Novel way for interstellar travel

In summary: It's a purely engineering exercise.In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of constructing a ring made of steel or carbon nanotubes around the sun, with a diameter of 2*10^9 meters. The purpose of this ring would be to attach a solar sail and use the sun's energy to propel the sail at high speeds, potentially reaching 1/10th the speed of light. However, there are many challenges and concerns with this idea, such as the immense amount of material needed, the construction process, and the limitations of solar pressure at far distances from the sun.
  • #1
Suppose there was a ring of some material (steel? future carbon nano tubes?) around the sun. The ring would have a diameter of 2*10^9th meters. If a solar sail were placed attached to the ring with the reflector at a 45 degree angle) then the solar sails velocity would only be limited by the strength of the material (ability to handle the accelearation and for the ring to stay connected). Still, I calculate that even with the centrifugal force of 10^6 (the same acceleration experienced by a bullet) this would net a velocity of 1/10th the speed of light. So it could take about 40 years to reach the nearest star. The benefit of this means of gaining velocity is that all your energy would be provided by the sun free of would just take time for the solar sail to reach that speed. The total circumference of the ring would be equivalent to 25X the circumference of the earth...and you wouldn't need it to do anything more than hold together until the sail detached. Any thoughts?
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  • #2
It wouldn't hold together; it wouldn't hold together even if it wasn't accelerated.

Among other problems it would be unstable wrt the sun - read any review of the scientific problems with "Ringworld".

Also have you calculated how long it would take to accelerate up to .1c? What is the mass of your ring?

You should attempt some calculations and see what you get.
  • #3
Thank you... and just to be clear, I am not looking to accelerate the ring, only the solar sail. the solar sail would accelerate around the ring. Perhaps to reduce friction the ring could be magnetized and the sail sit off the ring via magnetic repulsion. But maybe a ring attached around the moon for solar system travel would be better/more realistic.
  • #4
Also, as you pointed out, I found the mass of the ring would be considerable if made out of steel. If 1 cubic meter of steel was needed then it would require an equivalent of 100,000 world trade centers in mass for the ring. If the ring need only be 10 cm^2 and 1meter long then it would still need 1000 world trade centers in mass.
  • #5
You would need about 12,250 kg of oxygen, 14500 kg of water and 13250 kg of food per person for a 40 year journey. That totals about 40 metric tons of basic survival supplies per person. It going to be one big ship.
  • #6
udtsith said:
Suppose there was a ring of some material (steel? future carbon nano tubes?) around the sun. The ring would have a diameter of 2*10^9th meters. If a solar sail were placed attached to the ring with the reflector at a 45 degree angle) then the solar sails velocity would only be limited by the strength of the material (ability to handle the accelearation and for the ring to stay connected). Still, I calculate that even with the centrifugal force of 10^6 (the same acceleration experienced by a bullet) this would net a velocity of 1/10th the speed of light. So it could take about 40 years to reach the nearest star. The benefit of this means of gaining velocity is that all your energy would be provided by the sun free of would just take time for the solar sail to reach that speed. The total circumference of the ring would be equivalent to 25X the circumference of the earth...and you wouldn't need it to do anything more than hold together until the sail detached. Any thoughts?
There are quite a few problems with this scenario, and with the OP.

One proposes to construct a ring with a diameter larger than the sun. Then attach a sail - ostensibly larger than the sun. Where would one propose to collect that amount of material in the solar system.

The "centrifugal force of 10^6" is missing units, and it's not clear how it applies to the sail, or from where such a number is derived.

Checking some numbers - - the Earth's equatorial circumference is about 4 E7 m, and 25x that is 1 E9 m, which is about half the diameter of the proposed ring.

How long would it take to construct such an immense structure? To what would it be tethered during contruction?

As the solar sail moves away from the sun, the solid angle subtended by the sun decreases. The pressure from the solar light falls off ~ 1/d2. Out past Jupiter, the sun looks pretty small, and that's not very far compard to the edge of the solar system.

Finally, this is not astrophysics.

FAQ: Novel way for interstellar travel

What is interstellar travel?

Interstellar travel is the concept of traveling between stars within a galaxy. This is different from interplanetary travel, which is traveling between planets within a solar system.

Why is interstellar travel important?

Interstellar travel opens up the possibility for humans to explore and potentially colonize other planets and systems. It also allows for the study of other worlds and potentially finding extraterrestrial life.

What are the current methods of interstellar travel?

Currently, the most feasible method for interstellar travel is using spacecraft powered by chemical or nuclear propulsion. However, these methods are limited in speed and distance, making them impractical for long-distance interstellar travel.

What is a novel way for interstellar travel?

A novel way for interstellar travel refers to any new or innovative method that has been proposed or is currently being researched. This could include using advanced propulsion systems such as fusion or antimatter engines, or utilizing concepts like wormholes or warp drive.

What are some challenges of interstellar travel?

One of the main challenges of interstellar travel is the vast distances involved. Even with advanced propulsion systems, it would take many years to travel to another star. Another challenge is the potential hazards of space, such as radiation and debris, which could damage spacecraft and harm astronauts.

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