Height and Pressure Relating the Two

In summary: The water level will rise as long as the rocks are dropping. The height of the water in the bucket will be the height of the hole in the bottom of the bucket multiplied by the rate of rock fall. It's a bit more complicated than that, but that's the gist.In summary, a cylindrical bucket, open at the top, is 24.0cm high and 15.0cm in diameter. A circular hole with a cross-sectional area 1.86cm^2 is cut in the center of the bottom of the bucket. Water flows into the bucket from a tube above it at the rate of 2.63×10−4 m^3/s.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A cylindrical bucket, open at the top, is 24.0cm high and 15.0cm in diameter. A circular hole with a cross-sectional area 1.86cm^2 is cut in the center of the bottom of the bucket. Water flows into the bucket from a tube above it at the rate of 2.63×10−4 m^3/s

-Not sure how to begin please, anyone could provide me a hint, guidelines, a starting point thank you :)
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  • #2
What is the question ?
  • #3
Very soory the question was;

How high will the water in the bucket rise?
  • #4
From what I know the units of the flow of water out has m^3/s i think i know this

Av=constant in our case Av=2.63E-4 m^3/s
  • #5
Welcome to PF!

kurosaki_ichi said:
A cylindrical bucket, open at the top, is 24.0cm high and 15.0cm in diameter. A circular hole with a cross-sectional area 1.86cm^2 is cut in the center of the bottom of the bucket. Water flows into the bucket from a tube above it at the rate of 2.63×10−4 m^3/s

-Not sure how to begin please, anyone could provide me a hint, guidelines, a starting point thank you :)

Hi kurosaki_ichi! Welcome to PF! :smile:

Hint: the water level will reach equilibrium when the flow out of the bottom equals the flow in …

so start with …

what is the pressure at the bottom when the height is h? :wink:
  • #6
You need to calculate the rate the water flows out of the bucket - which depends on the height of the water (ie the pressure) and the size of the hole.

Have you done Bernouilli's equation?
  • #7
? I kinda have done berunillis equation, so do i use berunillis equation to cacuuluter pressure? or p=pa + rohgh?
help someone please, still lst lol
  • #8
kurosaki_ichi said:
? I kinda have done berunillis equation, so do i use berunillis equation to cacuuluter pressure? or p=pa + rohgh?
help someone please, still lst lol

(have a rho: ρ … and it's Bernoulli's equation :wink:)

Yes, they're the same thing in this case: p = pa + ρgh :smile:
  • #9
So if am right here am guessing i must:

pressure=Patomostpher density*g*h

so patm is 1.00 atm

density of water=1000kg/m^3


height of water colum is the heigh of my cylinder? 24.0cm high

are those my given values?
  • #10
kurosaki_ichi said:
So if am right here am guessing i must:

pressure=Patomostpher density*g*h

so patm is 1.00 atm

density of water=1000kg/m^3


height of water colum is the heigh of my cylinder? 24.0cm high

are those my given values?

Yup! :biggrin:

(but you won't need the value of atmospheric pressure, since it'll be the same on both sides of the equation :wink:)
  • #11
THank you so much for ur help i will now try and attempt the problem furthiermore i am grateful i will ask if i need any more help :) much thankz
  • #12
Another way to calculate the rate of flow out is to use conservation of energy.
A particle of water will flow out of the bottom of the bucket with a kinetic energy equal to the potential energy if it dropped from the surface of the water
( - it's just another way of stating Bernouilli's law - but is simpler to understand)
  • #13
I got my pressure to be 103.677 kPa now am not sure what to do? do i know use the continuty equation a1v1=a2v2?
  • #14
how can I work with it using conservation of energy if am not given a entry speed or flowing out speed?
  • #15
You need to relate the water pressure at the hole to the flow speed, you can do this with Bernouilli's equation or as I suggested.

Imagine a drop of water (mass m) in the bucket at the surface, it has a potential energy =mgh, if all this energy goes into kinetic energy as it flows out (=mv^2) then you have the speed of the drop of water flowing out.

You don't need the input speed if it's a bucket - you assume the water stops when it is poured in (this is the same as saying there is no water pressure pushing down on the surface form the input flow).

Now you have the output flow speed, and the hole area you can easily work out a volume output flow rate.
  • #16
So your telling me i should do it as Ea=Eb with potential energy at the top and kinetic energy at the bottom, can't i use the continuity equation i used it to solve for V2 i have pressure i just don't know how to relate evreything togethor i have my pressure solved also how does h play a part? is it mgh=1/2mv^2?
  • #17
Yes - all you need to find the flow rate (m^3/s) out of the bucket.
That depends on the area of the hole and the speed of the water coming out - you can get this from Bernouilli's equation and the pressure difference across the hole.

A simpler method (IMHO) is to image you were dropping small rocks from a distance 'h' above the bottom of the bucket through a hole in the bottom of the bucket. It's very easy to work out the speed they are going at the bottom of the bucket - right?

Now instead of rocks just picture a drop of water it starts at the surface of the water ( a distance 'h' ) from the bottom of the bucket and ends up going out of the hole with a certain speed - it's exactly the same as the rock.
  • #18
serisouly confused :S...lost please help
  • #19
Ok - back to the start ;-)
You have a bucket of known volume with a known flow rate in.
To find how the water height changes with time you need to also know the flow rate out.

To get the flow rate out - you need to know the speed of the water flowing out.
The easiest way to do this is just conservation of energy.
This will give you an equation for the speed of the water out of the hole only depending on the water height

pe = ke = mgh = 1/2m v^2
  • #20

okay mass cancels out

so i have g=9.8m/s^2

h=0.24 m

using the above equation i get 1.08m/s^2

so ineed the flow rate i multiply it by the area? the cross sectional area? correct
  • #21
kurosaki_ichi said:

okay mass cancels out

so i have g=9.8m/s^2

h=0.24 m

using the above equation i get 1.08m/s^2

so ineed the flow rate i multiply it by the area? the cross sectional area? correct

But you don't know that 'h=0.24' is the height of the water, that's just the top of the bucket.
You need to write an equation for the output rate of flow in terms of 'h'

The rate the water flows out varies with 'h' so since you know the rate it flows in - there will be some 'h' where the two are equal, that is the maximum height the water can reach.
  • #22
I think i got the answer my final answer heigh of water colum was 10.2 cm

i solved for vb then i found the cross sectional area of the bucket, then applied burnilles equation and solved to get 10.2 cm for height hope that is correct.

FAQ: Height and Pressure Relating the Two

What is the relationship between height and pressure?

The relationship between height and pressure is known as the atmospheric pressure gradient. As altitude increases, the air becomes less dense, causing a decrease in pressure. This is due to the weight of the air above pushing down on the air below.

How does temperature affect the relationship between height and pressure?

Temperature also plays a role in the relationship between height and pressure. As temperature increases, the air molecules become more energetic and spread out, resulting in a decrease in pressure. This means that at higher temperatures, the atmospheric pressure gradient will decrease at a faster rate with increasing altitude.

What instruments are used to measure height and pressure?

In order to accurately measure height and pressure, scientists use instruments such as barometers and altimeters. Barometers measure atmospheric pressure, while altimeters measure altitude based on the change in pressure with height.

How does air pressure affect weather patterns?

Air pressure plays a crucial role in creating and influencing weather patterns. High pressure systems are associated with clear and dry weather, while low pressure systems are associated with cloudy and potentially stormy weather. Changes in air pressure can also lead to changes in wind patterns and temperature.

How is pressure affected by elevation in different locations?

The relationship between height and pressure varies depending on the location. Generally, as elevation increases, the atmospheric pressure gradient decreases at a similar rate. However, factors such as climate, wind patterns, and nearby geographical features can also impact the relationship between height and pressure in different locations.
