Involuntary physical experience of a cross-modal association

In summary, synesthesia is the involuntary physical experience of a cross-modal association, whereby stimulation of one sensory modality reliably causes a perception in one or more different senses. The phenomenon appears to be most common in letters and numbers, but can also be found in other domains, such as colors and shapes. The neural basis of synesthesia is still unknown, but may involve cross-activation of brain regions associated with each of the senses. Although synesthesia is commonly accepted, there is still much to learn about it, and research is ongoing to better understand the implications of synesthesia regarding the primacy of emotion, the rejection of direct experience, and future issues for research.
  • #1
ABSTRACT: Synesthesia (Greek, syn = together + aisthesis = perception) is the involuntary physical experience of a cross-modal association. That is, the stimulation of one sensory modality reliably causes a perception in one or more different senses.

1. Introduction
2. General Features
3. History Of Synesthesia
4. Clinical Diagnosis
5. Lack Of Obvious Agreement
6. Neural Basis
7. Form Constants
8. The Implications Of Synesthesia Regarding The Primacy Of Emotion
9. The Rejection Of Direct Experience
10. Future Issues For Research

for me,
A is red
C is yellow
J is green
L is purple/lilac
S is pink
G is rust
T is orange
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  • #2
When did you first realize that 'A is red' for you, but not everyone (anyone?) else?

Is it only letters+colours for you?
  • #3
I've asked other people if they associate colors for letters and what those would be. I just figured everyone would have different colors, not sure at what age, but I remember thinking about it as a child.

Under general features:2.8 Not only do most synesthetes contend that their memories are excellent, but cite their parallel sensations as the cause, saying for example, "I know it's 2 because it's white." Conversation, prose passages, movie dialogue, and verbal instructions are typical subjects of detailed recall. The spatial location of objects is also strikingly remembered, such as the precise location of kitchen utensils, furniture arrangements and floor plans, books on shelves, or text blocks in a specific book. Perhaps related to this observation is a tendency to prefer order, neatness, symmetry, and balance. Work cannot commence until the desk is arranged just so, or everything in the kitchen is put away in its proper place. Synesthetes perform in the superior range of the Wechsler Memory Scale.

This and especially the last part about neatness is true for me.
  • #5
Funny, for me it's numbers. I associate the number 4 (and squares) with the color blue. The number 3 (and equilateral triangles) are red, etc. The color associations are not really strong, but even as a young child, I associated numbers with regular shapes in plane geometry (eventually, my favorite course in HS).
  • #6
I smell shapes, from grape squares and lemon triangles, to patchouli swirls. It wasen't until zoob started a thread on this subject that I really had to {admit} look closely at myself.
  • #7
Here is another thread on this topic with more case studies presented: find it interesting that looking at the limited information presented, there is no pattern that different people associate colors, shapes, numbers the same way. Has anyone conducted research on comparative experiences of those with synesthesia ?

FAQ: Involuntary physical experience of a cross-modal association

1. What is an involuntary physical experience of a cross-modal association?

An involuntary physical experience of a cross-modal association refers to the phenomenon where a sensory stimulus in one modality (such as sound) triggers a physical sensation in another modality (such as touch). This can occur without any conscious intention or effort from the individual.

2. How does cross-modal association occur in the brain?

Cross-modal association is thought to occur in the brain through the process of neural plasticity, where the brain is able to reorganize and adapt to new sensory inputs. This allows for the formation of connections between different sensory areas, leading to the experience of cross-modal associations.

3. Are there any benefits to experiencing cross-modal associations?

Some research suggests that experiencing cross-modal associations can enhance cognitive and perceptual abilities, as well as improve memory and learning. However, more studies are needed to fully understand the potential benefits of this phenomenon.

4. Can cross-modal associations be learned or trained?

Yes, studies have shown that cross-modal associations can be learned and trained through various techniques such as sensory substitution or sensory integration training. However, the extent to which individuals can control or manipulate their cross-modal associations is still being studied.

5. Are there any conditions or disorders associated with cross-modal associations?

There is some evidence that individuals with synesthesia, a neurological condition where individuals experience a blending of senses, may also experience cross-modal associations. Additionally, certain neurological disorders such as autism and schizophrenia have also been linked to altered cross-modal associations. However, more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between these conditions and cross-modal associations.

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