Is organic produce really organic?

  • Thread starter wasteofo2
  • Start date
In summary, crops are grown using inorganic fertilizers, but organic farmers use organic fertilizers made from natural sources.
  • #1
I'm sure most everyone here's seen produce which is advertised as being "Organically Grown", yet (unless I'm horibly mistaken), the only materials plants intake from the soil are inorganic.

Sure the claim of only being nourished organically might work with meat or mushrooms, but as far as I can see, not plants.

So, are they just blatently lying to make their produce seem more attractive or am I missing something?
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  • #2
I believe they are only referenencing the fact that pesticides, ect.. are not being used.

  • #3
Depending on the culture, animal or plants, it referes to the way its grown. The techniques employed are based on a guided lines. For plants, no synthetic fertilizer or pesticides is used. Natural pesticide or biological control agent can be used. The best example is Bt (bacterial incesticide), parasitoid, viruses, bacteria and fungi. The also agricultural techniques that prevent pest infestation. For animals, growth hormone, antibiotic as feed and animal flour as feed cannot be used.

Organics only referes to the old fashion way of agriculture with modern tools.
  • #4
But any sort of fertilizer used would have to be inorganic, regardless of if it's synthesized or not...
  • #5
Originally posted by wasteofo2
But any sort of fertilizer used would have to be inorganic, regardless of if it's synthesized or not...

It is accordin to its source. Cow produce fertilizer. We can also produce fertilizer out of tin air (i.e. nitrogen).

Organic farm will use bovine and porcine manuor (spellling) as a fertilizer whereas the normal farmer use synthesised nitrogen, phosphourous and potassium.

The bottom line is everything is inorganic but that is not it is why it is called organic food.
  • #6
Originally posted by iansmith
It is accordin to its source. Cow produce fertilizer. We can also produce fertilizer out of tin air (i.e. nitrogen).

Organic farm will use bovine and porcine manuor (spellling) as a fertilizer whereas the normal farmer use synthesised nitrogen, phosphourous and potassium.

The bottom line is everything is inorganic but that is not it is why it is called organic food.

But aside from any undigested food in feces, it's all inorganic. And any undigested organic matter in feces would be useless to the plant until it was decomposed.

I hate people who claim to grow organic produce, lying filthy bastards...
  • #7
Waste, maybe you should give your definition of organic, and tell us why you don't think feces are organic.
  • #8
Originally posted by wasteofo2
yet (unless I'm horibly mistaken), the only materials plants intake from the soil are inorganic.

Turns out I was horribly mistaken, just found out that mistletoe and dodder plants are both auto and heterotrophic. Though I don't think any plants that are grown on farms have this quality.
  • #9
Originally posted by selfAdjoint
Waste, maybe you should give your definition of organic, and tell us why you don't think feces are organic.
I'll check on this tommorow, but I always was taught that feces was the inorganic byproduct of digestion. I also have been taught that a substance is deemed organic or inorganic due to whether or not it has a carbon/hydrogen bond, though it may be some other kind of bond, I don't quite remember.

FAQ: Is organic produce really organic?

1. What is the difference between organically grown produce and conventionally grown produce?

Organically grown produce is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers. It also does not involve the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Conventionally grown produce, on the other hand, uses synthetic chemicals and may involve the use of GMOs.

2. Is organically grown produce healthier than conventionally grown produce?

There is currently no scientific evidence to support that organically grown produce is more nutritious than conventionally grown produce. However, organic produce is less likely to contain harmful chemicals, making it a safer option for consumers.

3. How can I tell if produce is organically grown?

Organically grown produce is typically labeled with a USDA organic seal. This means that the produce has been certified by the United States Department of Agriculture as meeting organic standards. You can also look for the words "certified organic" on the label.

4. Is organic farming better for the environment?

Organic farming practices focus on maintaining soil health and biodiversity, which can have positive impacts on the environment. It also reduces the use of synthetic chemicals that can harm ecosystems. However, organic farming may require more land and resources, so it is not necessarily always better for the environment.

5. Why is organically grown produce more expensive?

Organic farming methods often require more labor and resources than conventional farming, which can drive up the cost of production. Additionally, there is a higher demand for organic produce, leading to higher prices in the market. However, some argue that the true cost of conventionally grown produce is not reflected in its price, as it may have negative impacts on the environment and human health that are not accounted for.

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