field is non-zero.
  • #10
Suppose I have a long current-carrying wire, we know that there is a magnetic field around the wire. But, there is no electric field around the wire (because, the wire is neutral).

How would Maxwell's equations explain this?
  • #11
The Maxwell equation in vacuum HallsofIvy cited is in its full form :

\nabla\times \vec{B}= \mu_0 \epsilon_0\frac{\partial \vec{E}}{\partial t}+\mu_0 \vec j

where E is electric field, μ0 is the magnetic permeability of the free space, ε0 is the permittivity of free space, and j is the vector of the external electric current density. So this equation includes the magnetic field caused both by the time- dependent electric field and the external currents.

  • #12
Yes, but the question was why, "why does a current produce a magnetic field" ?
  • #13
graphene said:
Yes, but the question was why, "why does a current produce a magnetic field" ?

Because charges have an E-field associated with them and special relativity works. The derivation is fairly long, but the gist of it is that if you allow the E and B fields to be local properties, and you accept the postulates of relativity, carrying out the appropriate Lorentz Transformations tells you how the E and B fields transform.

The full transform, is as follows, from page 213 in the book I previously cited:

We give below the full list of transformations. All primed quantities are measured in the frame F', which is moving the positive x direction with speed v as seen from F. Unprimed quantities are the numbers which are the results of measurements in F. As usual, [tex]\beta[/tex] stands for [tex]\tfrac{v}{c}[/tex] and [tex]\gamma[/tex] for [tex]\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\beta ^2}}[/tex]

[tex]E'_y=\gamma (E_y - \beta B_z)[/tex]
[tex]E'_z=\gamma (E_z + \beta B_y)[/tex]

[tex]B'_y=\gamma (B_y + \beta E_z)[/tex]
[tex]B'_z=\gamma (B_z - \beta E_y)[/tex]

Note that these transformations are given in Gaussian CGS units, for the SI variety, just multiply and divide by c where necessary so that the units fit.
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  • #14
"why does a current produce a magnetic field" ?

What else could product magnetic field?

Why does a charge produce electric field? Why do objects with mass attract each other? It is the nature of the magnetic field that it exist around any kind of electric current. It can be conduction current flowing in a wire or displacement current caused by moving charges in the atoms or molecules, and even a changing electric field. We do not know why does it exist but we can observe it. The magnetism in materials is accounted for the angular momentum of the electrons (moving charges, again) and for spin, kind of angular momentum again.


FAQ: Moving charges and magnetic field

1. What is the relationship between moving charges and magnetic field?

The movement of charged particles creates a magnetic field around them. This is known as the magnetic field produced by a moving charge or current.

2. How does the direction of the magnetic field relate to the direction of the moving charges?

The direction of the magnetic field is perpendicular to the direction of the moving charges. This means that if the charges are moving in a straight line, the magnetic field will form circles around the path of the charges.

3. What is the formula for calculating the magnetic field produced by a moving charge?

The formula for calculating the magnetic field produced by a moving charge is B = µ0qv/2πr, where B is the magnetic field, µ0 is the permeability of free space, q is the charge of the particle, v is the velocity of the particle, and r is the distance from the particle to the point where the magnetic field is being measured.

4. How does the strength of the magnetic field change with distance from a moving charge?

The strength of the magnetic field decreases as the distance from the moving charge increases. This is because the magnetic field follows an inverse square law, meaning that the strength of the field is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source.

5. Can moving charges and magnetic fields affect each other?

Yes, moving charges and magnetic fields can affect each other. When a moving charge passes through a magnetic field, it experiences a force known as the Lorentz force. Similarly, a changing magnetic field can induce a current in a nearby conductor, known as electromagnetic induction.

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