Can Electromagnetic Frequencies Affect Molecule Resonance and Breakdown?

  • Thread starter JKQandA
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In summary, the conversation discusses the effects of using an electromagnetic source with a frequency of 20,000F on a saline solution containing molecule A and B. The expert summarizer explains that at this frequency, there would be no resonance effect and the practicalities change enormously. The analogy of jerking someone at different frequencies is used to illustrate this concept. Additionally, the expert questions the practicality of using this frequency on seawater and suggests that the process would take significantly longer at this frequency.
  • #1
If I had a saline solution of molecule A and B which when targetd by an electromagnetic source of frequncy F, proceeded to break apart molecule A by resonating molecule B. What would happen if the electromgnatic source was 20,000F? (All solutions welcome...particularly mathematical ones!)
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  • #2
Absolutely nothing. You'd be at the wrong frequency.
  • #3
MagnetDave said:
Absolutely nothing. You'd be at the wrong frequency.

Even though it would still be a harmonic (although very high harmonic) of the previous wave?
  • #4
MagnetDave said:
Absolutely nothing. You'd be at the wrong frequency.

Can you actually prove your statement or are you just geussing?
  • #5
Given that you have asked such a broad question, one can hardly "prove" anything. However, let's just think through the question, shall we?

We are getting some kind of resonant effect at frequency f. Let's suppose it's a dielectric effect (given what you're described, that seems most appropriate). This means something in molecules A and B is polarizing in response to the oncoming wave and happens to have a natural response time that constructively interferes with the stimulating wave. All good so far?

So how does this natural response time arise? Did Zeus come down from Olympus with a lightning bolt and deem this molecule to have a response frequency of 10Hz? No, there is a physical reason for it. Let's suppose the mechanism is "polar bond reorientation." It responds with a given frequency because the bond has an associated charge q and has to move an associated mass m. Bust out your Newton's second law, and your Lorentz force equation, you an idea how much polarization you expect form the wave. Figured out what the mobility of charge is, and Bob's your auntie.

Now, imagine you double the frequency of the wave: Rather than toss your polarization perfectly from one extreme to another, you are catching halfway, slamming the brakes, and reversing course. Is there a resonance effect here? No. In fact, what you see is that in fairly short order (less than a decade) you see the resonance die out and the effect that you were observing utterly disappear. This is because you are applying the energy to the material faster than it can respond. There's a nice schematic curve of the concept here:

So, you are observing some dielectric effect, and then you want to shift the frequency FIVE decades away. Imagine you have a friend by the arm, and you start jerking him back and forth at 1Hz, slinging him annoyingly about the place. Then, you start jerking him 20,000 times faster with the exact same force. At best, your are going to give him a hell of an Indian burn - you're certainly not going to turn him into chunky salsa. Granted, the analogy is sloppy but the effect holds.

Think of it a different way: Let's suppose you have green light. If you go to 20,000f of green light, you are putting yourself in the region between x-rays and gamma rays. Or, if you go from green DOWN to 1/20000f, you are into radio waves. Do you really expect to see some commonality of effects here? 20000f is a HUGE shift in the electromagnetic spectrum, and the practicalities change enormously.

If it's a resonant cavity effect, where you are just reflecting frequency back and forth, I can just tell you from an engineering perspective, that doesn't work either. At the 20,000th mode, you have too many other effects in the system causing loss and noise - resonance doesn't matter then. Practically speaking, if you get more than about 8-10 modes out of a cavity, you're doing pretty well.

Now, let me ask you: What saline solution are you proposing to do this on?
  • #6
MagnetDave said:
Now, let me ask you: What saline solution are you proposing to do this on?

Regular Saltwater more specifically seawater.
  • #7
MagnetDave said:
Think of it a different way: Let's suppose you have green light. If you go to 20,000f of green light, you are putting yourself in the region between x-rays and gamma rays. Or, if you go from green DOWN to 1/20000f, you are into radio waves. Do you really expect to see some commonality of effects here? 20000f is a HUGE shift in the electromagnetic spectrum, and the practicalities change enormously.

Absolutley. Given no other external electromagnetic sources are interfering.
  • #8
Would'nt the process just take 20,000 times longer than usual. If at frequency F it took a second, then how about at frequency 20,000 F it could take two weeks?

FAQ: Can Electromagnetic Frequencies Affect Molecule Resonance and Breakdown?

1. What is basic frequency question?

Basic frequency question refers to a type of question that asks about the frequency or occurrence of a certain event or behavior. It is commonly used in research studies to gather quantitative data.

2. How is basic frequency question different from other types of questions?

Basic frequency question is typically used to gather quantitative data, while other types of questions, such as open-ended or Likert scale questions, are used to gather qualitative data. Basic frequency questions focus on the frequency or occurrence of a behavior, while other types of questions may focus on attitudes, opinions, or experiences.

3. What are some examples of basic frequency questions?

Examples of basic frequency questions include "How often do you exercise per week?", "How many times have you visited the doctor in the past year?", or "How many hours do you spend on social media per day?" These questions ask about the frequency of a specific behavior or event.

4. How are basic frequency questions useful in research?

Basic frequency questions are useful in research because they provide quantitative data that can be analyzed and used to identify patterns or trends. They also allow for comparisons between different groups or populations.

5. Are there any limitations to using basic frequency questions?

Yes, there are some limitations to using basic frequency questions. They may not capture the full complexity of a behavior or event, and they may be subject to recall bias or social desirability bias. It is important to carefully design and word basic frequency questions in order to minimize these limitations.
