Number of stars within 150 light years of us?

In summary, the estimated number of stars within 150 light years of Earth is approximately 5900, with around 840 being visible to the naked eye under good conditions. However, this number may be higher due to the increasing detection of 'Black' and 'Brown' dwarf stars through infrared or Doppler surveys. The true number may be closer to 8500, but this only accounts for stars detectable with current technology.
  • #1
I would like to know how many stars are within 150 light years of Earth. There must be a website somewhere that has the number, or perhaps a graph correlating distance with number of stars.

I've done some searching, but you folks are much smarter than I am.

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  • #2
Approximately 5900 stars. Of which, ~840 are naked-eye visible under good viewing conditions.
  • #3
  • #4
Does the 5900 estimate allow for the increasing numbers of 'Black' and 'Brown' dwarf stars being found in our neighbourhood by infrared or Doppler surveys ?? I know the mass function is a bit tricky when 'T' types are so hard to find, yet apparently so plentiful...
  • #5
5900 is probably on the low side, I think the actual figure is around 8500. Of course these numbers only reflect stars detectable using current technology.

FAQ: Number of stars within 150 light years of us?

What is the significance of the number of stars within 150 light years of us?

The number of stars within 150 light years of us is significant because it gives us an idea of the amount of stars that are relatively close to our own solar system. This can help us understand the dynamics of our galaxy and the distribution of stars within it.

How do scientists determine the number of stars within 150 light years of us?

Scientists use telescopes and other instruments to observe and measure the positions and distances of stars within 150 light years of us. They then use mathematical models and statistical methods to estimate the total number of stars in this region.

What is the estimated number of stars within 150 light years of us?

The estimated number of stars within 150 light years of us is approximately 5 million. However, this number is constantly changing as new stars are being discovered and our technology improves.

Is there a specific pattern or distribution of stars within 150 light years of us?

Yes, scientists have observed that the stars within 150 light years of us are not evenly distributed. Instead, they tend to cluster together in groups or clusters, with some regions having a higher concentration of stars than others.

What can the number of stars within 150 light years of us tell us about the universe?

The number of stars within 150 light years of us can give us insight into the overall size and structure of our galaxy. It can also help us understand the formation and evolution of stars and how they interact with each other, which can provide valuable information about the universe as a whole.

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